Phone Number Question is no longer working in Conversations | Community (2024)

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  • 19 March 2021

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Phone Number Question is no longer working in Conversations | Community (1)

  • dande1135

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Since the update today, the phone number question is now broken when used in “Conversations”.

No matter what number or format the user replies with, it gives the message:

Hmm... that phone number isn't valid

This has effectively broken my Forms.

Please let me know if this can be fixed quickly, or should I plan on abandoning Phone Number and just switch to Numbers.


Best answer by dande1135 24 March 2021, 13:55

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Userlevel 7

Phone Number Question is no longer working in Conversations | Community (4) +5

  • Liz

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  • 3 years ago22 March 2021

Hi @dande1135would you mind sending a link to the conversation or a screenshot of the error? Thanks!

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  • Johnc

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  • 3 years ago24 March 2021
Phone Number Question is no longer working in Conversations | Community (5)

I’m Having the same issue…Could someone please give direction?

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Phone Number Question is no longer working in Conversations | Community (6)

  • dande1135

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  • 3 years ago24 March 2021
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Phone Number Question is no longer working in Conversations | Community (7)

I’m Having the same issue…Could someone please give direction?

Support sent me an email advising they are working on it. But they did not indicate that it would be completed anytime soon.
So for now, I eliminated the use of phone number questions and switched to a plain number question.

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Userlevel 7

Phone Number Question is no longer working in Conversations | Community (10) +5

  • Liz

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  • 3 years ago24 March 2021

Hi @dande1135and @JohncI’m following the bug report on my end so I can send any updates as soon as I have them!

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Userlevel 7

Phone Number Question is no longer working in Conversations | Community (13) +5

  • Liz

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  • 3 years ago 2 April 2021

Hi @dande1135and @JohncHappy Friday! Popping by to let you both know this issue has been fixed. :)

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Phone Number Question is no longer working in Conversations | Community (14)

  • dande1135

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  • 3 years ago 2 April 2021

@LizThanks for the update on the status.

However, I just tested it and am getting the same error.

Is it possible the devs have not pushed the update live yet?

Or if they have, I think there is still the same issue.

Let me know when you get a chance, thanks!

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Userlevel 7

Phone Number Question is no longer working in Conversations | Community (17) +5

  • Liz

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  • 3 years ago 5 April 2021

Hi @dande1135would you mind sharing the link to your conversation so I can test it and/or share it with the devs?

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Phone Number Question is no longer working in Conversations | Community (18)

  • dande1135

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  • 3 years ago 6 April 2021

Hi@Liz, here is a link to the broken question.

Broken Question

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Phone Number Question is no longer working in Conversations | Community (20) +6

  • john.desborough Phone Number Question is no longer working in Conversations | Community (21)

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  • 3 years ago 6 April 2021

@dande1135@Liz - now that i saw the broken question in the post above, i checked my own and, yeah, it is the same.. not working like the other modes.

kudos @dande1135for pushing at this to get it resolved..


Phone Number Question is no longer working in Conversations | Community (22)

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Userlevel 7

Phone Number Question is no longer working in Conversations | Community (25) +5

  • Liz

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  • 3 years ago 6 April 2021

Thank you all! I’ve shared this with the developers.

Life is a series of awkward moments separated by snacks.

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Userlevel 7

Phone Number Question is no longer working in Conversations | Community (27) +6

  • john.desborough Phone Number Question is no longer working in Conversations | Community (28)

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  • 3 years ago 6 April 2021

Thank you all! I’ve shared this with the developers.

@Liz- thank you!

If your third coffee of the day is not helping you with your Typeform, maybe we can help you find your answers...

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Userlevel 7

Phone Number Question is no longer working in Conversations | Community (31) +5

  • Liz

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  • 3 years ago 7 April 2021

Good news, all! Another fix has been pushed, so this should be resolved now. :) One thing to note is that you will need to add the country code before the regular phone number, which is a bit of a change from the previous version.

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Userlevel 7

Phone Number Question is no longer working in Conversations | Community (33) +6

  • john.desborough Phone Number Question is no longer working in Conversations | Community (34)

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  • 3 years ago 7 April 2021
Phone Number Question is no longer working in Conversations | Community (35)


If your third coffee of the day is not helping you with your Typeform, maybe we can help you find your answers...

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Phone Number Question is no longer working in Conversations | Community (36)

  • dande1135

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  • 3 years ago 9 April 2021


I see the update the devs pushed up, and I am glad to see it “technically” works now. That is some progress. Thank you.

However, in practical application, it cannot be considered functional yet.

If a user does not punch in the country code, +1 before their phone number, the entry will not be accepted. (as you mentioned)

But the fact is, the average American has never dialed a + symbol in a phone number in their entire life. And, in the age of the mobile phone, most people under 30 have never dialed a 1 before either.

If you asked 10,000 people in the US, what is your phone number, 0.001% will start with a “+” or a “1”

So what is going to happen with the current setup is,the user will punch in their 10 digit number and it will fail, and they will 99% of the time abandon the form right there. The other 1% will try typing the 10 digit number one more time, and when it fails again, they will abandon too.

For me, like I mentioned before, I can live with using a “Numbers” question for now (as a work around). But you have such a neat product, I would hate for you to leave such a glaring defect in your app, as to require a user to manually add a country code. It won't work. (I promise I am right on this, just trying to help.)

TLDR: You will be lucky if 1 in 1,000 users figures out they need to add +1 to their phone number, since this is simply not done in the USA. This make the phone number in Conversations mode, effectively broken.

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Userlevel 7

Phone Number Question is no longer working in Conversations | Community (39) +5

  • Liz

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  • 3 years ago 9 April 2021


@dande1135I agree, it’s not the most ideal situation. We discussed it on our end that particularly in the US, we’ve never had to use the country code, so I understand the frustration of this suddenly being required in that question.I’ve shared your feedback with the product team, and if you have any other questions/feedback, please let me know. If they make any updates to this as well, I’ll reply here!

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Phone Number Question is no longer working in Conversations | Community (40)

  • dande1135

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  • 3 years ago10 April 2021

Thanks @Liz.

Hopefully they can make the update at some point and get the Phone Number question functioning in a practical way, as it will be a nice asset.

In the mean time, I will just avoid the use of the Phone Number question.

Posting an update if/when they decide it is worth fixing would be very much appreciated.

Also, here is my 2 cents on how to fix it.

In county code selection when setting up the form, give the option of Country Code = None.

And when “None” is selected, accept any 10 digit number as valid, whether inputted with or without spaces, -, or ( ).

This way instead of having to reinvent the wheel in the coding, you can simply add a new rule that applies to this new country code. Making your US customers happy, and leaving the rest of world with the tools they need as well. And it would likely be simple for the devs to setup as well.

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Userlevel 7

Phone Number Question is no longer working in Conversations | Community (42) +6

  • john.desborough Phone Number Question is no longer working in Conversations | Community (43)

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  • 3 years ago10 April 2021

Thanks @Liz.

Hopefully they can make the update at some point and get the Phone Number question functioning in a practical way, as it will be a nice asset.

In the mean time, I will just avoid the use of the Phone Number question.

Posting an update if/when they decide it is worth fixing would be very much appreciated.

Also, here is my 2 cents on how to fix it.

In county code selection when setting up the form, give the option of Country Code = None.

And when “None” is selected, accept any 10 digit number as valid, whether inputted with or without spaces, -, or ( ).

This way instead of having to reinvent the wheel in the coding, you can simply add a new rule that applies to this new country code. Making your US customers happy, and leaving the rest of world with the tools they need as well. And it would likely be simple for the devs to setup as well.

@dande1135- not to be too Canadian here, but we have the same structure to our phone numbers and many folks are not used to it - heck i remember days when i did not have to put in the 613 for my area code to dial across the street. and i grew up on a rotary dial phone.

my only ask is not to be too US-centric in your thinking - there are folks around the globe that use this tool and entering a + is a must where they are.. every single phone number i have for my UK friends is given to me with the +44 and all the mobile numbers i have in my UK-cell that i use when working or travelling all start with a +

while i think your coding solution above is an excellent approach, it needs to be thought through a little more to ensure that it can apply in other jurisdictions

just my two cents from the igloo up north..


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  • mtartuci

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  • 2 years ago 9 June 2021

Hello all,

When I am building a form, the phone number question is presenting a bug.

In the classic mode, I can choose the flag for Brazil and I can see the mask of 13 digits phone number for the country. I also marked as a non-required field.

But I am usuing the new chat version embed in tha Landing page. In this version, after published,the mask changes automatically to USA format, respondents cannot use the Brazilian number or even jump without answering because it is considering the field as required.

I had to use the short text field to go through it without losing their phone numbers. But they are filling out yhe way they want, and you know it is not easy to fix it later.

Can anybody from Typeform help me with this matter?


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Userlevel 7

Phone Number Question is no longer working in Conversations | Community (46) +5

  • Liz

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  • 2 years ago 9 June 2021

Hi @mtartucithanks for your post! I added it here where we have the answer for you. Let us know if you have any further questions!

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  • JoeCloCinco

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  • 2 years ago16 August 2021

I am looking at the same problem and it is August 16. Is this still not fixed. I see no resolution to this issue. Amazing. 4-5 months old issue.Thanks for any help. Should this really be a big issue to fix? Thanks for any update or guidance.

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Userlevel 7

Phone Number Question is no longer working in Conversations | Community (49) +5

  • Liz

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  • 2 years ago27 August 2021

Hi @JoeCloCincoI’ve asked our developers if they have any updates and will let you know if so.Phone Number Question is no longer working in Conversations | Community (50)

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  • shoshanadz

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  • 2 years ago22 December 2021

I just signed up (12/21/21) and am experiencing the same problem. The form is broken as the number is invalid. This is happening in the chat version. See below

Phone Number Question is no longer working in Conversations | Community (51)
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Userlevel 7

Phone Number Question is no longer working in Conversations | Community (54) +5

  • Liz

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  • 2 years ago22 December 2021

Hi @shoshanadzYou will need to add the country code when using the chat version of the form in order for the phone field to accept the phone number.

Life is a series of awkward moments separated by snacks.

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  • FriendlyFinanceBr

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  • 1 year ago18 February 2023

I am having the same problem. I’m in Australia. My clients are all in Australia. How do I turn off the country code so clients can just put their mobile number in with no country codes? Ta.

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Userlevel 2

Phone Number Question is no longer working in Conversations | Community (56) +2

  • Ibrahim masudi

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  • 1 year ago19 February 2023

Hello everyone, i agreed with @Lizthat if a user doesn't punch in the country code the entry will not accepted

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Phone Number Question is no longer working in Conversations | Community (2024)


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