Learn About the Lovable French Bulldog (2024)

The French bulldog is a small, muscular dog with their trademark bat-like ears. Along with their adorable looks, Frenchies are lively, lovable, and playful companions. It's no wonder why they're the most popular dog breed in the United States.

Their small size means they can do well in smaller homes and apartments—especially because they're quiet, usually only barking when someone arrives at the door. On the other hand, they don't tolerate being left alone for too long, so if you work long hours or travel frequently, this isn't the right breed for you.

Another warning: Frenchies are prone to several health issues, including common breathing problems attributed to their flat faces, much like their English bulldog relatives. Read on to learn more about the French bulldog:

Breed Overview


Height: 11 to 13 inches

Weight: 19 to 28 pounds

Coat: Short, smooth fur

Coat Color: Brindle, fawn, white, or combinations of brindle and white or fawn and white

Life Span: 10 to 12 years

Temperament: Playful, friendly, loyal, affectionate, lively, sociable

Hypoallergenic: No

Origin: France

Characteristics of the French Bulldog

French bulldogs are very affectionate, family-oriented dogs who do best when spending plenty of time with their family. Your Frenchie will crave your company and won't do well if left alone for long periods each day. This is a breed that loves to be around their owners and children (along with other pets in the household, in most cases).

They can be the perfect house pet: playful clowns who lack an enormous amount of energy, so at the end of the day, your Frenchie will be happy to cuddle with you on the couch for some quality time.

Affection LevelHigh
Exercise NeedsLow
Energy LevelMedium
Tendency to BarkMedium
Amount of SheddingMedium


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History of the French Bulldog

The French bulldog is an ancestor of the English bulldog. In the 18th century, some English breeders had developed a smaller, "toy bulldog" with upright ears, quite different from the larger, athletic bulldog of the period.

Out-of-work textile workers moved to France at the onset of the Industrial Revolution, bringing those smaller bulldogs along. The popularity of these dogs exploded, and the French adopted them as their own when the English turned up their noses. These Frenchies evolved to look more like the dogs of today.

Visiting Americans fell in love with the breed in the 19th century, bringing Frenchies across the Atlantic. They preferred the upright "bat ears"—the English and French enjoyed folded ears—and they became part of the breed standard in the United States.

Two world wars stalled Frenchies' growth, but the breed's popularity gained steam in the 1980s before exploding over the past few years. It's now the most popular registered dog breed in the United States.

Learn About the Lovable French Bulldog (1)

Learn About the Lovable French Bulldog (2)

5 Types of Bulldogs for Families

French Bulldog Care

French bulldogs require notably less exercise and grooming than many other popular dog breeds, but some can use a little extra training. As long as your Frenchie is properly socialized with new people and other animals when they first arrive, they should become a friendly and happy companion.


The Frenchie is a lapdog, not a jogging partner, but routineexerciseis still important with caution. These dogs can easily overheat because of their short, stubby nose and potential airway problems. Daily exercise is important, but don't overdo it.

Your Frenchie will enjoy playing in the house or yard. Besides that, a short walk, fetch, or tug-of-war is all they'll need each day.


Frenchies are smooth-coated dogs who tend to shed at a moderate rate. The breed requires little more than basic routinegrooming, including weekly brushing. They lose their undercoat in the spring and fall, so owners may want to brush them more during those seasons.

If your Frenchie is prone to skin issues, then baths with skin-soothing shampoo and regular ear cleaning may help. The deep skin folds might need attention to rid them of debris using a damp cloth or baby wipe, followed by being thoroughly dried.

Trim your dog's nails every few weeks to prevent them from cracking or splitting. Practice preventative oral hygiene by brushing their teeth two to three times per week; this can help keep the breed's common gum infections and dental problems at bay.


Frenchies are smart and willing to learn, and teaching them consistently is a great way to strengthen your bond. This breed also tends to be food-motivated, which is especially helpful when training your dog. French bulldogs can sometimes be difficult to housetrain: Crate training can help.

Socializationis equally important to ensure your Frenchie adjusts well to their environment. You can begin teaching this breed basic obedience cues as early as 8 weeks old, and it's helpful to take your puppy to training and socialization classes when they're ready. This is a great way to teach your dog new cues while getting them comfortable around new people and dogs.

Most French bulldogs can coexist happily when raised with other pets, but some are prone to chasing cats or small dogs. A Frenchie who hasn't been socialized with other animals may show aggression toward dogs of the same sex. This breed can also become jealous in a multi-dog household. Most are friendly with children, but when rescuing a dog, it's always important to ask about their history with children and pets to ensure they're a good fit for your household.

Safety Tips

The French bulldog's face shape affects their safety in more ways than just exercise. For example, take extra precautions when traveling to ensure your Frenchie doesn't overheat. Never leave them unattended in a vehicle. If you plan to fly with a Frenchie, make sure they're healthy enough to do so.

Frenchies can also be sensitive to the weather. When it's hot outside, keep your French bulldog inside as much as possible. When it's time for a bathroom break, keep your Frenchie in the shade and return inside quickly. Be alert to any signs of overheating, including excessive panting, lethargy, or weakness.

In the winter, a coat will keep your Frenchie comfortable even when the temperatures drop.

Learn About the Lovable French Bulldog (4)

Learn About the Lovable French Bulldog (5)

Common Health Problems

The French bulldog's physical construction means the breed is prone to certain hereditary health problems. Be aware of these conditions:

  • Brachycephalic syndrome: Typical in many flat-faced dog breeds, Brachycephalic syndrome is a condition that can constrict your dog's airway and hamper their breathing. The breed may also have an underbite.
  • Hip dysplasia: While it's more common in larger dog breeds, hip dysplasia can also affect French bulldogs. This condition is caused by abnormal developments in your dog's hip joints. Veterinarians can usually provide treatment to help dogs with hip dysplasia live comfortably.
  • Skin issues and allergies: These conditions can affect any dog, but French bulldogs may be more prone than some other breeds. Infections, allergies, and dermatitis are common causes of itchy or irritated spots.
  • Heart issues: Because of their limited oxygen intake, Frenchies "often develop" tumors in their hearts, requiring surgery or radiation therapy, according to Tufts University's veterinary school. Frenchies are also prone to pulmonic stenosis, a congenital heart defect.
  • Eye problems: Frenchies can suffer from cherry eye, juvenile cataracts, or entropion. Veterinarians can usually prescribe treatment to make your dog feel better.
  • Intervertebral disc disease: Some of the discs in a Frenchie's spine can be herniated, causing pain and sometimes even lasting damage like paralysis. As a stocky "dwarf breed," the Frenchie is more at risk for spinal issues than larger dogs.
  • Patellar Luxation: Small dogs, including the Frenchie, are prone to their kneecaps slipping out of place. Surgery can usually fix the issue and allow your dog to return to their normal activity level.

Responsible breeders will screen their puppies for these issues as much as they can, but welcoming a Frenchie to your home is an acknowledgment that your dog might need many trips to the veterinarian.

Learn About the Lovable French Bulldog (6)

Diet and Nutrition

French bulldogs should typically eat two meals a day. How much you feed your Frenchie depends on their size, activity level, age, and medical history, so consult with your veterinarian to make a plan. As a baseline, plan on providing 3/4 cup of dry dog food or homemade dog food per meal.

It's also important to monitor your dog's weight, as canine obesity can shorten a dog's life and create uncomfortable living conditions at any age.

Where to Adopt or Buy a French Bulldog

While there are many responsible breeders of French bulldogs located nationwide, this breed can also be found in local shelters and breed-specific rescues. If you plan to buy a Frenchie from a breeder, be sure to work with one who readily provides verified medical records and references for their dogs. Be prepared to spend some serious cash. Frenchie puppies from reputable breeders will likely cost you at least $3,000.

Consider starting your search through one of these credible rescue and breeding associations:

Because Frenchies are so popular, some bad actors will try to sell dogs from puppy mills. Be sure your breeder offers the records and references and allows you to meet your future dog before you buy them.

French Bulldog Overview

If you're still on the fence about brining home a French bulldog, here's a pros and cons list that can help you make the decision:


  • Friendly, affectionate
  • Good family pet
  • Mostly quiet
  • Adorable looks
  • Entertaining, clownish behavior
  • Small enough for apartments
  • Limited exercise and grooming needs


  • Prone to numerous health issues
  • Easily overheats
  • Can't exercise as much as other dogs
  • Can't be left alone for long periods of time
7 Cute Pictures of French Bulldogs

More Dog Breeds and Further Research

If you think theFrench bulldog could bethe right dog for you, be sure to do plenty of research before adopting your next best friend. Talk to otherFrenchieowners, reputable breeders, and rescue groups to learn more. If you are interested in similar breeds, look into these to compare:

  • Shih tzu
  • Pug
  • Boston Terrier

There are plenty of different types of dogs that can join your family—explore a variety of dog breeds to find the best fit for you!


  • Are French Bulldogs high maintenance?

    Healthy French bulldogs are low-maintenance dogs because they don't require as much exercise and grooming as other dogs. However, Frenchies's numerous health problems can make them high-maintenance dogs who need to visit the vet and take medication frequently.

  • Why are French bulldogs so expensive?

    Frenchies are expensive because it costs a lot to breed them. Female dogs have to be artificially inseminated before giving birth via c-section. That's all for a small litter of puppies—three on average. Added expenses combined with a small amount of highly popular dogs equals a hefty price. Frenchie puppies from champion bloodlines can cost upwards of $5,000.

  • Can French bulldogs swim?

    Because of their breathing difficulties and heavy heads, Frenchies usually shouldn't swim. If they are going to venture into the pool, they should wear a doggy lifejacket under human supervision.

The Spruce Pets uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.

  1. History of the French Bulldog Breed: French Bull Dog Club of America

  2. Air travel and short-nosed dogs FAQ; American Veterinary Medical Association

  3. French Bulldog; American Kennel Club

  4. French Bulldog Breed Information; The French Bull Dog Club of America

Learn About the Lovable French Bulldog (2024)


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