Charmed Walkthrough - Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery (2024)

Hello everyone, welcome to our Walkthrough for Charmed Adventure of Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery. This adventure is available for students of Year 7 and it should unlock after reaching Chapter 41 of Year 7. Once you start it, you have 2 days to complete it. Unlike most other adventures, this adventure has only one part, so you shouldn’t have much trouble completing it in time.

During this adventure, you will learn that Chiara is stressed out about the upcoming Charms N.E.W.T.s and it’s up to you to help her regain her confidence. This will also prepare you for the Charms N.E.W.T.s, so don’t miss out on this adventure.

Upon starting the adventure, Chiara will ask you to meet her in the courtyard, so go there when you are ready.

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Once you arrive, you will notice the speech bubbles above some of your friends. Tap on those if you want to see what they have to say.

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You will find Chiara sitting near the fountain, surrounded by a pile of books. You’ll notice that she is upset about something, so you’ll ask her to tell you what’s wrong.

She will say that she is studying for the N.E.W.T.s. Apparently, she is worried about the upcoming tests.

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She’ll decide to explain everything to you. Learning why Chiara is stressed is your next task. You need to earn five stars within three hours to complete it. Three stars are required to pass.

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Be sure to slide the screen left and right to see all the available actions. There is a bonus progress action tied to Chiara. Prioritize it to save a bit of energy.

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Chiara will explain that she needs to get a grade “E” in Charms N.E.W.T.s to become a Healer. Unfortunately, despite all the studying, she isn’t confident she will pass the exam.

You’ll figure out she is putting too much pressure on herself. Chiara will ask if you are confident in your Charms skills. There are two options to reply with. This choice won’t significantly impact the story, so feel free to pick the option you prefer.

Charmed Walkthrough - Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery (6)

Chiara will then ask you for advice. There are three options to reply with. Chiara will react best if you pick the first option, which is why it is recommended to pick that one.

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Chiara will thank you for trying to cheer her up. Unfortunately, she still won’t be confident enough that she can pass the upcoming Charms N.E.W.T.s.

Moments later, she will leave the courtyard. You’ll decide to find a way to prove to her that she’s ready. Hopefully, Professor Flitwick will be able to help you with that. Go to the Charms classroom to meet with him.

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You will approach the Professor and ask for a moment of his time. He’ll smile and say that he’s always happy to talk about Charms. You’ll tell him that Chiara isn’t confident she can pass the upcoming Charms N.E.W.T.s.

Professor Flitwick will be fairly certain Chiara will do fine. You’ll mention that she is under a lot of stress, so you’ll ask the Professor if there is anything he can do to help.

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He’ll tell you he is doing all in his power to help his students prepare for the N.E.W.T.s. After all, he cannot really take the test for them. You have two options to reply to him.

While this choice won’t significantly impact the story, it is somewhat recommended to select the first option.

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In the end, Professor Flitwick will agree to help. You’ll then get to discuss the best way to help Chiara regain her confidence.

To complete this task, you need to earn five stars within eight hours. All five stars are required to pass.

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There are actions with bonus progress linked to the books, Professor Flitwick, and your character. Focus on those actions to save energy.

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After discussing it for a while, you’ll suggest setting up a scenario in the real world where Chiara has to perform a Charm under pressure.

The Charm she’ll have to cast needs to be a difficult one, but the situation shouldn’t be too dangerous.

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However, if you are to assist Professor Flitwick, you will first have to prove your Charms knowledge by passing a pop quiz.

The first question will be about the Unlocking Charm. The correct answer is ‘Alohom*ora Charm’.

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Professor Flitwick will then ask you about the Defodio spell. The correct answer is ‘Gouges out portions of earth or stone’.

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The right answer to the next question is ‘Muffliato’.

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You’ll then be asked a question about the Confringo spell. The correct answer is ‘Causes an explosion’.

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Lastly, Professor Flitwick will ask you about the Impervius spell. The correct answer is ‘Water’.

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Once the quiz is done, the Professor will sum up your answers. If you answered all of the questions correctly, he’ll praise your Charms knowledge.

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While he was quizzing you, Professor Flitwick came up with the perfect lesson for Chiara. Apparently, he is planning to use a Magical Creature to create a minor problem that can be solved using a Charm.

He’ll tell you to meet with Hagrid to determine which creature to use.

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You will need to wait two hours before you can continue. Since you will probably be low on energy at this point, it is recommended to wait and let your energy recharge in the meantime.

Charmed Walkthrough - Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery (21)

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Go to the Care of Magical Creatures once the waiting time is over.

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You’ll thank Hagrid for agreeing to meet with you. You will tell him you need his help to restore Chiara’s confidence.

You will go over the plan and say that it involves releasing a Magical Creature from the reserve.

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Thankfully, Hagrid will be happy to help, and the two of you will start discussing which creature would be the most appropriate for Professor Flitwick’s special lesson.

You need to earn five stars within three hours to complete this task. All five stars are required to pass.

Charmed Walkthrough - Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery (24)

There are actions with bonus progress tied to Hagrid, Fang, and your character. Prioritize those actions to save energy.

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In the end, you’ll figure out that a Fire Crab is the perfect creature for the special lesson. Hagrid will agree with you. You’ll thank him for helping you.

Before you leave, he’ll want to test your knowledge. He will ask you about the Charm that can be used to stop the Fire Crab. The correct answer is ‘Extinguishing Charm’.

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If you’ve adopted the Fire Crab in the Magical Creatures Reserve, you’ll decide to use it. Hagrid will like your idea.

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Shortly after, you will leave the place and head to the Great Hall to release the Fire Crab.

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Upon arriving, you will notice the speech bubbles above some of your classmates. Tap on them if you are curious to see what they have to say.

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You’ll greet Professor Flitwick and say that you picked out a Magical Creature. He will look at the Fire Crab and say that you’ve made a fine choice.

If you came with your own Fire Crab, you’ll get an additional line of dialogue here.

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Professor Flitwick will say that he’ll stay nearby. However, he will expect you to step in and help Chiara if something goes wrong.

There are three options to reply with. If you like Chiara, it is highly recommended to pick the second option. Bear in mind that you need to have friendship level 10 with her to select this option.

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Moments later, Chiara will enter the Great Hall. Professor Flitwick will hide with the Fire Crab, ready to release it when the time is right.

You’ll ask Chiara if she is feeling any better about the upcoming N.E.W.T.s. She’ll say that she studied a lot, but she still won’t be sure if that’s enough.

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Shortly after, Professor Flitwick will release the Fire Crab. You can choose whether you want to pretend to freak out or keep calm. This choice won’t significantly impact the story, so feel free to select the option you prefer.

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Chiara will notice there is something wrong with the Fire Crab. Upon taking a look, you’ll realize that the creature is having trouble breathing.

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You and Chiara will need to figure out a way to help the Fire Crab. You need to earn five stars within eight hours to complete this task. All five stars are required to pass.

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Be sure to slide the screen left and right to see all the available actions. There are bonus progress actions tied to Chiara, Penny, Professor Flitwick, the Fire Crab, and your character. Focusing on those actions should save you some energy.

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Chiara will figure out she can use Anapneo Charm to clear the Fire Crab’s airway.

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She’ll take out her wand and cast the spell. Thankfully, it will work, and the creature will be able to breathe again.

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You will praise Chiara for figuring out how to help the Fire Crab. She’ll smile and say that your encouragement gave her the confidence to solve the problem.

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Suddenly, you’ll notice that the creature is getting ready to release its flames. Chiara will quickly tell you to cast the Extinguishing Charm before the Fire Crab sets the Great Hall on fire.

Trace the wand movement on the screen to cast the spell.

Charmed Walkthrough - Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery (40)

You’ll smile at Chiara and say that her quick thinking prevented a potential catastrophe from happening. If you brought your Fire Crab, Chiara will notice that the creature seems to know you.

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Your previous choice will affect the following line of dialogue.

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Chiara will figure out there is something you’re not telling her. She’ll ask if you had anything to do with the Fire Crab. There are two options to reply with.

If you like Chiara, it is highly recommended to pick the second option. Bear in mind that you need Empathy level 53 in order to select it.

Charmed Walkthrough - Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery (43)

Chiara will tell you she is ready to take the N.E.W.T.s. She’ll thank you for helping her regain her confidence. If you are dating Chiara, you will get some additional dialogue lines here.

Charmed Walkthrough - Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery (44)

You’ll notice that Professor Flitwick already left the Great Hall, so you’ll decide to check in with him.

You will need to wait three hours before you can continue. Since your energy will likely be low following the previous task, it is recommended to wait until this timer runs out.

Charmed Walkthrough - Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery (45)

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Go to the Charms classroom once the waiting time is over.

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You’ll approach Professor Flitwick and tell him that the plan worked. He will say that Chiara performed admirably against the Fire Crab.

He will also say that you passed his secret test. You’ll be slightly confused to hear that.

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Professor Flitwick will decide to explain everything to you. You need to earn five stars within eight hours to complete this task. All five stars are required to pass.

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There is an action with bonus progress tied to Professor Flitwick. Prioritizing it should save you a bit of energy.

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Professor Flitwick will explain that he wasn’t teaming up with you. In fact, he was testing you.

It all started the moment you entered his classroom. The following line will differ, depending on how well you did in his Charms pop quiz.

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He’ll go on and say that you worked with Hagrid to find the perfect creature to match Chiara’s skill level.

If you had faith in Chiara, Professor Flitwick will be proud of you.

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Professor Flitwick will say that you might be ready for the Charms portion of the N.E.W.T.s. There are two options to reply with. If your Courage level is 53 or higher, it is recommended to pick the first option.

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The Professor will wish you good luck with the upcoming exams. He’ll admit that he is going to miss you in his class. There are two options to reply with. If you like Hogwarts, it is recommended to pick the first option.

Charmed Walkthrough - Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery (53)

Moments later, Charmed adventure will come to an end. Hit the Collect button to claim your rewards.

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You will earn the achievement for completing the adventure.

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Completing this adventure will make things easier during the Charms portion of the N.E.W.T.s. You will be allowed to miss one question and still get full points.

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That was an interesting adventure. You helped Chiara regain her confidence and realize she is ready for the upcoming N.E.W.T.s. And you also had the opportunity to test your own Charms knowledge.

Thank you for reading and see you in the Wizarding World!

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Everything Wrong with Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone movie Vol. 1

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Charmed Walkthrough - Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery (2024)


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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

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Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.