The Perfect Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe (2024)

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The Perfect Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe (1)

Stuffing cookies full of the best sweets and treats is not new by any means.We have been putting everything we can into chocolate chip cookies since the Tollhouse recipe came out. Everyone who has whipped up their own chocolate chip cookie recipe has tried putting another ingredient in the middle of it.

But every chocolate chip cookierecipe I came across looked like lumps of dough baked around a treat. Which tastes just as great, don’t let me steer you wrong.

But I wanted to create a chocolate chip cookie recipethat hid the goodie inside completely, that kept the “treat” whole instead of melted and looked purty.

I like purty lookin’ cookies. I can’t help it.

If I am going to sit down and eat 1 billion calories in a cookie, it better not look like a lump o’ dirt.

So, no dirt lump lookin’ cookies on this site!

I hope. Let me know if you spot any, ok?

Now, I have looked at a LOT of recipes for stuffed chocolate chip cookies. None of them seem to avoid getting that “lump” sitting on top of the cookie that is just your treat covered in a wee bit o’ cookie. Most are the exact same recipes I have here on my site, there isn’t much change to the basic chocolate chip cookie.

Look at the picture above.

Notice a difference between those and all the other stuffed cookie pictures? NO LUMP! No bump! No weird shaped cookie. They look like large chocolate chip cookies, which is the point. Perhaps I am a little bit of a perfectionist, I will admit. I wanted them to look like cookies, not dough thrown around something and baked.

The Perfect Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe (2)

This recipe will have the cookies cooked all the way around, no gooeyness to be found. Note that doesn’t mean there isn’t a “chewiness” but sometimes it looks like cookies have leaped from ” chewy” to “are these salmonella laced?” The other problem I noticed with other recipes is that the “treat” sinks its way to the bottom of the cookie, almost every single time. If you take a look, you can see that the very large peanut butter cups are completely centered! This is no small feat to achieve in a cookie, as most bakers know.

So not being enticed by anything I saw online or otherwise, I decided that I was just going to have to experiment on my own, with my own recipes.

So to start, I knew that I would need the best chocolate chip cookie recipe possible to do the job. It has to envelop the cookie, stay around that cookie nice and tall, not become thin and chewy nor be a cakey version.

You need to make a thick and chewy chocolate chip cookie! Which I have already mastered as one of my many chocolate chip cookie recipes.

The secret is so simple.

Cut the butter in half.

RIGHT in half.

There’s your secret, ladies and gentlemen. You change your dough. You ignore the rest of the recipes with too much butter in them and embrace less butter. I know. It’s hard. Did I seriously just say less butter? I’ll go put a loonie in the swear jar. Sorry. You WILL forgive me though.

Because this is your secret weapon to stuffed cookie making MASS DESTRUCTION! Or something like that. But it is the only recipe I have tried that works. And I mean it works, I have wrapped chocolate bars and peanut butter cups in this magical dough.


Give yourself a break. Stuff a cookie with one and have a coffee.

The Perfect Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe (3)

If I stress nothing else about the wonder of these cookies, I would love everyone to know that it’s perfect for baking with your kids. I told my friend when I was describing these that it was “edible playdough wrapped around mini chocolate bars.

Oh, my daughter had fun! This is something the kids will remember forever, the joy of being crazy bakers with their mom. These did earn me the comment “Mommy can bake ANYTHING!!” from my daughter’s lips to my husband ear when she was describing the day we whipped these up. Priceless.

The Perfect Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe (4)Tip and Tricks for Making Stuffed Cookies

1. Use fantastic quality chocolate chips

2. Wrap the dough evenly around the bar/cookie/treat/sweet/whatever and trust that it will stay in the middle. It will.

3. If the dough gets too sticky, cool it in the fridge.

4. Go wild with your imagination!

5. Butter only. No margarine. Sorry. They are different from each other and butter works every time in this recipe.

6. Always bake at 350 degrees, they are thick and need to cook longer at a slightly lower temperature.

Have fun with these everyone and remember:

If at first you don’t succeed, eat the ones that didn’t turn out and try again!


The Stuffed Cookie Crazed Magpie

The Perfect Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe

Thick chocolate chip cookie dough that is the perfect base for making decadent stuffed chocolate chip cookies!

5 from 3 votes

The Perfect Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe (5)



Prep Time
5 minutes
Cook Time
15 minutes
Total Time
20 minutes
Karlynn Johnston


  • 2 1/4 cups all purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 cup butter
  • 3/4 cup packed brown sugar
  • 3/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips
  • 12 Your choice of treat: mini chocolate bars, peanut butter


  • Kick the tires and light the fires to 350 degrees.

  • Cream together your butter and sugar until it's light and fluffy.

  • Add in the eggs and vanilla, mixing thoroughly.

  • Beat in the flour, baking soda and salt.

  • When that is done, fold in the two cups of chocolate chips by hand, and prepare to put them on some parchment paper lined cookie sheets.

  • Making sure there is the same amount of dough on either side of your chosen treat, pinch the top and bottom dough together like a dumpling, then smooth and mold into a pretty dome shaped cookie.

  • Place on the parchment paper lined cookie sheet and bake at 350 degrees for 15-17 minutes, depending on how thick your cookies are. They will be golden brown on the bottom and top when done. Enjoy!

Nutrition Information

Calories: 475kcal, Carbohydrates: 63g, Protein: 5g, Fat: 22g, Saturated Fat: 12g, Cholesterol: 49mg, Sodium: 215mg, Potassium: 247mg, Fiber: 3g, Sugar: 40g, Vitamin A: 290IU, Calcium: 45mg, Iron: 3.3mg

All calories and info are based on a third party calculator and are only an estimate. Actual nutritional info will vary with brands used, your measuring methods, portion sizes and more.

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The Perfect Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe (2024)


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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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