Xu-Fu's Pet News: Patch 9.1 Pet Compilation (2024)

On 13 April Blizzard released patch 9.1 on the PTR, and with the new patch came some new pets and pet-related changes! We'll keep this article updated as more information becomes available.

1. No Pet Journal Level Cap

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Yep, you read that correctly: the pet journal no longer has a cap! You are still limited to either 1/1 or #/3 depending on the pet, but for those who are interested in collecting to the cap of each pet, this change will be especially appealing.

2. Covenant Restrictions Removed from Pets...Sort Of

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You can now summon your Jiggles, Ruffle, Trootie, or Sinheart on any character! However, they still appear unable to battle outside your character's Covenant.

3. Currency Needed for Next Patch

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3.1 Polished Pet Charms: 10,050

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3.2 Stygia: 1,500

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3.3 Timewarped Badges: 200

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3.4 Gold: 2143 gold, 65 silver, and 87 copper

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3.5 Gray Value Items:

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3.6 Lockboxes:

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4. New Pet Toys & Items

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  • Forgotten Feather: Give your battle pet the power of the Val'kyr, allowing them to fly alongside you.
  • Elusive Pet Treat: Drop a tiny bone wielding golem for your companion pet to chase around for 30 sec.

5. New Achievements

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One new achievement to show up is: A Sly Fox. Which appears as though it might be similar to Dodger in how you get the pet, and in coloring. Maybe they're related!

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Lazey has been kind enough to give us a map on how to get Sly, as well as instructions here!

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Then we have Many, Many Things, where you'll need to research every talent in the Box of Many Things. This achievement is related to Torghast.

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6. New Pet Tamer

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Anthea <Carefree Pet Tamer>

Our strategies for Anthea can be found here.

As indicated from Squibbles' drop information, this tamer will have a Grummlepouch as a reward for Temple Throwdown.

She can be found at the Temple of the White Tiger in Kun-Lai Summit at 70.37, 51.35

"My parents are busy defending the Shrine of the... Eight... Coconuts? I wasn't paying attention. That's probably why they left me here. They told me I could train with the big white cat! I'm going to be a ninja! <Anthea kicks several times in your direction.> Ya! Kya! You better watch out! ... I'm bored, do you want to pet battle? I brought all of my favorite pets with me."

Her team consists of:

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RT-3 M15

  • Abilities: Massive Explosion (New)
  • Stats: 1500 HP -/- 280 Power -/- 350 Speed

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  • Abilities: Furious Flapping, Chain Lightning, Razor Talons
  • Stats: 1850 HP -/- 280 Power -/- 420 Speed

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  • Abilities: Lick, Swipe, Retrieve
  • Stats: 1500 HP -/- 350 Power -/- 280 Speed

7. New Player Pet Ability

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Siphon Gear was an ability that only the Goldenbot XD on Mechagon had, but will now be available to the player pet Squibbles.

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Time Bomb was a scrapped ability for Glitterwing (Bastion - Stratios)

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8. New Pets in Pet Journal

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Amaranthine Stinger

Though the spawn of a gorm queen lost within the Maw, this pet appears to be untainted by the Jailer's foul magics.

  • Location: The Maw
  • Coordinates:

    /way The Maw 22.2 50.8 Gralebboih
    /way The Maw 28.6 48.4 Gralebboih

  • Cageable: Yes
  • Abilities: Slicing Wind, Centrifugal Hooks, Impale, Great Sting, Paralyzing Venom, Puncture Wound

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Animite Broodling

A young animite will rapidly grow if fed in excess. It is suggested that no more than one average soul's worth of anima be consumed per year to keep them docile.

  • Source: Pet Battle
  • Location: Korthia
  • Cageable: No
  • Abilities: Rabid Strike, Glowing Toxin, Siphon Anima, Adrenal Glands, Drain Power, Wild Magic

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Anxious Nibbler

You have never met a pet that is more about chewing.

  • Source: Pet Battle
  • Location: Korthia
  • Cageable: No
  • Abilities: Lick, Scrabble (New), Nibble, Primal Cry, Dust Cloud, Feast (New)

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One of several indistinguishable pets, all named Chompy.

  • Location: Korthia

  • Location: Korthia

  • Cageable: Yes
  • Abilities: Chomp, Toxic Bite, Sludge Belch, Ravage, Toxic Fumes, Feed

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Clinging Remains

Not quite alive, not quite dead, simply an arm, with no head.

  • Source: Pet Battle
  • Location: The Maw
  • Cageable: No
  • Abilities: Bone Prison, Bone Barrage, Tornado Punch, Roar of the Dead, Return to Rest, Haunt

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Copperback Etherwyrm

The brilliant scales of the etherwyrm reflect the bright skies of Bastion.

  • Cageable: Yes
  • Abilities: Furious Flapping, Blinkstrike, Arcane Storm, Wild Winds, Prismatic Barrier, Arcane Dash

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Curious Purrkin

The Purrkin hunt the invasive skrats in the Veiled Market, keeping the population just high enough that they are still needed.

  • Source: Pet Battle
  • Location: Tazavesh, the Veiled Market (Dungeon)
  • Cageable: No
  • Abilities: Swipe, Spiritfire Bolt, Prowl, Feast (new), Void Portal, Ethereal

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Damp Skrat

Skrats are poisonous, venomous, and unusually damp--everything you want in a pet.

  • Source: Pet Battle
  • Location: Tazavesh, the Veiled Market (Dungeon)
  • Cageable: No
  • Abilities: Chomp, Barbed Stinger, Uncanny Luck, Nibble, Feast (new), Great Sting

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A species of wild pest that exists within the Maw, no one is quite sure what it eats or why it exists, but they can't get rid of it.

  • Source: Pet Battle
  • Location: The Maw
  • Cageable: No
  • Abilities: Quick Attack, Flurry, Refuge, Stench, Survival, Death and Decay

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Devourers exist throughout the In-Between of various types and levels of power, but always seeking anima.

  • Source: Pet Battle
  • Location: Korthia
  • Cageable: No
  • Abilities: Siphon Anima, Absorb, Headbutt, Body Slam, Soulrush, Devour

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Domestic Aunian

A domesticated species, it is quite calm and seems hungry.

  • Location: Korthia
  • Reputation: Death's Advance -- Honored
  • Cost: 50 Polished Pet Charms & 1500 Stygia
  • Cageable: Yes
  • Abilities: Lick, Feral Strike, Kick, Primal Cry, Dust Cloud, Refuge

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Eye of Affliction

These eyes were sent to slow and debilitate the wayward souls of the Maw, so that they could be more easily captured.

  • Source: Pet Battle
  • Location: Korthia, The Maw
  • Cageable: No
  • Abilities: Eyeblast, Dark Bolt, Interrupting Gaze, Agony, Eye Beam, Siphon Life

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Eye of Allseeing

The Eye of the Jailer, diffused, is now merely an all-seeing magical bauble.

  • Raid: Sanctum of Domination
  • Difficulty: All
  • Cageable: Yes
  • Abilities: Eyeblast, Dark Bolt, Inner Vision, Creeping Insanity, Eye Beam, Portal

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Eye of Extermination

The rage Zovaal harbored for his punished existence echoes through the eye.

  • Raid: Sanctum of Domination
  • Difficulty: Mythic Only
  • Cageable: Yes
  • Abilities: Eyeblast, Dark Bolt, Interrupting Gaze, Enrage, Inner Vision, Portal

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Flawless Amethyst Baubleworm

Baubleworms are highly prized in the Veiled Market, where those featuring few gemstone flaws can fetch extreme prices.

  • Location: Oribos
  • Cost: 10,000 Polished Pet Charms
  • Cageable: Yes
  • Abilities: Onyx Bite, Arcane Barrage (new), Crystal Prison, Light, Prismatic Barrier, Illuminate

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When you're a Maldraxxian stitchcrafter and you have to name a lot of abominations, sometimes you just go with the obvious choice.

  • Cageable: Yes
  • Abilities: Bone Bite, Creepy Chomp, Plague Breath, Sludge Claw, Meat Hook, Reanimate

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Gilded Darknight

The golden armor on these mawsworn is flimsy and easily bent--the gilded armor is a punishment.

  • Location: Torghast, Tower of the Damned
  • Cageable: Yes
  • Abilities: Club, Cleave, Deflection, Goldskin, Death Grip, Dark Fate (new)

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Gizmo is considered a perfect purrkin, perhaps the best that has ever existed. He is also a ruthless murderer of small critters.

  • Dungeon: Tazavesh, the Veiled Market
  • Cageable: Yes
  • Abilities: Scrabble (new), Swipe, Prowl, Mangle, Arcane Dash, Ethereal

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It only has two teeth, and they both mean business.

  • Type: Emissary
  • Cageable: Yes
  • Abilities: Face Bite, Siphon Anima, Headbutt, Body Slam, Soulrush, Devour

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Golden Eye

See reflections on the water? There's more than darkness in the depths.

  • Location: The Maw

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  • Cageable: Yes
  • Abilities: Eyeblast, Dark Bolt, Gold Rush (new), Creeping Insanity, Eye Beam, Portal

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Grappling Gauntlet

Struggle all you want, it will just grip harder.

  • Source: Drop
  • Location: The Maw
  • Cageable: Yes
  • Abilities: Metal Fist, Face Punch, Haymaker, Death Grip, Ironskin, Clamp

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Grip of Terror

These ensorcelled gauntlets are used by the mawsworn to capture escaping prisoners.

  • Source: Pet Battle
  • Location: The Maw
  • Cageable: No
  • Abilities: Metal Fist, Face Punch, Haymaker, Tornado Punch, Ironskin, Worst Fear

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Infused Etherwyrm

Infused etherwyrms can be used as portable anima batteries, but they must be trained not to flee at the sight of combat.

  • Drop: Ardenweald Maw Assault
  • Location: The Maw
  • Cageable: Yes
  • Abilities: Flyby, Wind Burst, Arcane Storm, Wild Winds, Mana Surge, Surge of Power

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Invasive Buzzer

Gorm find a way to invade just about anywhere, and the Maw is no exception.

  • Location: The Maw
  • Cageable: Yes
  • Abilities: Slicing Wind, Wind Burst, Paralyzing Venom, Locust Swarm, Great Sting, Puncture Wound

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There was once a mawsworn so vile that he was killed by his own minions. So great was his malice that a fragment of him lives on in this glove.

  • Raid: Sanctum of Domination
  • Difficulty: All
  • Cageable: Yes
  • Abilities: Metal Fist, Face Punch, Haymaker, Black Claw, Ironskin, Dark Fate (new)

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Korthian Specimen

With Korthia torn asunder by the Jailer, the few species that remain must be archived.

  • Location: Korthia
  • Coordinates:

    /way 30.3, 54.9 Cave Entrance
    /way 44.3, 67.1 Zelnithop

  • Cageable: Yes
  • Abilities: Shadow Talon, Feral Strike, Kick, Feast (new), Dust Cloud, Primal Cry

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The fields of battle teem with Lil'Abom parts, which are perfectly interchangeable and easy to put back together.

  • Drop: Maldraxxus Maw Assault

  • Additional Information:

You'll need to combine five parts to create this pet, scattered around Perdition Hold

The pieces have multiple spawn points, but here are the coordinates that Slumber on Wowhead provided:

/way #1543 30.3 63.3 Lil'Abom Head
/way #1543 32.2 56.0 Lil'Abom Head
/way #1543 27.4 56.6 Lil'Abom Head

/way #1543 38.5 58.5 cave entrance, Lil'Abom Right Hand is at the back on the left

/way #1543 33.3 65.8 Lil'Abom Spare Arm
/way #1543 39.2 66.5 Lil'Abom Spare Arm

/way #1543 36.4 64.4 Lil'Abom Torso
/way #1543 36.9 67.4 Lil'Abom Torso (cave entrance)
/way #1543 39.9 62.6 Lil'Abom Torso

/way #1543 29.4 67.2 Lil'Abom Legs

  • Cageable: Yes
  • Abilities: Bone Bite, Scratch, Sludge Belch, Rot, Meat Hook, Digest Brains

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Lost Limb

Fragments of souls abound in the Maw, searching for meaning, or an end to their torment. But some just want to give you a hand.

  • Source: Pet Battle
  • Location: The Maw
  • Cageable: No
  • Abilities: Empowering Strikes, Punch, Sludge Claw, Bash, Death Grip, Unholy Ascension

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Mawsworn Minion

The Sanctum of Domination accepts mawsworn of all shapes, sizes, and levels of corporeality.

  • Raid: Sanctum of Domination
  • Difficulty: All
  • Cageable: Yes
  • Abilities: Soul Steal, Cleave, Deflection, Ironskin, Dark Fate (new), Mighty Charge

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Mord'al Eveningstar

A ruthless tormentor of the smallest souls. Some say he was known in life as "Thermaplugg".

  • Location: Torghast, Tower of the Damned
  • Cageable: No. Unique (Achievement)
  • Abilities: Punish, Cleave, Deflection, Dark Fate (new), Death Grip, Mighty Charge

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Mosscoated Gromit

The hide color of this species is more rare on Korthia, and helps it hide from predators. And mawsworn, in this case.

  • Location: Korthia
  • Cageable: Yes
  • Abilities: Lick, Feral Strike, Kick, Photosynthesis, Dust Cloud, Primal Cry

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One particular Broker has taken a liking to the skrat species, kept this rare specimen as a pet, and inherited the smell as a souvenir.

  • Source: Vendor
  • Location: Tazavesh, the Veiled Market
  • Additional Information: Once you clear to the spot indicated on the map by the player cursor, you'll see an NPC named 'Shopkeeper'. Emote /yes at them, and they'll unlock as a vendor.

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  • Cageable: Yes
  • Abilities: Huge Fang, Scrabble (new), Uncanny Luck, Nibble, Survival, Feed

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Rook never speaks, and little about them is known.

  • Location: The Maw
  • Cageable: Yes
  • Abilities: Punish, Cleave, Dark Fate (new), Ironskin, Haunt, Mighty Charge

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Ruby Baubleworm

The gemstones on a baubleworm will quickly deteriorate if the worm is killed. Healthy worms are kept as prized pets by wealthy Brokers.

  • Location: Oribos
  • Cageable: Yes
  • Abilities: Arcane Barrage (new), Tail Slap, Healing Wrap, Crystal Overload, Prismatic Barrier, Slither

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Scavenging Skrat

Skrats are an especially invasive species, in that they can reproduce with only a sole skrat, and consume almost anything.

  • Source: Pet Battle
  • Location: Tazavesh, the Veiled Market (Dungeon)
  • Cageable: No
  • Abilities: Scrabble (new), Barbed Stinger, Uncanny Luck, Nibble, Survival, Feed

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Scurrying Mawrat

The nails of the mawrat can inflict one of several afterlife-ending illnesses.

  • Source: Pet Battle
  • Location: The Maw
  • Cageable: No
  • Abilities: Chomp, Rabid Strike, Corpse Explosion, Nibble, Haunt, Creeping Insanity

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Silver Purrkin

Purrkins are a traditional pet of the Brokers and the two have a mutually beneficial relationship--a necessity in Broker culture.

  • Source: Pet Battle
  • Location: Tazavesh, the Veiled Market (Dungeon)
  • Cageable: No
  • Abilities: Spiritfire Bolt, Scrabble (new), Prowl, Rend, Ethereal, Mangle

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Sinfall Screecher

Joining with their new residents in Sinfall, a few of these juvenile dredbats accompanied Renathal's forces into the Maw.

  • Drop: Bastion Maw Assault
  • Location: The Maw
  • Coordinates: /way 30.0 43.2
  • Additional Information: Seems as though it needs to happen during a Bastion Maw Assault where the Venthyr are assisting
  • Cageable: Yes
  • Abilities: Face Bite, Sonic Blast, Screech, Nocturnal Strike, Predatory Strike, Call Darkness

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Sly snuck aboard for a trip into the Maw. He's not scared, he just really wants to stay in your backpack for a while.

  • Cageable: Yes
  • Abilities: Face Bite, Sneak Attack, Crouch, Prowl, Frolick, Feign Death

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Squibbles is engineered to never leave your side.

  • Cageable: Yes
  • Abilities: Furious Flapping, Chain Lightning, Razor Talons, Siphon Gear (New), Warning Squawk, Wind Buffet

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Timeless Mechanical Dragonling

Dragons come in all types of temporal classification--timeless, time-lost, and even infinite.

  • Zone: Tanaris
  • Cageable: Yes
  • Abilities: Flame Breath, Spark, Razor Talons, Time Bomb (new), Decoy, Armageddon

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Topaz Baubleworm

Baubleworms have no natural predators, and grow their gemstones to attract mates.

  • Location: Oribos
  • Cageable: Yes
  • Abilities: Tail Slap, Arcane Barrage (new), Crystal Prison, Paralyzing Venom, Crystal Overload, Prismatic Barrier

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Turquoise Baubleworm

Baubleworms were found by the Brokers on an unknown world, and so gorgeous were their gems, that quickly the expedition turned against one another.

  • Location: Oribos
  • Cageable: Yes
  • Abilities: Arcane Barrage (new), Onyx Bite, Slither, Crystal Overload, Squeeze, Crystal Prison

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Vile Deathroach

Every deathroach is technically considered vile, but these really take the cake.

  • Source: Pet Battle
  • Location: The Maw
  • Cageable: No
  • Abilities: Scratch, Needle Claw, Refuge, Stench, Apocalypse, Toxic Fumes

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Wild Corpsefly

Corpsefly eggs end up everywhere in Maldraxxus, and are easily transported accidentally.

  • Source: Pet Battle
  • Location: Korthia
  • Cageable: No
  • Abilities: Rabid Strike, Glowing Toxin, Siphon Anima, Shriek, Drain Power, Wild Magic

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Young Garnetgullet

The garnetgullet rolls in bright red flowers to enhance its color, serving as a call to similar species and a warning to enemies.

  • Source: Pet Battle
  • Location: Korthia
  • Cageable: No
  • Abilities: Bloodfang, Feral Strike, Kick, Primal Cry, Dust Cloud, Feast (new)

9. Changes to Pets Currently on Live

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9.1 Gorm Harrier: Ability Changes

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  • Blinkstrike -- > Slicing Wind
  • Bite -- > Enrage
  • Uncanny Luck -- > Paralyzing Venom
  • Prowl -- > Impale
  • Pounce -- > Great Sting
  • Fade -- > Puncture Wound

9.2 Gorm Needler: Ability Changes

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  • Blinkstrike -- > Slicing Wind
  • Bite -- > Impale
  • Uncanny Luck -- > Enrage
  • Prowl -- > Great Sting
  • Pounce -- > Paralyzing Venom
  • Fade -- > Puncture Wound

9.3 Gorm Rootstinger: Ability Changes

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  • Blinkstrike -- > Slicing Wind
  • Bite -- > Enrage
  • Uncanny Luck -- > Impale
  • Prowl -- > Great Sting
  • Pounce -- > Paralyzing Venom
  • Fade -- > Puncture Wound

10. Other Changes

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10.1 Brood of Mothallus: Changed Family from Beast to Critter

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10.2 Whirling Gears Ability on NPC Pet Math Changed from Aquatic to Mechanical

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Xu-Fu's Pet News: Patch 9.1 Pet Compilation (2024)


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Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

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Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.