The Best Deluxe Raw Pizza Recipe Ever! - The Raw Advantage (2024)

Sit back and get ready to learn how to make the Best Deluxe Raw Pizza Recipe Ever!

Has anyone ever said to you they couldn’t do a raw vegan diet because they couldn’t give up pizza?

Well, let me tell you, friends, today I am sharing with you an AMAZING super deluxe pizza recipe that raw vegans (and EVERYONE else) are going to LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!

You might call this a bit of a Hawaiian Pizza, but don’t let the thought of pineapple on a pizza scare you! It REALLY works well in this recipe, blending with the other toppings creating a “real” pizza flavor!

The Best Deluxe Raw Pizza Recipe Ever! - The Raw Advantage (1)
Before you get prepping the toppings, sauce, and cheeze, you’ll want to make sure you’ve watched (and if you’re making the pizza today, completed) my

Super Secret Patented Pizza Crust Recipe Video.

PS – I don’t get into the crust recipe in this post’s Sauce, Toppings, and Cheeze instructions and we start off with 2 already completed crusts, learn the Crust Secret Here.

You’ll want to make sure you’re putting some planning into your pizza night. This recipe takes about 24-26 hours altogether so you’ll want to start the process the night before. I know that sounds scary and like a TON of work, but really, most of the work will be happening while you’re sleeping, doing yoga, reading a good book, walking your dog

HEY – it’s kind of like having your own chef…. ok, not really. 😉

Before we get into the written ingredients for the Best Deluxe Raw Pizza Recipe Ever and if you want to become the Best Raw Vegan Pizza Chef Ever…

I’m excited to say that you have no need to dream, after 5 years of RnD I feel so blessed to bring you my newest Book/Ebook

Frickin Rawsome Pizza!

Enjoy your step-by-step recipe guide filled with 18 of my absolute favorite pizza recipes,

– 8 new quicker and tastier low to no-fat pizza crust recipes

– 12 delicious sauce recipes

– loads of simple and low-fat raw gourmet toppings

– 6 creamy cheese recipes

All ready to combine to make your own custom pizzas sure to satisfy all of your pizza cravings!

I can honestly say that these pizzas are better than 99% of the cooked pizzas I have had in my life!

This recipe book also has fine-tuned tips to help you make the toppings taste and texture of your old favorite cooked pizzas!

Now don’t get me wrong, when I first posted this “Best Deluxe Raw Pizza Recipe Ever” it 100% was the best raw vegan pizza recipe that I had ever made and/or seen in the raw world…

That said the pizza recipes and specifically the new improved crust recipes in “Frickin Rawsome Pizza” take raw vegan pizza to a completely new level, and even better can be done in under 1/3 of the time!

Learn a ton more and see some of the pizza recipes in the links below!

Enjoy 96 pages of Frickin Rawsome Pizza on 100% Recycled Paper with a Coil Binding!

Prefer an ebook? Download yours and start making Frickin Rawsome Pizza’s today!

To the pizza recipe at hand!!

The Best Deluxe Raw Pizza Recipe

Ingredients For the Toppings:

4-5 Fresh Tomatoes (.75 lb / 345 g)
1/2 Mild, Sweet White Onion (.5 lb / 230 g)
12 Cremini Mushrooms (.5 lb / 230 g)
3 Bell Peppers (.5 lb / 230 g)
1 Whole Small/Medium Pineapple (1 lb / 460 g)

The Best Deluxe Raw Pizza Recipe Ever! - The Raw Advantage (4)

1. Slice the mushrooms and place them into a large bowl.

2. Remove the stems and seeds from the bell peppers, then dice the peppers and add them to the bowl.

3. Thinly slice the onion in half and add to the bowl. Halve the tomatoes, then slice them into half moons and add to the bowl.

4. Slice off the top and bottom of the pineapple. Thinly slice off the rind and set it aside (you’re going to use it later!).

5. Slice the pineapple into thin slabs, stopping once you get to the core. Cut the slabs into 3/4 inch cubes and place them in the bowl.

6. Now, take the reserved pineapple rind and squeeze all of the juice out of it into the bowl of toppings. This acid will help soften and break down the other ingredients.

7. Stir the toppings, cover, and refrigerate overnight.

8. Around Mid-morning the next day, spread the toppings onto dehydrator sheets.

PS I use an Excalibur Dehydrator and it takes about 2 sheets to fit all of the toppings on. If you don’t have a dehydrator…

I HIGHLY recommend getting an Excalibur today, they are easily the best time tested and true by raw chefs around the world!

From making raw veganCinnamon Buns,Raw Pancakes, Buffalo Wings, The Best Raw Vegan Pizza, sun-dried tomatoes/fruits, and more, your enjoyment, and sharing of raw dishes will only increase!

9. Dehydrate the toppings at 118° for about 3 hours, rotating the sheets about halfway through to get good and even dehydration.

Ingredients for the Sauce

6 Fresh Tomatoes (1.5 lb / 690 g)
Small bunch of Basil (.1 lb / 45 g)
2 Dates (.08 lb / 40 g)
1 cup Sun Dried Tomatoes (.12 lb / 60 g)
Oregano to taste (.5 tsp / 2.5 ml)
2 Green Onions (.1 lb / 45 g)

The Best Deluxe Raw Pizza Recipe Ever! - The Raw Advantage (5)

1. Place the fresh tomatoes, dates, green onions and a few of the sundried tomatoes into your Vitamix (grab yours here with free shipping) Blend until smooth.

2. Continue to add sundried tomatoes and blend until really thick.

3. Add your basil and several hearty dashes of oregano and pulse lightly. PS, you don’t want to add your basil until the end of your blending, otherwise, it will pulverize it and ruin the flavor.

ALRIGHTY! It’s time to start assembling the pizzas!

Ingredients needed for Pizza Assembly:

3-5 Ounces of Spinach (or any other tender green)

1. Take your crust (have it on a dehydrator sheet so you don’t have to move it around once it’s assembled) and line it with a layer of spinach. This will provide a “moisture barrier” between the crust and the toppings so the crust doesn’t get soggy.

2. Next, pour the sauce over the spinach, about a liter per pizza, that’s right a liter! Gently spread out to the edges of the crust. Pile the toppings on top of the sauce.

I know what you’re thinking “Chris, this isn’t all going to fit!… Did I mess up the recipe somewhere?…. Did he give me the wrong ratios?”


It’s ALL going to fit and be a DELICIOUS super thick, pizza like you’ve never seen before – TRUST ME!

3. Ok, Once the toppings are on dehydrate the whole pizza at 118° for about 2 hours.

Now for the Cheeze. “But Chris, you can’t have a raw vegan pizza with Cheese!!”

Oh my friends, if this is where you think you’ll have to sacrifice on a raw vegan diet, let me show you the light!

You will not be disappointed with this amazing raw vegan Cheeze!!

Just wait and see…

Ingredients for the Cheeze:

1/2 Medium Zucchini (.25 lb / 115 g)
1 Cup Macadamia Nuts (.3 lb / 135 g)
Juice from 1/2 to 1 Lemon (1 – 2 tbsp)
3-5 Green Onions, WHITES ONLY (.1 lb / 45 g)
Oregano to taste (.5 tsp / 2.5 ml)
Basil to taste (1 tsp / 5 ml)
The Best Deluxe Raw Pizza Recipe Ever! - The Raw Advantage (6)

1. Peel the zucchini and discard the peel, then chop the zucchini into large cubes and place them in the Vitamix (grab yours with free shipping today).

2. Add 3/4 cup of the Macadamia Nuts, lemon juice, and green onion whites. Blend until really thick and creamy. If it’s too runny you can add a few more nuts, if it’s too thick you can add a bit more lemon juice.

3. Add a dash of the basil and oregano and pulse lightly.

The Best Deluxe Raw Pizza Recipe Ever Final Assembly

1. Slide your pizza off the dehydrator sheet and onto a cutting surface, using a large chef knife carefully cut into slices or squares depending on your pizza shape.

2. Slightly separate each slice and add the cheeze with a tbsp at a time for each piece to make sure that you will get the same cheeze coverage for each.

3. Once all the cheeze is spread on top of all of the slices then put back in the Excalibur Dehydrator at 118° one more time for 1 hour.

This last step to dehydrate after putting on the cheeze is totally optional but I recommend it

The Best Deluxe Raw Pizza Recipe Ever! - The Raw Advantage (7)




There you have it, The Best Deluxe Raw Pizza Recipe Ever!
I’d love to hear from you once you try it!
Let me know what you think and if you agree its the best raw vegan pizza ever!

Just a Reminder, if you really are a pizza lover and want to really become the ultimate raw pizza master

I’m excited to say that you have no need to dream, after 5 years of RnD I feel so blessed to bring you my newest Book/Ebook

Frickin Rawsome Pizza!

Enjoy your step-by-step recipe guide filled with 18 of my absolute favorite pizza recipe combos sure to satisfy all of your pizza cravings!

I can honestly say that these pizzas are better than 99% of the cooked pizzas I have had in my life!

This recipe book also comes with fine-tuned tips to help you make the toppings taste and texture of your old favorite cooked pizzas!

Learn a ton more and see some of the pizza recipes by clicking the cover above!

As always

As Always

Wishing You Much

PeaceLovenSeasonalFruit ck

The Best Deluxe Raw Pizza Recipe Ever! - The Raw Advantage (2024)


What is the secret to good pizza? ›

The top chefs all agree that the best pizzas are all about the crust, so salt in the dough should never be sacrificed at the altar of salty toppings. “Building a pizza is like building anything else – you have to make compromises and consider the whole when choosing the parts.

Do you put pizza toppings on raw? ›

While most toppings can just be chopped up and tossed onto the pizza before baking, there are a few that should be precooked first for better texture and flavor.

What does undercooked pizza dough look like? ›

The easiest way to tell if the pizza is undercooked is by noticing if it's a goopy, soggy mess in the middle/at the bottom. Visual signs like a very pale crust and a gummy texture are also tell-tale signs that the crust could use a few more minutes in the oven.

How to make homemade pizza taste like a pizzeria? ›

10 Tips for Making Restaurant-Style Pizza at Home
  1. 1/10. Do the Dough. In order to make restaurant style pizza, you must start with a good dough. ...
  2. 2/10. Rise Above. ...
  3. 3/10. Cornmeal is Key. ...
  4. 4/10. Simmer Your Sauce. ...
  5. 5/10. Steady on the Sauce. ...
  6. 6/10. Less is More. ...
  7. 7/10. Set on Stone. ...
  8. 8/10. Crank the Heat.
Feb 10, 2022

What kind of cheese is best for homemade pizza? ›

Best cheese for pizza
  • Mozzarella. Perhaps the most well-known and popular pizza topping of all-time, Mozzarella is cherished for its near perfect consistency and straightforward flavour. ...
  • Cheddar/Matured Cheddar. ...
  • Aged Havarti. ...
  • Gorgonzola. ...
  • Provolone. ...
  • Goat cheese. ...
  • Pecorino-Romano. ...
  • The ultimate cheese pizza.

Do you add toppings to raw pizza dough? ›

If you're baking the pizza in the oven, whether on a pizza stone or not, I always pre-bake the dough for 4-5 minutes before adding toppings, to make sure the pizza dough cooks crisp on the outside and soft and airy in the middle. Once you add the Pizza Sauce and toppings, return it to the oven to finish baking.

Do you put cheese on pizza first or last? ›

Cheese always goes belowthe toppings

You've got your dough as the foundation. Then your sauce. The cheese is the next solid layer. Then your toppings (after all, they're called top-pings and not bottom-ings), and then finally your garnishes like basil, pepper, fresh mozzarella, etc, after the pizza is cooked.

Should I saute peppers before adding to pizza? ›

You can saute them but a better method for a pizza kitchen is to roast them in your pizza oven. Simply leave whole and place on a roasting pan. Or quarter the peppers and remove the seed. Drizzle with extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper and roast until you get a nice char on the skin.

What makes pizza more crispy? ›

High heat for quick cooking is one of the best ways to get a good crispy pizza crust, so pre-heating your pizza stone or pan will help a lot. Take care when placing your pizza on a hot surface. Use the wrong type of cheese on a pizza and it can really affect your pizza base.

What makes a pizza taste best? ›

Everything in a good bite of pizza should be balanced. The sauce shouldn't overpower the cheese and vice versa, the crust-to-sauce ratio should be even, and the choice of toppings should work fine together. It's not very often for someone to refuse a good slice of pizza, especially if it fits the general criteria.

What is the trick to good pizza dough? ›

There are many tricks to achieving a tasty, homemade pizza dough that rises into a beautiful pizza crust, such as making sure your ingredients are at right temperature, using half bread flour for a stronger dough and half all-purpose flour for a nice rise, substituting honey for sugar to help caramelize the crust and ...

Should you oil pizza dough before baking? ›

Adding oil to your pizza dough makes it crispier once baked. The oil creates an impermeable layer that moisture, such as that present in tomato sauce, cannot easily penetrate. In other words, olive oil in pizza dough prevents sauce from absorbing into the dough and making it floppy.

Why is my pizza raw in the middle? ›

This problem occurs when the oven is not fully preheated, or the pizza is not cooked at the correct temperature. Always ensure the oven has plenty of time to preheat and is at the proper temperature.

How can you tell if raw pizza dough is bad? ›

The mold can be identified as green, black, or off-white, depending on the duration of the pizza dough kept in the refrigerator. Moreover, the pizza dough's texture may become overly sticky or slimy, and when you are going to touch it, you can feel it is very dry and the appearance is kind of crusty.

What makes a great tasting pizza? ›

Balance – the ratio of tomato and mozzarella, or toppings on the pizza in general, is very important. The toppings should complement the base of the pizza. The dough is not just a blank canvas…it is the foundation of the pizza. If it is not good, there is no topping that can redeem it.

What makes pizza so yummy? ›

Pizza contains a large amount of glutamate. When you ingest foods with umami, receptors in your mouth bind with glutamate and two other compounds, inosinate and guanylate.

What are the secrets to crispy pizza? ›

When building a pan pizza, it's important to apply a liberal coating of olive oil to the bottom of the cold pan before adding your dough. This not only prevents sticking, but further helps the caramelization of the bottom crust, creating that delicious crunch.

What tastes surprisingly good on pizza? ›

Plan the perfect pizza night with these extra special pizza toppings.
  • 1Roast pumpkin and chorizo pizzas. ...
  • 2Egg florentine pizzas. ...
  • 3Silverbeet, broccolini and mozzarella pizza. ...
  • 4Cauliflower pizzas with pumpkin and prosciutto. ...
  • 5Tandoori chicken pizza. ...
  • 6Sweet potato, goat's cheese & pine nut pizza. ...
  • 7Middle Eastern lamb pizzas.


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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

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Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.