255 Positive Words That Start With H [EPIC List with Definitions and Examples] | Positive Thinking Mind (2024)

Words that begin with the letter H are brimming with optimism and positivity.

Whether you’re aiming to feel happy, healthy, or filled with hope, rest assured that a ‘hero’ in the form of an H-word is always just around the corner.

H-words are not only uplifting, they’re also commonly used for greetings, such as ‘hi’ and ‘hello.’

Plus, they offer a wide range of descriptive options. For instance, a comical individual can be described as humorous, while someone gracious and kind might be considered humble.

Even in music, the letter H brings harmony, describing melodies that are perfectly in tune.

In essence, the letter H is a powerhouse of positivity, giving us some of the happiest words we can use.

May your interactions with H-words fill your days with brightness and positive energy.

Positive Words That Start With H In Alphabetical Order

  1. Ha
  2. Habana
  3. Habanero
  4. Habile
  5. Habilitation
  6. Habit
  7. Habitable
  8. Habitancy
  9. Habitant
  10. Habitat
  11. Habitation
  12. Habited
  13. Habituate
  14. Habitude
  15. Habutai
  16. Hackathon
  17. Haiku
  18. Hale
  19. Hail
  20. Halcyon
  21. Half
  22. Half-Price
  23. Hallelujah
  24. Hallmark
  25. Hallow
  26. Halo
  27. Halve
  28. Hammock
  29. Handclap
  30. Handcrafted
  31. Handhold
  32. Handkerchief
  33. Handmade
  34. Hand-picked
  35. Handshake
  36. Handsome
  37. Handsomely
  38. Hands-on
  39. Handwritten
  40. Handy
  41. Handyman
  42. Hang-loose
  43. Happen
  44. Happening
  45. Happily
  46. Happiness
  47. Happy
  48. Happy-Go-Lucky
  49. Harbor
  50. Hardworking
  51. Hardy
  52. Hark
  53. Harmless
  54. Harmonic
  55. Harmonious
  56. Harmonization
  57. Harmonize
  58. Harmony
  59. Harness
  60. Harp
  61. Harvest
  62. Hash
  63. Hatchery
  64. Haul
  65. Have
  66. Hawk
  67. Hawser
  68. Hay
  69. He
  70. Head
  71. Headed
  72. Heading
  73. Headlight
  74. Headlong
  75. Headman
  76. Headmaster
  77. Headmost
  78. Head-on
  79. Headpiece
  80. Headquarters
  81. Headrail
  82. Headrest
  83. Headroom
  84. Headstall
  85. Head-start
  86. Headstrong
  87. Head-trip
  88. Head Up
  89. Headwaiter
  90. Headway
  91. Heal
  92. Healer
  93. Healing
  94. Health
  95. Healthful
  96. Healthy
  97. Heap
  98. Hear
  99. Heard
  100. Hearing
  101. Hearken
  102. Hearsay
  103. Heart
  104. Heartbeat
  105. Hearten
  106. Heartening
  107. Heartfelt
  108. Hearth
  109. Hearthstone
  110. Heartily
  111. Heartland
  112. Heart-searching
  113. Heart-throb
  114. Heartwarming
  115. Hearty
  116. Heat
  117. Heated
  118. Heater
  119. Heath
  120. Heating
  121. Heave
  122. Heave-ho
  123. Heaven
  124. Heavenly
  125. Heavenward
  126. Heavily
  127. Heavy
  128. Heavy-duty
  129. Heavy-laden
  130. Heavyweight
  131. Hebdomad
  132. Hectic
  133. Hedge
  134. Hedgerow
  135. Heed
  136. Heedful
  137. Heehaw
  138. Heel
  139. Heeler
  140. Heft
  141. Hefty
  142. Heifer
  143. Height
  144. Heighten
  145. Heir
  146. Heiress
  147. Heighten
  148. Height
  149. Heirloom
  150. Hello
  151. Helm
  152. Help
  153. Helper
  154. Helpful
  155. Helpfully
  156. Helpfulness
  157. Herald
  158. Heritage
  159. Heir
  160. Hero
  161. Heroic
  162. Heroically
  163. Heroine
  164. Heroism
  165. Hi
  166. High
  167. Highness
  168. Hilarious
  169. Hilarity
  170. Hip
  171. Hipster
  172. Historic
  173. Hit
  174. Holiday
  175. Holiness
  176. Holism
  177. Holistic
  178. Holy
  179. Homage
  180. Home
  181. Homebound
  182. Homecoming
  183. Homegrown
  184. Homeland
  185. Homely
  186. Homemade
  187. Homey
  188. Hone
  189. Honest
  190. Honestly
  191. Honesty
  192. Honey
  193. Honeymoon
  194. Honeypot
  195. Honeyed
  196. Honeylike
  197. Honor
  198. Honorable
  199. Honorably
  200. Honorarium
  201. Honorary
  202. Honored
  203. Honoree
  204. Honorifics
  205. Hoodie
  206. Hoot
  207. Hooray
  208. Hope
  209. Hopeful
  210. Hopefully
  211. Hopefulness
  212. Hospitability
  213. Hospitable
  214. Hospitality
  215. Host
  216. Hot
  217. Hotcake
  218. Hotshot
  219. Howdy
  220. Hubby
  221. Huddle
  222. Hug
  223. Huge
  224. Hugely
  225. Huggable
  226. Hugging
  227. Hum
  228. Humane
  229. Humanely
  230. Humanhood
  231. Humanism
  232. Humanist
  233. Humanistic
  234. Humanitarian
  235. Humanity
  236. Humankind
  237. Humanly
  238. Humble
  239. Humbling
  240. Humility
  241. Humongous
  242. Humor
  243. Humorous
  244. Humorously
  245. Hunk
  246. Hurray
  247. Husky
  248. Huzzah
  249. Hygienic
  250. Hype
  251. Hyperactive
  252. Hyperfine
  253. Hypersonic
  254. Hypnotic
  255. Hysterical

Positive Words That Start With H Definitions

1. Ha

Definition – a laugh, an exclamation of surprise
Synonyms –
Example – I heard a “ha ha ha” come from down the dark hallway.

2. Habana

Definition – Spanish name for Havana
Synonyms –
Example – I went to Habana for my smokes.

3. Habanero

Definition – an extremely hot small pepper used in cooking
Synonyms –
Example – I love habanero peppers in my food, they really spice things up!

4. Habile

Definition – dexterous, skillful
Synonyms –
Example – He’s very good at his work and he is extremely habile.

5. Habilitation

Definition – a program of teaching basic living skills to someone with a disability
Synonyms – ability, quality, talent, competence
Example – For some youth it makes sense to expand their education and habilitation and include hands on training.

6. Habit

Definition – behavior pattern followed regularly
Synonyms – custom, manner, obsession, pattern, quirk, routine, addiction
Example – He has a good habit of taking care of his lawn every week.

7. Habitable

Definition – possibility or capability of being inhabited
Synonyms – livable
Example – This island has plenty of food and water and is very habitable.

8. Habitancy

Definition – the act of inhabiting
Synonyms –
Example – They provided habitancy for the homeless.

9. Habitant

Definition – someone or something that inhabits an area
Synonyms – dweller, denizen
Example – Those monkeys are the only habitant of that island.

10. Habitat

Definition – natural environment to support life
Synonyms – haven, territory, dwelling, environment, abode
Example – The jungle habitat is perfect for those green tree frogs.

11. Habitation

Definition – a place to live, dwelling. community or settlement
Synonyms – abode
Example – There’s not much habitation near the North Pole as it’s very cold and contains harsh living conditions.

12. Habited

Definition – clothed, dressed
Synonyms – cloak, disguise, dress, attire, apparel
Example – The people were habited as peasants as I passed by and gave them gold.

13. Habituate

Definition – to get a person accustom or used to a particular situation.
Synonyms – accustom, adjust, acclimate, familiarize
Example – His family was wealthy and he was habituated to having everything he wanted in life.

14. Habitude

Definition – a custom, familiar relationship
Synonyms – characteristic, form, practice, habit, manner
Example – He has an amazing and healthy mental habitude.

15. Habutai

Definition – Japanese silk used to create garments
Synonyms –
Example – Her Majesties throne room is extravagant with beautiful pillows, swaths of habutai

16. Hackathon

Definition – competitive event where people work in groups on hardware or software projects in hopes of creating a functioning product by the end of the event
Synonyms –
Example – This years hackathon involved people from all over the world with some great ideas!

17. Haiku

Definition – short form Japanese poetry
Synonyms – ballad, epic, lyric, poetry, rhyme, sonnet, verse
Example – That haiku is a masterpiece

18. Hale

Definition – free from disease
Synonyms – fit, husky, well, stout, strapping, blooming
Example – That man is hale, full of life and always on the move.

19. Hail

Definition – ice pellets from clouds, to cheer, enthusiastically approve, call to attention, greeting
Synonyms – bombardment, rain, shower
Example – The crowd hailed the actor after the show.

20. Halcyon

Definition – calm, peaceful, happy, prosperous
Synonyms – quiet, still, pastoral, gentle
Example – He is so halcyon with me when I don’t understand something.

21. Half

Definition – two equal parts
Synonyms – divided, partly
Example – We split our tip in half that we received.

21. Half-Price

Definition – half the normal price
Synonyms – low-priced, cheap, cut-rate
Example – We ate dinner for half price and were so happy.

22. Hallelujah

Definition – shout of joy and praise
Synonyms – psalm, chant, choral
Example – They yelled Hallelujah and began to sing.

23. Hallmark

Definition – official stamp or mark or seal. mark of good quality
Synonyms – trademark, badge, certification, endorsem*nt, stamp, seal, signet
Example – The companies hallmark shows they take great pride in their product.

24. Hallow

Definition – make holy, consider sacred
Synonyms – sanctify, bless, praise
Example – He was blessed and made hallow.

25. Hallowed

Definition – sacred, regarded as holy
Synonyms – sacred, holy
Example – Hallowed be thy name Lord.

26. Halo

Definition – geometric shape, ring of light around the head of an angel
Synonyms – aura, glory, radiance
Example – The angel glowed with a bright halo a top his head.

27. Halve

Definition – divide into equal parts
Synonyms – share equally, divide equally, bisect
Example – We were blessed to halve our food so that we could all eat.

28. Hammock

Definition – hanging bed made of canvas
Synonyms – bed, wharf, dock, cot
Example – The boy fell a sleep in the hammock which is attached to the two trees.

29. Handclap

Definition – clapping of the hands
Synonyms – applause, crack
Example – The show is so good everyone handclaps at the end to show their appreciation.

30. Handcrafted

Definition – made by hand, homemade
Synonyms – home-grown, native, indegenous
Example – The wood cabinets are all handcrafted and beautifully made.

31. Handhold

Definition – grip with the hand
Synonyms – grasp, clamp, clench, clutch, handgrip
Example – Those two people are so in love they always handhold each other.

32. Handkerchief

Definition – fabric, silk or linen, usually square is typically used for wiping the nose or face. can also be decorative.
Synonyms – scarf, bandana, hankie, neckerchief
Example – He’s looks so dapper in his clothes and I love his fancy handkerchief.

33. Handmade

Definition – made by hand
Synonyms – home-made, handcrafted
Example – I love handmade items as they often are made with love instead of a machine creating them.

34. Hand-picked

Definition – chosen or selected with great care
Synonyms – preferred, excellent, preferential
Example – I’ve hand-picked these items especially for you.

35. Handshake

Definition – gripping and shaking of hands with another person
Synonyms – commitment, guarantee, obligation, bond, pact, pledge
Example – Give the salesman a handshake to complete the deal.

36. Handsome

Definition – attractive, good-looking, having pleasing proportions, liberal or ample amount
Synonyms – attractive, dapper, beautiful, good-looking, graceful, lovely, stylish, impressive
Example – He’s so handsome looking, I want to marry him.

37. Handsomely

Definition – pleasingly, successfully
Synonyms – richly, generously, amply, liberally, bountifully
Example – I rewarded the man who returned my dog handsomely.

38. Hands-on

Definition – involved, requires manual operation
Synonyms – firsthand, direct
Example – Working at this job is very hands-on.

39. Handwritten

Definition – written by hand
Synonyms – in writing
Example – These poems are beautifully handwritten.

40. Handy

Definition – skillful with the hands, conveniently available
Synonyms – available, accessible, convenient
Example – John is a very handy man and can fix anything.

41. Handyman

Definition – person hired to do maintenance of an apartment building or office building
Synonyms – helper, jack of all trades
Example – I’m a handyman and I love fixing things.

42. Hang-loose

Definition – take it easy, relax
Synonyms – slow, diminish, dwindle, recede
Example – Go to the party and hang-loose and have fun.

43. Happen

Definition – to take place, occur
Synonyms – arise, arrive, go on, materialize, take effect
Example – Some days things just happen.

44. Happening

Definition – occurrence, event, something that happens
Synonyms – circ*mstance, incedent, accident, occasion, phenomenon, proceeding
Example – Something weird is happening in the sky, I don’t think it’s lightening.

45. Happily

Definition – with pleasure, do something in a happy manner
Synonyms – willingly, merrily, peacefully, gladly, gleefully, enthusiastically
Example – I’ll happily bring in the groceries for you Mom.

46. Happiness

Definition – state of being happy
Synonyms – contentment, enjoyment, euphoria, bliss, optimism, pleasure, joy, delight
Example – My children bring me such happiness every time they come and visit me.

47. Happy

Definition – glad, pleased or delighted over something
Synonyms – glad, joyful, merry, cheerful, delighted, ecstatic, satsified, thrilled, upbeat, pleasant
Example – I’m so happy for the both of you, you deserve it.

48. Happy-Go-Lucky

Definition – a person who accepts what happens without becoming worried
Synonyms – carefree, easygoing, cheerful
Example – Bryce is a happy-go-lucky person and just lives life without much worry.

49. Harbor

Definition – body of water along a shore line deep enough to anchor ships, body of water which has docks for ships
Synonyms – inlet, port, wharf, pier, dock
Example – Our bot anchored in the harbor over night to avoid the storm.

50. Hardworking

Definition – industrious, person who works with commitment and lots of energy
Synonyms – diligent, dedicated
Example – Joe is a hardworking person, and gets his job done on time.

51. Hardy

Definition – able to endure fatigue, strong, sturdy
Synonyms – solid, firm, well, sound, fit
Example – I’m as hardy as an ox.

52. Hark

Definition – listen attentively, hear
Synonyms – listen, pay attention
Example – Hark the herald angel sing.

53. Harmless

Definition – no power or desire to do harm
Synonyms – innocent, gentle, simple, naive
Example – The dog is harmless. His bark is bigger than his bite.

54. Harmonic

Definition – a single oscillation whose frequency is an integral multiple of the fundamental frequency.
Synonyms – symphonic, melodic, musical
Example – The instruments sound so harmonic and beautiful.

55. Harmonious

Definition – agreement made together at the same time, with feeling or attitude
Synonyms – balanced, cordial, peaceful, amicable
Example – The two came to a harmonious agreement about putting up the fence.

56. Harmonization

Definition – act of harmonizing together
Synonyms – compatability, alliance, accession
Example – The instruments had a beautiful harmonization when playing together.

57. Harmonize

Definition – to bring into agreement or harmony
Synonyms – coordinate, unify, cooperate, agree
Example – When at work the two of us harmonize perfectly together to get the job done.

58. Harmony

Definition – agreement, consistent arrangement of parts, simultaneous combination of tones
Synonyms – conformity, consistency, cooperation, rapport, unity
Example – When we played at the concert, our instruments had a beautiful harmony together and created a positive atmosphere.

59. Harness

Definition – combination of straps, metal or wood to put on an animal (horse, donkey, dog, etc.), can also be used in terms for a human as a safety harness
Synonyms – strap, belt, equipment
Example – I put a harness on my dog when I go for a walk to keep him safe from running into the traffic.

60. Harp

Definition – musical instrument containing a pillar, curved neck a triangular frame formed by a soundbox and having strings attached between the neck and soundbox in which then are plucked with the fingers to make sound
Synonyms – French harp, harmonicon, mouth harp
Example – Joelle plays the harp beautifully and it sounds so magical.

61. Harvest

Definition – gathering of crops
Synonyms – yield, intake, by-product, autumn
Example – Every fall we enjoy a bountiful harvest of corn and other crops.

62. Hash

Definition – food, a dish containing chopped meat and often vegetables
Synonyms – stew, hodgepodge, jumble
Example – I love eating corned beef and hash when I go out to a restaurant.

63. Hatchery

Definition – a place to hatch eggs
Synonyms – incubator
Example – I work at the fish hatchery and when the fish get older introduce them into the wild.

64. Haul

Definition – transport or cart or carry something
Synonyms – harvest, cargo, freight, load
Example – I tried to haul the tree branch to the back yard, but it was too heavy.

65. Have

Definition – to own or possess or contain
Synonyms – acquire, accept, carry, gain, get, hold, keep, obtain, possess
Example – I have a great gaming computer and use it daily.

66. Hawk

Definition – bird of prey of the Accipitridae family
Synonyms –
Example – I watched the beautiful hawk sore through the clouds.

67. Hawser

Definition – heavy rope or towing or mooring
Synonyms – cable, string, twine, thread
Example – We used a hawser to secure our boat so it wouldn’t float away.

68. Hay

Definition – clover, grass, alfalfa is cut and dried for animal foraging
Synonyms – grass, fodder
Example – The farmer cut and rolled the hay into bales for the cows.

69. He

Definition – male person or animal, man
Synonyms – I, it, they, you
Example – He cut the grass this morning and did a wonderful job on the landscaping.

70. Head

Definition – upper part of body joined by the neck and contains the eyes, ears, nose, mouth and brain
Synonyms – front, leading, main, principal
Example – He was at the head of the race and going to win!

71. Headed

Definition – heading or course
Synonyms – en route, directed, direction, aimed, moving, pointed toward
Example – We headed in that direction and never found the treasure.

72. Heading

Definition – title or caption of a page, compass direction
Synonyms – headline, label, caption, description
Example – We took a northern heading to get to the island.

73. Headlight

Definition – lamp or light on front of an automobile
Synonyms – lamp, optic, blinder
Example – Our headlight blew out during the night making it harder to see.

74. Headlong

Definition – without delay or deliberation, undertaken quickly
Synonyms – hurried, sudden, breakneck, abrupt, hasty, impulsive
Example – He did the task headlong and was finished in no time.

75. Headman

Definition – leader or chief
Synonyms – boss, tribal chief, director, captain, head, leader, ruler
Example – This ship is under control of the headman.

76. Headmaster

Definition – person in charge of a private school
Synonyms – superintendent, administrator, director, principal
Example – The headmaster disciplined the students for running down the hall and breaking the door.

77. Headmost

Definition – foremost, advanced
Synonyms – head, intial, original, early
Example – John is the headmost student in our class.

78. Head-on

Definition – facing the direction of forward motion
Synonyms – lineal, person-to-person, immediate, prompt
Example – The ship continued head-on into the ice so it wouldn’t get stuck.

79. Headpiece

Definition – piece of armor, helmet, covering for head
Synonyms – helmet, headgear, fedora, hat, bonnet
Example – That is a beautiful headpiece you’re wearing.

80. Headquarters

Definition – center of operations
Synonyms – main office, command post, HQ, base, central station
Example – Our headquarters is located in NY city and our business is global.

81. Headrail

Definition – railing on a sailing vessel
Synonyms – bandanna, hankie, scarf
Example – The headrail on our sailboat seems to be breaking.

82. Headrest

Definition – rest or support for the head
Synonyms – seat, mat, buffer, rest
Example – I put my head on the headrest and took a much needed break.

83. Headroom

Definition – vertical space above ones head in a vehicle or building
Synonyms – allowance, gap, opening, margin
Example – There was ample headroom in the car.

84. Headstall

Definition – part of a bridle or halter that encompasses the head of an animal
Synonyms – leash, control, deterrent, restraint
Example – The headstall fit the oxen perfectly.

85. Head-start

Definition – advantage acquired or given in a competition
Synonyms – running start
Example – They gave John a head-start because he was running barefoot and we had shoes on.

86. Headstrong

Definition – determined to have one’s own way, stubborn
Synonyms – impulsive, determined, hard-core, hard-nosed
Example – Bill is very headstrong when it comes to getting the shopping done.

87. Head-trip

Definition – mentally productive experience
Synonyms – ego trip, introspection
Example – Whoa, that was an exhilarating head-trip.

88. Head Up

Definition – Lead, be in charge of
Synonyms – direct, execute, govern, administrate, boss, head
Example – She was in business and had the head up on her competetion.

89. Headwaiter

Definition – person in charge of waiters in a restaurant
Synonyms – maitre d
Example – Bill was the headwaiter on staff at our restaurant.

90. Headway

Definition – moving forward, progress in a forward direction
Synonyms – advance, advancement, increase, progress, progression, improve, improvement
Example – We were stuck in a storm which caused the ship to stop making headway.

91. Heal

Definition – make healthy, restore health, purify, free from evil, bring a conflict to a conclusion
Synonyms – fix, improve, repair, restore, revive, treat, rebuild, regenerate, rejuvenate
Example – He began to heal almost immediately after the attack.

92. Healer

Definition – a person that heals
Synonyms – doctor, physician, shaman, curer, medicine man, therapist
Example – Our group suffered greatly after the attack, but thankfully a healer came to our aid and we were healed.

93. Healing

Definition – getting well, mending, regaining health, curing
Synonyms – curing, mending, invigorating
Example – The healer in our party was healing us faster than the orcs were able to attack us.

94. Health

Definition – vitality, condition of the body
Synonyms – fitness, strength, energy, well-being, form, healthiness, shape, vigor, prime, constitution
Example – My doctor said that I was very healthy and was doing a great job of taking care of myself.

95. Healthful

Definition – wholesome, having good health, healthy
Synonyms – healthy, wholesome
Example – The tribe looked healthful and full of vitality.

96. Healthy

Definition – having good health, healthful
Synonyms – active, lively, strong, hearty, vigorous
Example – I’m as healthy as an ox, and strong like one too.

97. Heap

Definition – many things placed or thrown in to a pile
Synonyms – bundle, stack, jumble, abundance
Example – I threw the gold into a heap later to be collected.

98. Hear

Definition – perceive by the ear, listen, pay attention
Synonyms – listen, hark, attend
Example – It’s so hard to hear them through the glass window.

99. Heard

Definition – past tense of hear
Synonyms – noted, understood, witnessed, listened
Example – I heard the young woman sing and she sounded like an angel.

100. Hearing

Definition – sense by which sound is perceived by the ear, testimony or argument heard in court
Synonyms – ear, listening, earshot, effect, detecting, audition
Example – I was hearing a rumble in the sky that I thought was thunder, but it turned out to be a large jet in the distance.

101. Hearken

Definition – give heed to what is said, listen
Synonyms – hark, heed, listen, overhear, all ears
Example – You must hearken the sound of the voice that is within.

102. Hearsay

Definition – gossip, rumor
Synonyms – gossip, comment, scandal, rumor, talk
Example – What she told you was hearsay and it’s not true.

103. Heart

Definition – an organ with four chambers which pumps blood throughout the body. A feeling or emotion – to have heart
Synonyms – love, nature, soul, feeling, affection, humanity, compassion, concern, disposition, sympathy
Example – Dylan has great compassion for all, he truly has a heart of gold.

104. Heartbeat

Definition – pulsation of the heart
Synonyms – pulse, pulsation, throb
Example – My heartbeat is fast after I run a few miles.

105. Hearten

Definition – give courage or confidence
Synonyms – embolden, comfort, strengthen, reassure, energize, inspire, cheer
Example – I tried to hearten him so he could be all he could throughout life.

106. Heartening

Definition – encouraging, cheerfulness
Synonyms – cheering, reassuring, promising
Example – How would you use heartening in a sentence?

107. Heartfelt

Definition – sincerely felt
Synonyms – warm, honest, sincere, hearty
Example – When we went to the dance, we had a heartfelt moment and it was amazing.

108. Hearth

Definition – floor of a fireplace made of stone, brazier for burning charcoal
Synonyms – fireplace, fireside
Example – I sat on the hearth to keep warm near the fire and cook my dinner.

109. Hearthstone

Definition – stone forming a hearth
Synonyms – fireplace
Example – The hearthstone is cracked and will need to be replaced.

110. Heartily

Definition – in a hearty manner, without restraint
Synonyms – cordially, genuinely, seriously
Example – We ate our dinner heartily as it was delicious.

111. Heartland

Definition – central area of a nation, continent, state, etc.
Synonyms – inland, rural, upcountry, backwoods
Example – If you go deep in the the heartland, you’ll find a beautiful place to live with plenty of trees, streams and grassland.

112. Heart-searching

Definition – examination of feelings and motives
Synonyms – meditation, reflection, contemplation, introversion
Example – Make sure you take some time to do some heart-searching.

113. Heart-throb

Definition – passionate emotion, rapid beat of the heart
Synonyms – sweetheart, infatuation
Example – He’s the cutest guy in school and everyone thinks he’s a heart-throb.

114. Heartwarming

Definition – satisfying, gratifying
Synonyms – pleasing, heartening, heartfelt, uplifting
Example – Helping people in need is a heartwarming experience.

115. Hearty

Definition – genuine, heartfelt, sincere, devoted, affectionate
Synonyms – cordial, warm, cheery, genuine, passionate, sincere, generous
Example – I had stew with potatoes, beef, and vegetable making it a hearty meal.

116. Heat

Definition – condition of being hot, high degree of warmth
Synonyms – hot weather, warmth, fever, heatwave
Example – The heat was simply unbearable in the desert, we had to turn around and get some water.

117. Heated

Definition – warmed, made hotter
Synonyms – passionate, intense, fiery, fierce, furious
Example – Wednesday I had a heated moment with my boss, but thankfully we worked things out.

118. Heater

Definition – appliance that makes or creates heat
Synonyms – furnace, boiler, radiator, stove, oven
Example – It was cold in the house so I turned on the heater.

119. Heath

Definition – tract of open and uncultivated land
Synonyms – pasture, prairie, plain, grassland
Example – The heath was so large it’s all I could see.

120. Heating

Definition – device for supplying heat
Synonyms – melting, warming, cooking, boiling
Example – I was heating the water for thirty minutes but it never boiled.

121. Heave

Definition – raise or lift with force
Synonyms – hoist, fling, hurl
Example – I heaved the hay bales onto the truck with all my might.

122. Heave-ho

Definition – type of rejection, dismissal
Synonyms – culling, eviction, disdain, scorn, push
Example – I gave it the old heave-ho.


Definition – Home of God, angels and spirits of the righteous after death
Synonyms – paradise, afterworld, immortality, Promised Land, glory, happiness, rapture, sky
Example – Lift up your hands towards heaven and praise God!

124. Heavenly

Definition – blissful, beautiful, divine
Synonyms – angelic, celestial, divine, glorious, holy, wonderful
Example – This chocolate is heavenly. I could eat the whole thing.

125. Heavenward

Definition – pointed toward heaven
Synonyms – upward, skyward
Example – I pointed the lightening rod heaven ward in hopes to draw the lightening down toward the earth.

126. Heavily

Definition – great weight, an oppressive manner
Synonyms – massively, densely,
Example – I heavily carried the stones to the backyard to use them in my landscape.

127. Heavy

Definition – great weight, hard to lift, large size
Synonyms – big, bulky, fat, hefty, huge, large, substantial, burdensome
Example – The last rock was so heavy I needed to get a machine to move it any further.

128. Heavy-duty

Definition – durable, large amount of power, impressive
Synonyms – main, popular, powerful, significant, substantial, heavyweight
Example – I have a heavy-duty truck I use to haul stone, dirt and mulch to do landscaping.

129. Heavy-laden

Definition – carrying a heavy load
Synonyms – bulky, burdensome, laden, hefty, considerable
Example – Churning the butter was a heavy-laden task.

130. Heavyweight

Definition – more than average weight, relating to a weight class
Synonyms – gross, large, abundant, big, built, beefy, bulky, excessive, hefty
Example – My best friend is heavyweight champion of the federation.

131. Hebdomad

Definition – number seven, a week, period of seven days
Synonyms – septenary, heptad, septuplicate
Example – I sat there till hebdomad.

132. Hectic

Definition – intense agitation, excitement
Synonyms – chaotic, exciting, frenetic, heated, unsettled
Example – I had a hectic day at work today.

133. Hedge

Definition – row of bushes or trees planted close together
Synonyms – shrubbery, bush, fence
Example – I trimmed the hedges today and they look beautiful.

134. Hedgerow

Definition – row of bushes or trees forming a hedge
Synonyms – shrubbery, bush, fence
Example – Your hedgerow looks amazing in front of your house.

135. Heed

Definition – give careful attention to
Synonyms – attention, carefulness, caution
Example – Heed the warning of the bear lest you be killed.

136. Heedful

Definition – mindful, careful, taking heed
Synonyms – careful, mindful, observant
Example – Please be heedful of the iron mountain, it has many dwarves in the caves.

137. Heehaw

Definition – sound a donkey makes, rude laughter
Synonyms – chuckle, giggle, glee, laughter
Example – The donkey became excited after seeing a snake and started to make a heehaw sound.

138. Heel

Definition – back part of human foot, dog command to stay at ones side
Synonyms – obey, attend
Example – My dog Bailey doesn’t heel very well, she’s still being trained.

139. Heeler

Definition – sheepdog or cattle dog trained to drive animals / person who ropes steer by its heels rather than it’s head
Synonyms –
Example – The cowboys heeler is very good and bringing the cattle back to the corral from the pasture.

140. Heft

Definition – weight, heaviness
Synonyms – weight, bulk, bulkiness, huge
Example – The steel has a heft that can’t be lifted unless you use a machine.

141. Hefty

Definition – heavy, large, muscular, big and strong
Synonyms – heavy, large, fat, massive, robust, substantial
Example – That pro-wrestler is a hefty man and is on his way to being world champion.

142. Heifer

Definition – young cow over one year old that has not had a calf
Synonyms – yearling, maverick
Example – Our heifer hasn’t had a calf yet, but hopefully next year.

143. Height

Definition – high place, distance from lowest to highest point of a standing person, distance upward
Synonyms – ceiling, peak, elevation
Example – Annie is six foot in height and can reach the basketball hoop with ease.

144. Heighten

Definition – increase height, make higher, strengthen, bring out important features of
Synonyms – add to, boost, improve, increase, enhance, raise, strengthen
Example – We are trying to heighten our shed because we first built it to small.

145. Heir

Definition – person who inherits property or inheritance of another following their death
Synonyms – beneficiary, inheritor, successor
Example – Richard is the rightful heir of the kingdom and will be a great ruler of our nation.

146. Heiress

Definition – a woman who inherits the right of inheritance
Synonyms – heir, recipient
Example – Gwendolyn is the heiress of a great fortune.

147. Heighten

Definition: To increase or intensify in degree or intensity.

Synonyms: Amplify, enhance, strengthen, escalate, magnify

Example: The suspenseful music in the movie helped to heighten the tension during the climactic scene.

148. Height

Definition: The measurement from the base to the top or highest point of something.

Synonyms: Elevation, altitude, stature, tallness, peak

Example: The height of the mountain was so immense that it seemed to touch the sky.

149. Heirloom

Definition: An object, typically of high value or significance, that is passed down from generation to generation within a family.

Synonyms: Heritage, antique, legacy, family treasure

Example: The antique pocket watch had been an heirloom in the Smith family for over a century.

150. Hello

Definition: A common greeting or an expression used to attract attention or initiate a conversation.

Synonyms: Greetings, salutations, hey, hi, hiya

Example: “Hello!” Sarah greeted her friends as she entered the room, a smile lighting up her face.

151. Helm

Definition: Helm refers to the steering mechanism or device used to control the direction of a ship, aircraft, or other vehicle. It is typically a wheel or tiller that is operated by a person to steer the vessel.

Synonym: Steering gear

Example: The captain took hold of the helm and guided the ship through the narrow channel with precision.

152. Help

Definition: Assistance or support given to someone in need or difficulty.

Synonyms: Aid, assist, support, lend a hand, serve

Example: Tom offered to help his neighbor carry groceries up the stairs.

153. Helper

Definition: A person who assists or supports others in tasks or activities.

Synonyms: Assistant, aide, supporter, collaborator, ally

Example: The teacher’s aide was a helpful helper in the classroom, assisting the students with their assignments.

154. Helpful

Definition: Providing assistance, support, or useful information.

Synonyms: Useful, beneficial, valuable, handy, cooperative

Example: The guidebook was filled with helpful tips and recommendations for tourists visiting the city.

155. Helpfully

Definition: In a manner that is useful, supportive, or cooperative.

Synonyms: Supportively, cooperatively, constructively, accommodatingly

Example: Sarah answered the student’s questions helpfully, providing clear explanations to help them understand the topic.

156. Helpfulness

Definition: The quality of being useful, supportive, or accommodating.

Synonyms: Usefulness, assistance, support, cooperation, availability

Example: The volunteer’s helpfulness was greatly appreciated by the elderly residents at the nursing home.

157. Herald

Definition: To announce or proclaim something, often with enthusiasm or anticipation.

Synonyms: Announce, proclaim, declare, signal, indicate

Example: The ringing of the church bells heralded the arrival of the new year.

158. Heritage

Definition: Something that is inherited or passed down from previous generations, such as traditions, customs, or cultural practices.

Synonyms: Inheritance, legacy, birthright, ancestry, tradition

Example: The celebration of Lunar New Year is an important part of our cultural heritage.

159. Heir

Definition: A person who is legally entitled to receive or inherit the property, title, or position of another.

Synonyms: Inheritor, beneficiary, successor, legatee

Example: William is the heir to his family’s business empire and will take over as CEO in the future.

160. Hero

Definition: A person admired for their courage, noble qualities, or outstanding achievements.

Synonyms: Champion, savior, role model, idol, icon

Example: The firefighter who rescued the child from the burning building was hailed as a hero by the community.

161. Heroic

Definition: Displaying characteristics or qualities associated with heroism, such as bravery, selflessness, or valor.

Synonyms: Courageous, gallant, valiant, noble, fearless

Example: The soldiers showed heroic determination as they fought to defend their country.

162. Heroically

Definition: In a manner that is brave, courageous, or with great valor.

Synonyms: Bravely, valiantly, gallantly, fearlessly, nobly

Example: Despite being outnumbered, the captain led his troops heroically into battle.

163. Heroine

Definition: A woman admired for her courage, noble qualities, or exceptional achievements.

Synonyms: Female hero, champion, role model, icon

Example: Joan of Arc is often celebrated as a heroine for her role in the Hundred Years’ War.

164. Heroism

Definition: The qualities or behavior associated with a hero, such as courage, selflessness, or noble acts.

Synonyms: Bravery, valor, gallantry, courage, self-sacrifice

Example: The firefighter’s heroism in saving lives during the earthquake was widely recognized.

165. Hi

Definition: A short and informal greeting or an expression used to attract attention or acknowledge someone.

Synonyms: Hello, hey, greetings, salutations

Example: “Hi there!” Emily waved and smiled at her friend across the street.

166. High

Definition: Having a great vertical extent or distance from the base to the top.

Synonyms: Tall, elevated, lofty, towering, elevated

Example: The basketball player’s height allowed him to easily score points by shooting over his opponents.

167. Highness

Definition: A title used to address or refer to a person of high rank or royal status.

Synonyms: Majesty, excellency, lordship, grace, eminence

Example: “Your Highness, may I present the ambassador from the neighboring kingdom,” the courtier announced.

168. Hilarious

Definition: Extremely funny, causing great amusem*nt or laughter.

Synonyms: Funny, comical, uproarious, side-splitting, humorous

Example: The comedian’s stand-up routine was so hilarious that the entire audience was laughing uncontrollably.

169. Hilarity

Definition: A state of great merriment, amusem*nt, or laughter.

Synonyms: Laughter, amusem*nt, merriment, glee, jollity

Example: The party was filled with joy and hilarity as guests shared jokes and funny stories.

170. Hip

Definition: Fashionable, trendy, or up-to-date.

Synonyms: Stylish, cool, trendy, fashionable, in

Example: The new restaurant in town has a hip and modern vibe that attracts a young and trendy crowd.

171. Hipster

Definition: A person who follows the latest trends, fashions, or subcultural styles, often associated with non-mainstream tastes.

Synonyms: Trendsetter, nonconformist, alternative, bohemian, individualist

Example: The coffee shop was popular among hipsters who enjoyed its unique blend of artisanal coffee and vintage ambiance.

172. Historic

Definition: Significant or important in history; having great historical value or importance.

Synonyms: Historical, momentous, noteworthy, monumental, significant

Example: The signing of the Declaration of Independence was a historic event that marked the birth of a new nation.

173. Hit

Definition: To strike or come into forceful contact with something.

Synonyms: Strike, impact, collide, smack, thump

Example: The baseball player swung the bat and hit the ball out of the park.

174. Holiday

Definition: A day or period of celebration or leisure, often observed as a public or religious festival.

Synonyms: Vacation, break, day off, festive occasion, celebration

Example: During the holiday season, families gather together to exchange gifts and enjoy each other’s company.

175. Holiness

Definition: The state or quality of being holy, sacred, or morally pure.

Synonyms: Sacredness, sanctity, righteousness, piety, purity

Example: The monk’s life was dedicated to pursuing holiness and spiritual enlightenment.

176. Holism

Definition: The theory or belief that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

Synonyms: Wholeness, totality, entirety, unity, integration

Example: Holism emphasizes the interconnectedness and interdependence of all aspects of a system.

177. Holistic

Definition: Characterized by the approach that considers the whole system or person, including all its aspects, rather than focusing on individual parts.

Synonyms: Comprehensive, integrated, complete, all-encompassing, inclusive

Example: The holistic approach to healthcare takes into account not just the physical symptoms but also the mental, emotional, and social well-being of the patient.

178. Holy

Definition: Regarded as sacred or having a divine quality; associated with religious devotion or purity.

Synonyms: Sacred, divine, blessed, hallowed, consecrated

Example: The holy book is revered by followers of the religion as the ultimate source of guidance and wisdom.

179. Homage

Definition: Respect or reverence paid to someone or something, often in the form of a tribute or acknowledgment.

Synonyms: Tribute, honor, respect, admiration, reverence

Example: The artist’s work is an homage to the great masters of the past, paying tribute to their influence on his own style.

180. Home

Definition: A place where one lives, typically with one’s family or loved ones; a place of residence or refuge.

Synonyms: Residence, dwelling, house, abode, household

Example: After a long day at work, Sarah looked forward to returning to the comfort of her home.

181. Homebound

Definition: Confined to one’s home, typically due to illness, disability, or other limiting factors.

Synonyms: Housebound, confined, restricted, unable to leave the house

Example: The elderly woman relied on a homebound caregiver to assist her with daily tasks and errands.

182. Homecoming

Definition: A return to one’s home or place of origin, often accompanied by a celebration or gathering.

Synonyms: Return, arrival, reunion, welcome, repatriation

Example: The soldier’s homecoming was marked by a grand celebration, with family and friends eagerly awaiting his return.

183. Homegrown

Definition: Produced or developed locally or within one’s own country or region.

Synonyms: Local, domestic, native, regional, home-produced

Example: The farmers’ market showcased a variety of homegrown fruits and vegetables from the surrounding area.

184. Homeland

Definition: The country or region that is considered one’s native or ancestral land; a place that is deeply cherished and associated with a sense of belonging.

Synonyms: Motherland, fatherland, native land, birthplace, home

Example: Despite living abroad for many years, Maria’s heart always longed for her homeland and the familiar sights and sounds of her childhood.

185. Homely

Definition: Plain or unattractive in appearance; lacking elegance or beauty.

Synonyms: Plain, unattractive, unsightly, ordinary, unremarkable

Example: The small cottage had a homely charm with its rustic furnishings and simple decorations.

186. Homemade

Definition: Made or prepared at home, typically referring to food or other items produced by oneself rather than purchased.

Synonyms: Handmade, home-cooked, self-made, DIY, artisanal

Example: The bakery is known for its delicious homemade bread, baked fresh daily.

187. Homey

Definition: Cozy, comfortable, or giving a feeling of being at home.

Synonyms: Welcoming, cozy, comfortable, inviting, warm

Example: The living room was decorated in a homey style, with soft cushions, warm colors, and family photographs.

188. Hone

Definition: To sharpen, refine, or improve a skill, ability, or quality through practice or effort.

Synonyms: Sharpen, improve, perfect, refine, enhance

Example: The pianist spent hours each day practicing to hone her musical skills and technique.

189. Honest

Definition: Truthful, sincere, and free from deceit or dishonesty.

Synonyms: Truthful, sincere, trustworthy, upright, genuine

Example: It is important to be honest and trustworthy in all your interactions and relationships.

190. Honestly

Definition: In a truthful, sincere, and straightforward manner.

Synonyms: Sincerely, truthfully, candidly, openly, genuinely

Example: “I honestly believe that we can achieve great things if we work together,” the leader said.

191. Honesty

Definition: The quality of being truthful, sincere, and morally upright.

Synonyms: Integrity, truthfulness, sincerity, uprightness, fairness

Example: The company values honesty and transparency in its dealings with customers and employees.

192. Honey

Definition: A sweet, viscous substance produced by bees from nectar and used as a food source.

Synonyms: Sweetener, nectar, syrup, golden liquid

Example: The chef drizzled honey over the freshly baked pastries, adding a touch of sweetness.

193. Honeymoon

Definition: A vacation or period of time spent by newlyweds immediately after their wedding.

Synonyms: Wedding trip, romantic getaway, post-wedding vacation

Example: The couple enjoyed a romantic honeymoon in a secluded beach resort, celebrating their newly married status.

194. Honeypot

Definition: A term used in computer security to refer to a system or network designed to attract and trap potential hackers or cyber attackers.

Synonyms: Trap, decoy, lure, bait

Example: The cybersecurity team set up a honeypot to monitor and analyze the techniques used by hackers targeting the company’s network.

195. Honeyed

Definition: Sweet or smooth in flavor, tone, or manner.

Synonyms: Sweet, sugary, syrupy, smooth, mellifluous

Example: The singer’s honeyed voice captivated the audience, enchanting them with its melodious quality.

196. Honeylike

Definition: Resembling or having the characteristics of honey.

Synonyms: Sweet, golden, syrupy, sticky, luscious

Example: The ripe mango had a honeylike sweetness that delighted the taste buds.

197. Honor

Definition: High respect, esteem, or recognition given to someone for their achievements, qualities, or actions.

Synonyms: Respect, esteem, admiration, recognition, tribute

Example: The medal of honor was awarded to the brave firefighter who risked his life to save others.

198. Honorable

Definition: Worthy of respect, honesty, fairness, and high moral principles.

Synonyms: Respectable, upright, ethical, virtuous, noble

Example: The judge was known for his honorable and impartial decisions in the courtroom.

199. Honorably

Definition: In a manner that is honest, fair, and morally upright.

Synonyms: Ethically, nobly, righteously, with integrity

Example: The soldier served honorably in the military, displaying bravery and dedication to his country.

200. Honorarium

Definition: A payment or fee given as a token of appreciation or respect for services rendered, often in a professional or academic context.

Synonyms: Fee, payment, remuneration, stipend, compensation

Example: The guest speaker was offered an honorarium for delivering a lecture at the conference.

201. Honorary

Definition: Conferred or granted as an honor, even though the recipient may not hold the official position or status.

Synonyms: Ceremonial, symbolic, titular, honorary

Example: The professor was granted an honorary degree in recognition of his contributions to the field of science.

202. Honored

Definition: Regarded with respect, admiration, or esteem.

Synonyms: Respected, esteemed, revered, celebrated, acclaimed

Example: The author felt deeply honored when her book won the prestigious literary award.

203. Honoree

Definition: A person who is the recipient of an honor or tribute.

Synonyms: Awardee, recipient, honoree, laureate, prize winner

Example: The athlete was invited to the award ceremony as the honoree for his outstanding achievements in the sport.

204. Honorifics

Definition: Titles or forms of address used to show respect, especially in formal or ceremonial contexts.

Synonyms: Titles, forms of address, honorific titles, respectful terms

Example: In some cultures, using honorifics when addressing elders or authority figures is considered a sign of respect.

205. Hoodie

Definition: A hoodie is a casual, hooded sweatshirt or jacket typically made of a thick, warm fabric and featuring a drawstring hood and a front pocket.

Synonym: Hooded sweatshirt

Example: John wore his favorite hoodie to stay warm during the chilly evening walk.

206. Hoot

Definition: A loud, sharp, or raucous cry or sound, often expressing amusem*nt, scorn, or derision.

Synonyms: Shout, cry, laugh, jeer, ridicule

Example: The comedian’s jokes were so funny that the audience erupted in hoots of laughter.

207. Hooray

Definition: An exclamation used to express joy, triumph, or excitement.

Synonyms: Cheers, hurrah, huzzah, yay, woohoo

Example: “Hooray! We won the game!” the team shouted with jubilation.

208. Hope

Definition: A feeling of optimism, expectation, or desire for a certain outcome or improvement.

Synonyms: Optimism, aspiration, expectation, desire, longing

Example: Despite the challenges, they never lost hope and continued to work towards their dreams.

209. Hopeful

Definition: Feeling or inspiring optimism, confidence, or expectation.

Synonyms: Optimistic, confident, positive, expectant, promising

Example: The team remained hopeful and determined, believing they could turn the situation around.

210. Hopefully

Definition: In a hopeful manner; expressing a wish or desire for a positive outcome.

Synonyms: Optimistically, expectantly, with anticipation, ideally

Example: “Hopefully, the weather will be clear for our outdoor event,” the organizer said, looking at the cloudy sky.

211. Hopefulness

Definition: The state or quality of being hopeful, optimistic, or confident.

Synonyms: Optimism, confidence, positive outlook, expectation

Example: The hopefulness in her voice uplifted the spirits of those around her, giving them a renewed sense of possibility.

212. Hospitability

Definition: The quality or characteristic of being hospitable, welcoming, and generous to guests or visitors.

Synonyms: Hospitality, friendliness, warmth, generosity, cordiality

Example: The hotel staff’s hospitability made the guests feel at home, ensuring a pleasant stay.

213. Hospitable

Definition: Friendly, welcoming, and generous to guests or visitors.

Synonyms: Welcoming, friendly, warm, cordial, gracious

Example: The host’s hospitable nature made everyone feel comfortable and at ease at the dinner party.

214. Hospitality

Definition: The friendly and generous reception and entertainment of guests, visitors, or strangers.

Synonyms: Friendliness, warmth, generosity, cordiality, kindness

Example: The hotel’s hospitality extended beyond providing comfortable accommodations, offering personalized services to meet the guests’ needs.

215. Host

Definition: A person who receives or entertains guests, visitors, or participants in an event.

Synonyms: Hostess, entertainer, master of ceremonies, presenter, organizer

Example: The host greeted each guest with a warm smile and ensured they had a pleasant experience at the party.

216. Hot

Definition: Having a high temperature or producing a lot of heat; characterized by intense or passionate feelings.

Synonyms: Warm, heated, boiling, scorching, fiery

Example: The hot summer sun made everyone seek shade and relief from the sweltering heat.

217. Hotcake

Definition: A pancake, typically served hot and often eaten for breakfast.

Synonyms: Pancake, flapjack, griddlecake, hot stack

Example: The aroma of freshly cooked hotcakes wafted through the kitchen, enticing everyone to the breakfast table.

218. Hotshot

Definition: A person who is highly skilled, successful, or ambitious, often in a competitive field.

Synonyms: Expert, achiever, high achiever, go-getter, superstar

Example: The young entrepreneur was a hotshot in the tech industry, known for launching successful startups.

219. Howdy

Definition: A colloquial and informal greeting used to say hello or hi.

Synonyms: Hello, hi, hey, greetings, salutations

Example: “Howdy, partner!” the cowboy greeted his friend with a friendly smile.

220. Hubby

Definition: An affectionate term used to refer to one’s husband.

Synonyms: Husband, spouse, partner, mate

Example: “I’m going out with my hubby for dinner,” she said with a loving smile.

221. Huddle

Definition: To gather closely together, typically for the purpose of discussing or planning something.

Synonyms: Gather, cluster, group, congregate, assemble

Example: The team huddled together on the field to discuss their strategy for the upcoming game.

222. Hug

Definition: To hold someone tightly in one’s arms, typically as an expression of affection, comfort, or greeting.

Synonyms: Embrace, cuddle, squeeze, clasp, hold

Example: The child ran into her mother’s arms, seeking a warm hug after a long day at school.

223. Huge

Definition: Extremely large in size, quantity, or degree; enormous.

Synonyms: Massive, colossal, gigantic, immense, mammoth

Example: The dinosaur skeleton displayed at the museum was a huge attraction for visitors.

224. Hugely

Definition: To a great extent or degree; very much.

Synonyms: Enormously, immensely, greatly, tremendously, massively

Example: The new product was hugely successful, exceeding all sales expectations.

225. Huggable

Definition: Describing a person or object that is cuddly, lovable, or inviting to be hugged.

Synonyms: Cuddly, lovable, snuggly, embraceable, squeezable

Example: The plush teddy bear was so soft and huggable, making it a popular toy among children.

226. Hugging

Definition: The act of holding someone tightly in one’s arms, often as an expression of affection or comfort.

Synonyms: Embracing, cuddling, holding, squeezing, clasping

Example: The siblings shared a warm hug, expressing their love and support for each other.

227. Hum

Definition: To make a continuous low, steady, and often pleasant sound.

Synonyms: Buzz, drone, murmur, vibrate, reverberate

Example: The refrigerator hummed softly in the background, creating a soothing ambiance in the kitchen.

228. Humane

Definition: Characterized by compassion, kindness, and consideration for the well-being of others, especially animals.

Synonyms: Compassionate, kind, caring, benevolent, tender-hearted

Example: The organization’s humane treatment of animals earned them widespread recognition and support.

229. Humanely

Definition: In a manner that is characterized by compassion, kindness, and consideration for the well-being of others, especially animals.

Synonyms: Compassionately, kindly, with care, benevolently, tenderly

Example: The injured bird was rescued and humanely treated by the wildlife rehabilitator before being released back into the wild.

230. Humanhood

Definition: The state or condition of being human; the qualities, characteristics, and experiences that make us uniquely human.

Synonyms: Humanity, humanness, human nature, human experience

Example: The novel explored the depths of humanhood, delving into the complexities of emotions and relationships.

231. Humanism

Definition: A philosophical and ethical stance that emphasizes the value and agency of human beings, their individuality, and their ability to reason and make choices.

Synonyms: Humanitarianism, human-centeredness, humanistic philosophy

Example: Humanism promotes the idea that human beings have the capacity to lead fulfilling lives and contribute positively to society.

232. Humanist

Definition: A person who follows or advocates humanism, emphasizing human values, potential, and agency.

Synonyms: Humanitarian, philosopher, rationalist, advocate of humanism

Example: The writer was known as a humanist, advocating for equality, justice, and the rights of individuals.

233. Humanistic

Definition: Relating to or based on humanism, emphasizing human values, potential, and agency.

Synonyms: Humanitarian, compassionate, progressive, liberal, inclusive

Example: The humanistic approach to education focuses on nurturing the whole child and promoting their personal and intellectual growth.

234. Humanitarian

Definition: Concerned with or seeking to promote the welfare and well-being of humanity, especially through philanthropic or charitable actions.

Synonyms: Philanthropic, charitable, compassionate, altruistic, benevolent

Example: The humanitarian organization provided aid and relief to communities affected by natural disasters and conflicts.

235. Humanity

Definition: The collective qualities, attributes, and behaviors associated with human beings as a whole.

Synonyms: Mankind, humankind, human race, people, society

Example: It is essential to recognize and embrace our shared humanity, treating one another with kindness and respect.

236. Humankind

Definition: The entire human species; human beings collectively.

Synonyms: Mankind, humanity, human race, people, society

Example: The history of humankind is filled with stories of triumphs, struggles, and remarkable achievements.

237. Humanly

Definition: In a manner that is characteristic of or befitting a human being.

Synonyms: Naturally, typically, in a human manner

Example: The athlete pushed himself to his humanly limits, giving his all in the race.

238. Humble

Definition: Having or showing a modest or low estimate of one’s own importance; unpretentious.

Synonyms: Modest, unassuming, meek, self-effacing, down-to-earth

Example: Despite his success, the renowned actor remained humble and treated everyone with kindness and respect.

239. Humbling

Definition: Causing someone to feel less important, proud, or self-assured; making someone recognize their limitations or insignificance.

Synonyms: Humiliating, humbling, mortifying, embarrassing, chastening

Example: The experience of climbing the towering mountain was humbling, reminding the hiker of the grandeur and power of nature.

240. Humility

Definition: The quality of having a modest or low view of one’s own importance; a lack of arrogance or pride.

Synonyms: Modesty, humbleness, meekness, lack of pretension

Example: The leader’s humility endeared her to the team, as she treated everyone with respect and listened to their ideas.

241. Humongous

Definition: Extremely large or enormous in size or quantity.

Synonyms: Huge, gigantic, colossal, mammoth, massive

Example: The company built a humongous warehouse to store its extensive inventory of products.

242. Humor

Definition: The quality of being funny, amusing, or comical; the ability to perceive or create jokes, wit, or laughter.

Synonyms: Comedy, amusem*nt, wit, hilarity, funniness

Example: The comedian’s humor brought laughter and joy to the audience, lightening the mood in the room.

243. Humorous

Definition: Describing something that is funny, amusing, or comical.

Synonyms: Funny, comical, witty, entertaining, lighthearted

Example: The humorous cartoon made everyone laugh, brightening their day with its clever jokes.

244. Humorously

Definition: In a funny, amusing, or comical manner.

Synonyms: Comically, amusingly, wittily, entertainingly, lightheartedly

Example: The actor delivered his lines humorously, eliciting laughter from the audience with his comedic timing.

245. Hunk

Definition: A physically attractive and muscular man.

Synonyms: Handsome man, heartthrob, stud, beefcake, hottie

Example: The actor’s chiseled features and toned physique made him a popular hunk among his fans.

246. Hurray

Definition: An exclamation used to express joy, excitement, or triumph.

Synonyms: Cheers, hurrah, huzzah, yay, woohoo

Example: “Hurray! We won the championship!” the team shouted with elation and celebration.

247. Husky

Definition: Having a strong, deep, and rough voice or sound.

Synonyms: Deep, throaty, gruff, rough, low-pitched

Example: The singer’s husky voice added a soulful and captivating quality to her performances.

248. Huzzah

Definition: An exclamation used to express enthusiasm, joy, or triumph.

Synonyms: Cheers, hurrah, hurray, yay, woohoo

Example: The crowd erupted in huzzahs as the team scored the winning goal in the final seconds of the game.

249. Hygienic

Definition: Clean and conducive to maintaining health and preventing disease.

Synonyms: Clean, sanitary, sterilized, germ-free, aseptic

Example: The restaurant prided itself on maintaining hygienic conditions in the kitchen, ensuring the safety and well-being of its customers.

250. Hype

Definition: Excessive or exaggerated promotion or publicity, often used to generate excitement or anticipation.

Synonyms: Promotion, marketing, advertising, buzz, publicity

Example: The new movie generated a lot of hype with its star-studded cast and intriguing plot.

251. Hyperactive

Definition: Characterized by excessive or unusually high levels of activity, restlessness, or excitement.

Synonyms: Energetic, restless, frenetic, high-strung, overactive

Example: The child’s hyperactive behavior made it difficult for him to sit still or concentrate for long periods.

252. Hyperfine

Definition: Extremely precise or delicate; characterized by a level of detail or sensitivity that is beyond ordinary perception.

Synonyms: Exquisite, intricate, ultrafine, precise, delicate

Example: The hyperfine details in the artist’s paintings demonstrated her exceptional talent and attention to minute elements.

253. Hypersonic

Definition: Relating to speeds exceeding the speed of sound; specifically, speeds greater than Mach 5.

Synonyms: Supersonic, ultrasonic, supraliminal, transonic, high-speed

Example: Hypersonic aircraft are designed to travel at incredibly fast speeds, revolutionizing the field of aviation.

254. Hypnotic

Definition: Having the ability to induce a state of hypnosis or intense focus and captivate or fascinate someone.

Synonyms: Mesmerizing, captivating, spellbinding, entrancing, alluring

Example: The dancer’s hypnotic movements held the audience in rapt attention, as if under a spell.

255. Hysterical

Definition: Characterized by uncontrollable laughter, extreme emotional outbursts, or irrational behavior.

Synonyms: Frantic, frenzied, wild, manic, deranged, insane, mad

Example: After winning the lottery, Jane became hysterical with joy and started jumping up and down, screaming in excitement.

In summary

The letter H holds a special place in the lexicon of positivity.

From greetings to descriptions, H-words offer a variety of ways to uplift ourselves and those around us.

These words are more than just alphabetic constructs; they are building blocks for a happier, more optimistic life.

So go ahead and harness the power of H-words. Incorporate them into your daily conversations, writings, or even your thoughts, and watch how they transform your day and the days of those around you.

After all, a little happiness, hope, and harmony can go a long way!

Related Post: Positive Words That Start With J

255 Positive Words That Start With H [EPIC List with Definitions and Examples] | Positive Thinking Mind (2024)


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Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.