List of 348 Positive Words That Start with H with Definitions and Examples - (2024)

Do you want to learn positive words that start with H? Then continue reading this intriguing and heartfelt article, where you’ll find hundreds of positive words that start with H below.

Want to know something interesting about letter H? According to Micheal Rosen, this letter could be among the most despised in the English alphabet. Furthermore, this letter has two pronunciations: “aitch” and “haitch.”

There are also fewer words that begin with H alone and more that begin with ch, ph, sh, and th.

Isn’t it tempting to discover more about the positive words that start with H? A list of positive words starting with H is given below in an easy-to-read and understandable format. So, what are you holding out for?

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  • Adjectives That Start with H
  • Verbs That Start with H
  • Nouns That Start with H

Table of Contents

Positive Words That Start with H to Brighten Your Mood

There are many obstacles and troubles in life, and nice words that start with H can typically help you get out of a rut. We’ll look at a list of positive words that start with H.

1. Heartening

  • Definition: boosting courage and hope
  • Synonyms: encouraging, inspiring, reassuring
  • Example: It’s heartening to see so much family unity in this culture.

2. Holy

  • Definition: belonging to divine spirituality
  • Synonyms: divine, sacred, blessed
  • Example: Giving charity to the poor is a holy practice.

3. Hilarity

  • Definition: a feeling of gleefulness
  • Synonyms: amusem*nt, mirth, glee
  • Example: The young lads were singing in hilarity on the streets.

4. Hilarious

  • Definition: causing great fun and humor
  • Synonyms: comical, humorous, funny
  • Example: His hilarious mimicry made everyone laugh.

5. Harmonious

  • Definition: musically sound and pleasing
  • Synonyms: tuneful, dulcet, melodious
  • Example: He played a harmonious song at the beach.

6. Heavenly

  • Definition: of divine characteristics
  • Synonyms: angelic, lovely, wonderful
  • Example: Her beauty is heavenly.

7. Heartthrob

  • Definition: who is greatly loved
  • Synonyms: sweetheart, beloved, icon
  • Example: He is a heartthrob of our school, and everyone knows him.

8. Holiness

  • Definition: the attribute of being morally pure
  • Synonyms: blessedness, righteousness, spirituality
  • Example: Enter into marriage with the holiness of your heart.

9. Happily

  • Definition: in a blissful manner
  • Synonyms: merrily, gladly, cheerfully
  • Example: He happily resigned from this post.

10. Huggable

  • Definition: being worthy of adoration
  • Synonyms: loveable, endearing, adorable
  • Example: He finds puppies huggable.

Positive Words That Start with H to Describe a Person

These positive words that start with H to describe someone provide a pleasant image of that person. Let’s start with H and work through some of the most often used words to describe someone positively.

1. Healthy

  • Definition: in a good and sound health
  • Synonyms: well, sound, wholesome
  • Example: You must switch to a healthy lifestyle to live a healthy life.

2. Humanist

  • Definition: an advocate of human welfare
  • Synonyms: humane, humanitarian, human-centered
  • Example: He is a humanist and always facilitates people.

3. Honorable

  • Definition: entitled to respect
  • Synonyms: respected, reputable, respectable
  • Example: The honorable guest made a striking speech in the ceremony.

4. Honest

  • Definition: disposed to sincerity and truthfulness
  • Synonyms: sincere, true, upright
  • Example: It’s an opinion from an honest man that this must be down right away.

5. Humble

  • Definition: disposed to submission
  • Synonyms: modest, simple, decent
  • Example: He seems like a humble friend.

6. Handsome

  • Definition: inviting attention and praise
  • Synonyms: good-looking, attractive, charming
  • Example: They looked so handsome in this picture.

7. Hard-working

  • Definition: characterized by diligence and hard work
  • Synonyms: diligent, persevering, untiring
  • Example: This is the beautiful creation of a hard-working artist.

8. Hero

  • Definition: a distinguished person
  • Synonyms: champion, victor, lead
  • Example: He is the hero of our team.

9. Heroine

  • Definition: the leading female character in a film
  • Synonyms: protagonist, lead, star
  • Example: She was cast as the lead heroine in the film.

10. Humorous

  • Definition: provoking humor and fun
  • Synonyms: hilarious, funny, amusing
  • Example: He is a humorous teacher who teaches science in a fun way.

Positive Words That Start with H to Boost Positive Thinking

Whether you’ve failed while working toward your objective or you’re just feeling down, motivating phrases might help you stay motivated. Look at these positive words beginning with H to keep us going.

1. Help

  • Definition: a service that improves the
  • Synonyms: assist, support, aid
  • Example: One must always be ready to offer help to those in need.

2. Halo

  • Definition: a state of radiance
  • Synonyms: glory, gloriole, aureole
  • Example: The halo of the moon on a starry night is appealing.

3. Hospitable

  • Definition: warm towards guests and strangers
  • Synonyms: welcoming, sociable, congenial
  • Example: She is a shy but hospitable neighbor.

4. Happy-go-lucky

  • Definition: free of worry
  • Synonyms: carefree, light-hearted, unconcerned
  • Example: Adults should be as happy-go-lucky as kids.

5. Hallmark

  • Definition: a prominent attribute
  • Synonyms: feature, quality, characteristic
  • Example: Loyalty is the hallmark of a good relationship.

6. Habitable

  • Definition: worthy of living in
  • Synonyms: livable, inhabitable, comfortable
  • Example: The authorities made this burned forest habitable for wild animals.

7. Heartily

  • Definition: in a sincere and warm manner
  • Synonyms: warmly, cordially, enthusiastically
  • Example: Sally laughed heartily.

8. Helpfulness

  • Definition: the attribute of being helpful
  • Synonyms: usefulness, utility, benevolence
  • Example: His helpfulness always comes in handy.

9. High

  • Definition: having power, great influence, or an important position
  • Synonyms: important, supreme, great
  • Example: He is an officer of high rank.

10. High-caliber

  • Definition: marked by astuteness
  • Synonyms: witty, intelligent, sharp
  • Example: Such high-caliber people are rare.

Positive Words That Start with H for Doing Everyday Affirmations

Positive words that start with the letter H are listed below for use in daily affirmations. Check out our selection of inspirational words that start with H.

1. Happy

  • Definition: marked by delight and satisfaction
  • Synonyms: joyful, glad, cheerful
  • Example: I deserve to be a happy person.

2. Hopeful

  • Definition: full of hope and optimism
  • Synonyms: optimistic, positive, expectant
  • Example: I am hopeful that my efforts will bear fruit.

3. Home

  • Definition: the house, apartment, etc. where you live, especially with your family
  • Synonyms: house, apartment
  • Example: Call me at home after four o’clock.

4. Hale

  • Definition: exhibiting good health
  • Synonyms: healthy, robust, vigorous
  • Example: I am hale and hearty.

5. Helpful

  • Definition: offering help and support
  • Synonyms: considerate, kind, sympathetic
  • Example: She is a helpful lady.

6. High-spirited

  • Definition: full of energy and spirit
  • Synonyms: lively, vivacious, exuberant
  • Example: I am a high-spirited young woman.

7. Heedful

  • Definition: full of heed and caution
  • Synonyms: careful, mindful, attentive
  • Example: I am heedful to negative thoughts.

8. High-minded

  • Definition: displaying righteousness
  • Synonyms: ethical, upright, virtuous
  • Example: I will always follow my high-minded principles.

9. Honesty

  • Definition: the attribute of being honest
  • Synonyms: integrity, sincerity, righteousness
  • Example: I will always exhibit honesty in my work.

10. Happiness

  • Definition: an emotion of elation
  • Synonyms: delight, pleasure, Felicity
  • Example: Happiness is the way to a young soul.

Positive Words That Start with H to Lift Your Spirits

Words have a significant impact on how you behave. Words that start with H that are positive may assist you in shifting your focus through challenging circ*mstances. Here you will find some motivational words that start with H.

1. Humanitarian

  • Definition: of human welfare
  • Synonyms: charitable, benevolent, philanthropic
  • Example: He is helping you out of pure humanitarian interest.

2. High-class

  • Definition: of high degree
  • Synonyms: good, great, top
  • Example: She speaks in such a high-class British accent.

3. Hypnotic

  • Definition: which hypnotizes other
  • Synonyms: mesmerizing, spellbinding, enthralling
  • Example: These mountains have hypnotic beauty.

4. Highlighted

  • Definition: which is notable
  • Synonyms: accentuated, prominent, underlined
  • Example: Courtesy is the highlighted attribute of a gentleman.

5. Holistic

  • Definition: the quality of comprehensiveness
  • Synonyms: complete, integrated, entire
  • Example: This book provides a holistic solution to all of your problems.

6. Honor

  • Definition: to give someone a public reward to show appreciation for unusual achievement
  • Synonyms: appreciate, salute
  • Example: Today we honor those who died defending our country.

7. Humanistic

  • Definition: relating to human welfare
  • Synonyms: humanitarian, humane, human-centered
  • Example: It is my humanistic duty to save you.

8. Harvest

  • Definition: the activity or time of gathering a crop, or a crop that is gathered
  • Synonyms: crop, produce
  • Example: We picked the corn that had been missed during harvest.

9. Hygienic

  • Definition: pertaining to hygiene
  • Synonyms: clean, unpolluted, healthy
  • Example: They only make hygienic food in this restaurant.

10. High-quality

  • Definition: of top quality
  • Synonyms: excellent, supreme, good
  • Example: She always uses high-quality devices for recording.

Positive Words That Start with H to Inspire Yourself

You must have a well-stocked lexicon of positive H words to encourage yourself. Let’s go through the terms fast before diving into the world of inspiring words that start with H.

1. Hope

  • Definition: to be optimistic of
  • Synonyms: trust, confidence, believe
  • Example: Always hope for good results.

2. Harmony

  • Definition: the quality of compatibility between two different entities
  • Synonyms: peace, consensus, consonance
  • Example: People of all ethnicities live in harmony here.

3. Hawk-eyed

  • Definition: having a sharp and keen observance
  • Synonyms: sharp-sighted, vigilant, watchful
  • Example: He is a hawk-eyed investigator.

4. Humbleness

  • Definition: the attribute of being humble
  • Synonyms: modesty, decency
  • Example: His humbleness is what makes me fond of him.

5. Hallowed

  • Definition: highly esteemed and venerated
  • Synonyms: sacred, holy, blessed
  • Example: Truthfulness is the hallowed principle of my family.

6. Heuristic

  • Definition: relating to the investigation
  • Synonyms: practical, investigative, exploratory
  • Example: He plans to solve this case in a heuristic manner.

7. Healer

  • Definition: which heals
  • Synonyms: curer, mender, therapist
  • Example: Little kids are the healer of my agitation.

8. Honeyed

  • Definition: as if dipped in honey
  • Synonyms: sweet, syrupy, flattering
  • Example: His honeyed words always melt me down.

9. Honorarium

  • Definition: a premium payment given for a free service
  • Synonyms: bonus, benefit, premium
  • Example: He was given a handsome honorarium for his volunteer service.

10. Homely

  • Definition: displaying a feeling of home
  • Synonyms: homey, home-like, cozy
  • Example: This place has such a homely vibe.

Positive Words That Start with H to Cheer Up Your Friend

Here are some motivating words that start with H. Even though we don’t always know what to say, it’s nice to be recognized by someone we care about. Let’s look through the list of encouraging words that start with H.

1. Humane

  • Definition: inclined towards human welfare
  • Synonyms: kind, compassionate, merciful
  • Example: He has a humane character.

2. Headstrong

  • Definition: having the strong mental strength
  • Synonyms: determined, resolute, willful
  • Example: You need to be headstrong and stop listening to other’s opinions.

3. Hardy

  • Definition: having extreme strength and endurance
  • Synonyms: firm, solid, robust
  • Example: He is so hardy that he can swim in freezing water.

4. Heaven-sent

  • Definition: a blessing; as if sent by heavens
  • Synonyms: gift, blessed, divine
  • Example: Oh! You are a heaven-sent help.

5. Heart-warming

  • Definition: causing affection
  • Synonyms: pleasant, touching, moving
  • Example: It was heart-warming to meet you after such a long time.

6. Hearty

  • Definition: given with sound health
  • Synonyms: healthy, robust, strong
  • Example: My friend, you will soon be all hale and hearty.

7. Hopefulness

  • Definition: the characteristic of being hopeful
  • Synonyms: optimism, hope, faith
  • Example: His tone implied something more than mere hopefulness.

8. Heroically

  • Definition: in a heroic manner
  • Synonyms: bravely, valiantly, gallantly
  • Example: He heroically fought him and saved me.

9. Homage

  • Definition: to pay tribute to someone
  • Synonyms: reverence, respect, tribute
  • Example: This book is written in homage to my friends.

10. Hospitability

  • Definition: the attribute of being hospitable
  • Synonyms: friendliness, cordially, kindness
  • Example: His unique hospitality is equally sincere.

Positive Words That Start with H for Enhancing Optimism

These positive words with letter H, will serve as a reminder that maintaining a good attitude is essential for successfully navigating life’s challenges. Good words that start with H can be found here.

1. Heyday

  • Definition: at the blooming point
  • Synonyms: prime, peak, climax
  • Example: It’s the heyday of your youth, and you can overpower all the hurdles.

2. Hortatory

  • Definition: provoking motivation
  • Synonyms: encouraging, inspiring, persuasive
  • Example: I decided to restart my business because of his hortatory speech.

3. Harmless

  • Definition: without any harm or risk
  • Synonyms: safe, hurtless, risk-free
  • Example: It’s harmless to say that you like her.

4. Healthful

  • Definition: which is conducive to mental and physical health
  • Synonyms: healthy, wholesome, good
  • Example: Smile is the most healthful thing in times of stress.

5. Hooray

  • Definition: used to express joy, approval, or encouragement
  • Synonyms: whoopee, yahoo
  • Example: Hooray! I got the job.

6. Humility

  • Definition: the attribute of being humble
  • Synonyms: humbleness, modesty, unpretentiousness
  • Example: Humility is the base of all virtues.

7. High-demanded

  • Definition: which is highly desired by people
  • Synonyms: desired, in demand
  • Example: He has a high-demanded talent.

8. Handy

  • Definition: convenient to utilize
  • Synonyms: convenient, useful, accessible
  • Example: His first-aid training came in handy.

9. Healing

  • Definition: the process of restoring the original state
  • Synonyms: curating, restoring, recovering
  • Example: Adequate sleep promotes healing.

10. Hopefully

  • Definition: in a hopeful manner
  • Synonyms: optimistically, expectantly, god-willing
  • Example: Hopefully, he will reach the exam hall soon.

Positive Words That Start with H – Full List (348 Words)

We looked at a number of positive words in this article. The list includes all positive words beginning with the letter H. This is a complete list of positive words that start with H that can be found on the internet.

  • Heartening
  • Holy
  • Hilarity
  • Hilarious
  • Harmonious
  • Heavenly
  • Heartthrob
  • Holiness
  • Happily
  • Huggable
  • Healthy
  • Humanist
  • Honorable
  • Honest
  • Humble
  • Handsome
  • Hard-working
  • Hero
  • Heroine
  • Humorous
  • Help
  • Halo
  • Hospitable
  • Happy-go-lucky
  • Hallmark
  • Habitable
  • Heartily
  • Helpfulness
  • High
  • High-caliber
  • Happy
  • Hopeful
  • Home
  • Hale
  • Helpful
  • High-spirited
  • Heedful
  • High-minded
  • Honesty
  • Happiness
  • Humanitarian
  • High-class
  • Hypnotic
  • Highlighted
  • Holistic
  • Honor
  • Humanistic
  • Harvest
  • Hygienic
  • High-quality
  • Hope
  • Harmony
  • Hawk-eyed
  • Humbleness
  • Hallowed
  • Heuristic
  • Healer
  • Honeyed
  • Honorarium
  • Homely
  • Humane
  • Headstrong
  • Hardy
  • Heaven-sent
  • Heart-warming
  • Hearty
  • Hopefulness
  • Heroically
  • Homage
  • Hospitability
  • Heyday
  • Hortatory
  • Harmless
  • Healthful
  • Hooray
  • Humility
  • High-demanded
  • Handy
  • Healing
  • Hopefully
  • Hit
  • Hansel
  • Historical
  • Homeland
  • Hysteric
  • Highest
  • Highness
  • Honour
  • Hen-night
  • Human-rights
  • Half-price
  • Have
  • Hysteria
  • Heroic
  • High-tensile
  • Heirloom
  • Habiliment
  • Hurray
  • Hardworking
  • Heart
  • Honest-to-Goodness
  • Hyperactive
  • Hi
  • Heartfelt
  • Heroism
  • Hare
  • Hobby
  • Hello
  • Heiress
  • Hypostasize
  • Hysterical
  • Hellenize
  • Hot-ticket
  • Happen
  • Humanity
  • Hope-chest
  • Hard-nosed
  • Harness
  • High-concept
  • Honoree
  • High-powered
  • Hirsute
  • Honeypot
  • Hipster
  • Hotcakes
  • Heroes
  • Hole-in-one
  • Humongous
  • Hum
  • Hot
  • Herbal
  • Hobnob
  • Heterosis
  • Harmonic
  • High-fashion
  • Hiero
  • Homecoming
  • Hardcore
  • Humanly
  • Habit
  • Hygienist
  • Hibernate
  • Humanely
  • Hire
  • Hoedown
  • Headline
  • Husky
  • Heritage
  • Humanhood
  • High-profile
  • Huge
  • Hold
  • Humidify
  • High-spirits
  • Hardihood
  • Hanker
  • High-tech
  • Hoist
  • Halcyon
  • High-fidelity
  • Heady
  • Historic
  • Headway
  • Honora
  • Head
  • Hunky-dory
  • Hosanna
  • Hushabye
  • Harvester
  • Harmonizable
  • High-spiritedness
  • Hybridize
  • Holiday
  • Horticultural
  • Huzzah
  • High-resolution
  • He-man
  • Hands-on
  • Honouring
  • High-flier
  • Hue
  • house-warming
  • Hotfoot
  • Hallelujah
  • Honorifics
  • Hotshot
  • Honoured
  • Hype
  • Hinny
  • Habile
  • Hallow
  • Heroize
  • Hitch
  • Heighten
  • Hedonism
  • Hottest
  • Honeybun
  • Honourable-Mention
  • Humankind
  • Humorously
  • High-day
  • Heart-throb
  • Hunk
  • Helped
  • High-functioning
  • Hottie
  • Honeymoon
  • Health-food
  • Honorably
  • Holism
  • Hugely
  • How
  • High-roller
  • Huzza
  • High-brow
  • Harmoniously
  • Hail
  • Haven
  • Huggy
  • Hootenanny
  • High-demand
  • Honourable
  • Humor
  • Heterogeneous
  • Hepcat
  • Homey
  • High-road
  • Handclap
  • High-ground
  • Heigh
  • Hooked
  • Highbrow
  • Hortative
  • Hushaby
  • Humanism
  • High-spot
  • Hot-blooded
  • Humbling
  • Harmonize
  • Habitual
  • Hard-hitting
  • Horse-Sense
  • Head-turning
  • High-priority
  • Handle
  • Haute-Couture
  • Honorand
  • Happening
  • Hands-down
  • Handout
  • Harlequin
  • Heralded
  • Hubby
  • Hybrid-vigour
  • Hearten
  • Harmonized
  • Hegemonic
  • Hygiene
  • Heart-to-heart
  • Hi-fi
  • Homie
  • Helper
  • Heavyweight
  • Huddle
  • Hot-stuff
  • Hep
  • Harangue
  • Hard-wearing
  • Helpmate
  • haecceity
  • Highly
  • Hot-gospel
  • Honorific
  • Handsomely
  • Habituate
  • Host
  • Haut-Monde
  • Hall
  • Homegrown
  • Hermitage
  • Hegemony
  • Hermetic
  • Highlight
  • hom*ogenize
  • Handsel
  • Hubba-Hubba
  • ho-ho
  • Hidalgo
  • Handshake
  • Heed
  • Howl
  • Harbinger
  • Homemade
  • Heterodox
  • Health
  • Hug
  • Hugging
  • Hang-out
  • Handwritten
  • hitched
  • Height
  • Heal
  • Humdinger
  • Heterocl*te
  • Howdy
  • Honoris-Causa
  • Human
  • Honorary
  • Honeylike
  • Honestly
  • Hospitality
  • Heritor
  • Humour
  • Hoot
  • Hayride
  • honours-list
  • Hip
  • Hyperfine
  • Hinge
  • Helping
  • Hypnotize
  • Helpfully
  • Haute
  • howling
  • Handsomeness
  • Hang
  • Hen-party
  • Herald
  • High-calibre
  • Heaven
  • Headmaster
  • Hypersonic
  • Handily
  • Haha
  • Honey
  • Hongi
  • Hunky
  • Hickey
  • Hovel
  • Hotcake
  • High-Technology
  • Honored
  • Homebound
  • High-reaching
  • Hurrah
  • Hone
  • Hyped
  • Hand-picked

Final Thoughts on Positive Words That Start with H

Thank you for taking the time to read and complete this article! We are sure you are already inspired to employ the words you learned here someplace. As we all know, positive words that start with H are distinctive and fascinating. Studying these terms and their synonyms and explanations will ensure that you never forget them.

Learning positive words that start with H on paper or on the internet is not difficult, but implementing them into your conversations and writing is our aim here. This is the only purpose for writing this post about positive words starting with H in the first place.

Make a point of reading all the positive words beginning with H in this article. These terms should assist you in enhancing your vocabulary while also benefiting you intellectually.

List of 348 Positive Words That Start with H with Definitions and Examples - (2024)


What is the inspirational word for H? ›

A few positive words that start with the letter H include: Happy, Harmonious, Healthy, Helpful, Heartfelt, Heartwarming, Heaven, and Heroic.

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List Of Words Beginning With H For Kids
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Jun 16, 2022

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100 Positive Adjectives
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What is a word beginning with H to describe someone nice? ›

Compliments That Start With H
  • Handsome.
  • Hardworking.
  • Healthy.
  • Heartfelt.
  • Heavenly.
  • Helpful.
  • Heroic.
  • Hilarious.
Jul 11, 2023

What is a positive noun that starts with h? ›

Some of the most used positive & impactful nouns that start with the letter H include hope, honor, hero, harmony, happiness, heart, humor, haven, halo, and health. There are a few hundred of these hearty words, ranging from 3 to 21 characters in length.

What is a leadership word that starts with H? ›

3 H's of successful leadership: Honesty, humility, and helpfulness.

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Here are Top 10 Romantic words that start with H: Harmonious Honeymoon Heady Honeyed Hopeful Heavenly Heartwarming Heartfelt Halcyon Hypnotic What are Romantic words with H? ...

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Some of the most used positive & impactful verbs that start with the letter H include help, hone, harness, heal, hug, herald, hope, hum, highlight, and hail.

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List of cool words that start with H
3 more rows

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25 Words That Start with H for Everyday Use
  • Hue.
  • Hat.
  • Hand.
  • Head.
  • Heel.
  • Heap.
  • Hook.
  • Hoop.

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More Unique H Words
  • hackneyed - overused; repeated so much as to become stale.
  • hagridden - troubled by anxiety or frightening nightmares.
  • halcyon - peaceful, tranquil, without drama.
  • haphazard - lacking organization or planning.
  • harangue - aggressive criticism that goes on and on.
May 27, 2021

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Excellent, laughs, joy, rainbow, outstanding, butterflies, sunlight, kisses, weekends, cake, cheers, relaxing, Saturdays, cupcake, extraordinary, hilarious, moonlight, optimistic, peaceful, romance, internet.

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You can attract positive energy to you by using high vibrational words - a good example would be words used in meditation, chanting or during prayer. Other positive energy words are words like love, inspiration, hope, joy, happiness and even a word like possibility has an expansive feeling to it.

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What are the twelve powerful words? Trace, Analyze, Infer, Evaluate, Formulate, Describe, Support, Explain, Summarize, Compare, Contrast, Predict. Why use the twelve powerful words? These are the words that always give students more trouble than others on standardized tests.

What are the leadership words that start with H? ›

3 H's of successful leadership: Honesty, humility, and helpfulness.


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Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.