WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (2024)

Last updated on Feb 28, 2021 at 15:06by Seksixeny13 comments

On this page, you will find our Level by Level Enhancement Shaman leveling guide for WoW Classic.Make sure to use the slider to make the guide adapt to your level. For more generalleveling information, please refer to our Shaman levelingguide. We also have an Elemental Shamanleveling guide and a Restoration Shamanleveling guide.

If you were looking for TBC Classic advice, please refer to ourTBC Classic Enhancement Shaman leveling guide.


Level by Level Talents, Rotation, and Trainer Skills

Move the slider below to make the guide update to your level!

Level: 60


Leveling Talent Tree & Build

Your first talent unlocks at Level 10.

WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (1)

Enhancement Shaman Talents Level 10 to 19

WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (2)

Enhancement Shaman Talents Level 20 to 29

WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (3)

Enhancement Shaman Talents Level 30 to 39

WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (4)

Enhancement Shaman Talents Level 40 to 49

WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (5)

Enhancement Shaman Talents Level 50 to 60

  1. Levels 10 to 14 — 5 points in WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (6) Shield Specialization
  2. Levels 15 to 19 — 5 points in WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (7) Thundering Strikes

WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (8) Shield Specialization is greatearly on, as you are likely to be using a 1H + Shield setup until you get WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (9) Two-Handed Axes and Maces.It is also the best talent for tanking in dungeons, which you can do very well withWoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (10) Rockbiter Weapon's extra threat, or when dealing with elites / high levelenemies. WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (11) Thundering Strikes is a good damage increase and is required forWoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (12) Flurry later on.

  1. Level 20 — 1 point in WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (13) Two-Handed Axes and Maces
  2. Levels 21 to 23 — 3 points in WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (14) Improved Lightning Shield
  3. Level 24 — 1 point in WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (15) Anticipation
  4. Levels 25 to 29 — 5 points in WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (16) Flurry

WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (17) Two-Handed Axes and Maces allows to useimportant leveling weapons such as WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (18) Ravager from Scarlet Monastery: Armory.WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (19) Improved Lightning Shield is a decent damage increase, WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (20) Anticipationis preferable to WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (21) Improved Ghost Wolf because it will reduce your damagetaken during combat, thus gaining you more time in the long run than casting WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (22) Ghost Wolfone second faster. Finally, WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (23) Flurry is a great damage increase withsynergy with WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (24) Thundering Strikes.

  1. Level 30 — 1 point in WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (25) Parry
  2. Levels 31 to 33 — 3 points in WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (26) Elemental Weapons
  3. Level 34 — 1 point in WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (27) Anticipation
  4. Levels 35 to 39 — 5 points in WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (28) Weapon Mastery

WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (29) Parry is an amazing survivabilityincrease, as it will give you almost 5% parry with a single talent, and parry isa superior stat to dodge because it makes your next-auto attack faster when it happens.WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (30) Elemental Weapons is a good damage increase, the second point into WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (31) Anticipationimproves your survivability further and maximizing WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (32) Weapon Mastery providesa great damage increase with your melee attacks.

  1. Level 40 — 1 point in WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (33) Stormstrike
  2. Levels 41 to 45 — 5 point in WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (34) Improved Healing Wave
  3. Levels 46 & 47 — 2 points in WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (35) Improved Reincarnation
  4. Levels 48 & 49 — 2 points in WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (36) Totemic Focus

WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (37) Stormstrike will be your main attackfrom here on and a nice damage increase, although it has a long 20 second cooldown.WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (38) Improved Healing Wave allows you to heal faster with your efficient WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (39) Healing Wavewhen needed, WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (40) Improved Reincarnation provides a better cushion from WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (41) Reincarnationfor when things go terribly wrong. Finally, get two points into WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (42) Totemic Focusto increase your Mana efficiency.

  1. Level 50 — 1 point in WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (43) Totemic Focus
  2. Levels 51 to 53 — 3 point in WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (44) Nature's Guidance
  3. Levels 54 & 55 — 2 points in WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (45) Enhancing Totems
  4. Levels 56 to 58 — 3 point in WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (46) Anticipation
  5. Levels 59 & 60 — 2 points in WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (47) Improved Weapon Totems

Get one more point into WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (48) Totemic Focusand proceed to the main reason why we went down the Restoration tree, WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (49) Nature's Guidance.This talent is a great damage increase as it provides hit for both melee and spellattacks. Maximize WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (50) Enhancing Totems, as the extra stats from WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (51) Strength of Earth Totemand WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (52) Grace of Air Totem will come in handy against tough mobs and while farmingdungeons for end game gear. Three points into WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (53) Anticipation will furtherimprove your toughness while dungeon tanking and out in the world. Finally, getWoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (54) Improved Weapon Totems to make yourself the ultimate melee Shaman supportjust in time for a raid invite!

Your talents should roughly look like this, but keepin mind there are plenty of individual points that can be swapped around basedon preference. For example, WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (55) Enhancing Totems and WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (56) Improved Weapon Totemswill be great if you are leveling in a group, and if you never, ever intend onusing a shield, you should get WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (57) Ancestral Knowledge instead of WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (58) Shield Specialization.


Leveling Rotation

WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (59) Earthbind Totem kiting can help you avoida lot of damage. Simply drop WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (60) Earthbind Totem next to an enemy to slow it,then run out of melee range until your swing timeris ready again. Once this happens, return to melee range, hit the mob and runout of melee range again. Rinse and repeat until the enemy is dead.

WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (61) Windfury Weapon is a strong weapon enchantthat can allow you to one shot an enemy out of nowhere, but is generally outclassedby WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (62) Rockbiter Weapon during leveling, which does more overall damage andalso has less potential to waste damage when an enemy is low health.

  1. Make sure to always heal yourself with WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (63) Healing Waveif you are low health after a pull, this will allow you to quickly get back to actionwith minimal downtime, as you will be able to regenerate that Mana until you nextneed to heal again.
  2. Make sure WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (64) Rockbiter Weapon is active onyou at all times, to maximize your potential damage output.
  3. Make sure both WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (65) Rockbiter Weapon and WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (66) Lightning Shieldare active on you at all times, to maximize your potential damage output. RefreshLightning Shield when engaging enemies or immediately after shocking, in order tomess as little as possible with your 5-second rule Mana regeneration.
  4. Drop WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (67) Strength of Earth Totem and WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (68) Searing Totemas your main totems, when grinding in a small space for a prolonged amount of time,in dungeons, or when facing hard enemies.
  5. Drop WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (69) Strength of Earth Totem, WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (70) Healing Stream Totemand WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (71) Searing Totem as your main totems, when grinding in a small space fora prolonged amount of time, in dungeons, or when facing hard enemies.
  6. Drop WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (72) Strength of Earth Totem, WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (73) Healing Stream Totemand WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (74) Searing Totem as your main totems (also WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (75) Windfury Totem whenplaying with Warriors or Rogues),when grinding in a small space for a prolonged amount of time, in dungeons, or whenfacing hard enemies.
  7. Drop WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (76) Strength of Earth Totem, WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (77) Healing Stream Totem ,WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (78) Searing Totem and WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (79) Grace of Air Totem (WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (80) Windfury Totem whenplaying with Warriors or Rogues)as your main totems, when grinding in a small space for a prolonged amount of time,in dungeons or when facing hard enemies.
  8. Use WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (81) Lightning Bolt (rank 1 if Mana is an issue)to initiate combat against mobs placed in dangerous places to body pull.
  9. Use WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (82) Stormstrike whenever possible, forits damage and to increase the damage of your next two WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (83) Earth Shocks.
  10. Use WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (84) Earth Shock whenever possible forextra damage.
  11. Auto-attack the enemy until he dies. This idle timewill allow you to regenerate some Mana, as you will not be casting any more spellsuntil you are pulling the next enemy.


List of Trainer Skills to Buy

WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (85) Windfury Totem and WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (86) Ancestral Spiritshould always be bought if you will ever be playing in a group at all. Wedo not list them down below because, if you are a pure solo player, you will be ableto easily do without them and get your level 40 mount and WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (87) Runecloth Bagsa little bit earlier.


Enhancement Shaman Macros and Addons

By setting yourself up with an upgraded user interface and macros from the getgo, you will make your leveling process much easier. Check out our Enhancement ShamanMacros and Addons guide in the link below for the full list.

Enhancement Shaman Macros and Addons Guide


Enhancement Shaman Quests and Weapons

When leveling, stay alert for weapon upgrades you might encounter, as these willimprove your experience significantly. You will also need to complete various classquests in order to be able to use your totems, WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (147) Windfury Totem. To help youwith both of those pursuits, we have made two dedicated guides.

Shaman weapons guideShaman quests guide


Enhancement Shaman Level 60 Guides for WoW Classic

Now that you are max level, we would recommend you to read our Enhancement Shaman Guide,which covers every detail of maximum level gameplay extensively.

Pay special attention to these pages, as they deal with the most pressing issuesyou will face at level 60:

  • In our Enhancement Shaman Talent builds guideyou will find multiple builds, some focused on being as offensive as possible, othersfocused on being as good of a support as possible, at the cost of your personal DPS;
  • Inside the PvP Shaman guide, you canread on various recommended PvP builds, including an Enhancement focused one. Bestof luck with your WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (148) Windfury Weapon critical strikes!
  • Goldmaking Guide for Enhancement Shamanshas all the information you need in order to farm efficiently as an Enhancement Shamanat maximum level;
  • Our Enhancement Shaman Rotation guideexplains how to use your spells in order to produce maximum damage, and most importantly,how to be the best support you can be to your group at the same time, including someadvanced tips on totem twisting;
  • Check the Enhancement Shaman Stats guideif you require more information on Enhancement Shaman's stat priority and the reasoningbehind each stat's power;
  • Last but not least, our Gear guide for Enhancement Shamanshas all the gear pieces you should look for, some for damage, others for better supportability, and where you can find them at.



  • 28 Feb. 2021: Changed the slider starting point to maximum level.
  • 25 Apr. 2020: Fixed a typo with Lightning Bolt Rank 10 being recommended to buy at the wrong level.
  • 05 Jan. 2020: Added a Macros and Addons section.
  • 23 Sep. 2019: Added a final section with useful links for players who just hit 60.
  • 14 Sep. 2019: Guide added.

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WoW Classic Enhancement Shaman Leveling Guide 1-60 (2024)


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