The Shadow (Volume) - Comic Vine (2024)

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    Volume » Published by DC Comics. Started in 1973.

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    Author Denny O'Neil and artist Mike Kaluta presented their atmospheric interpretation of Walter B.Gibson's pulp-fiction mystery man of the 1930's. The series began with the Shadow posing as wealthy socialite Lamont Cranson in order to trick Wall Street broker Osgood Bamber into confiding in him. By doing so, the Shadow and his crime solving partner Margo Lane foiled a robbery orchestrated by the villain. The Shado w ran for 12 issues before disappearing into the darkness of cancellation.

    Collected Editions:ThePrivate Files of the Shadow (collects issues #1-6)




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    12 issues in this volume Add Issue Reverse sort

      • Issue #12 Night of the Damned! September 1975
      • Issue #11 The Night of the Avenger! July 1975
      • Issue #10 The Night of the Killers May 1975
      • Issue #9 Night of the Falling Death! March 1975
      • Issue #8 Night of the Mummy January 1975
      • Issue #7 Night Of The Beast November 1974
      • Issue #6 Night of the Ninja September 1974
      • Issue #5 Night of Neptune's Death July 1974
      • Issue #4 Death is Bliss May 1974
      • Issue #3 The Kingdom of the Cobra March 1974
      • Issue #2 Freak Show Murders January 1974
      • Issue #1 The Doom Puzzle! November 1973

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      The Shadow (Volume) - Comic Vine (2024)


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      Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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      Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.