Online:Ithelia's Fury - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP) (2025)

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  • 1 Quick Walkthrough
  • 2 Detailed Walkthrough
  • 3 Quest Stages

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Zone:West Weald
Location(s):Anchre Egg Mine, Boethiah's Forge, Ceyond, Fargrave Inner Quarter, Faro's Cavern, Fathoms Drift, Haldain Lumber Camp, Loom of the Untraveled Road, Skingrad, Telvanni Peninsula
Reward:Leveled Gold
3 Partial Skill Point
XP Gain:16,841

Hermaeus Mora senses instabilities in reality and I have once again been called upon to serve as the Chosen of Fate. I need to investigate these instabilities and determine if Prince Ithelia is responsible before the situation gets worse.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Talk to Leramil the Wise

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Quest Stages[edit]

Ithelia's Fury
Finishes QuestJournal Entry
Scruut suggested I gather the Daedric relics from Beragon's townhouse. Even though they have been depleted of energy, she says Hermaeus Mora has foreseen that I will need them.

Objective: Gather the Daedric Relics

Hidden Objective: Gather the Daedric Relics

Hidden Objective: Restore Lamp of Clarity at Haldain Lumber Camp

Hidden Objective: Restore Skein of Secrets at Fathoms Drift

Hidden Objective: Restore Abolisher at Anchre Egg Mine

Hidden Objective: Return to the Loom of the Untraveled Road

Hidden Objective: Place Skein of Secrets

Hidden Objective: Place Abolisher

Hidden Objective: Place Lamp of Clarity

Scruut opened a portal to the instability she wants us to investigate. I should enter the portal and see where it leads.

Objective: Enter Scruut's Portal

We arrived at the site of the instability that Scruut detected, but all we found was a man whose connection to the threads of fate is frayed. I should speak to him.

Objective: Talk to Levus Livonius

The forager described a tear that could be the instability we're looking for. I should enter Faro's Cavern and take a look.

Objective: Locate the Tear

I found the tear in reality inside Faro's Cavern. I should examine it.

Objective: Examine the Tear

When I approached the reality tear, something happened. Scruut wants to talk to me about it.

Objective: Talk to Scruut

Scruut wants me to try to restore the Daedric relics at three locations she marked on my map. I need to take the relics and meet my allies in the Telvanni Peninsula, West Weald, and Apocrypha.

Objective: Restore the Daedric Relics

Objective Hint: Talk to Tribune Alea Idolus

Objective Hint: Enter Haldain Lumber Camp

Objective Hint: Find Shrine of Azura

Objective Hint: Restore the Lamp of Clarity

Objective Hint: Talk to Beragon

Objective Hint: Find Boethiah's Forge

Objective Hint: Restore Abolisher

Objective Hint: Talk to Curate Gadayn

Objective Hint: Locate Stormspinner

Objective Hint: Restore the Skein of Secrets

Torvesard appeared and wants to speak with me. I should see what he has to say.

Objective: Talk to Torvesard

I restored the three Daedric artifacts. I should return to Beragon's townhouse to see what Leramil and Scruut think we should do next.

Objective: Go to Beragon's Townhouse

I returned to Beragon's townhouse. Now I should speak with Leramil.

Objective: Talk to Leramil the Wise

Leramil and Scruut think I can use the Echonir to reveal lingering memories at the Loom of the Untraveled Road. These memories may point us to where Ithelia has gone. I should use Leramil's portal to travel to Fargrave.

Objective: Go to Fargrave

Now that I returned to Fargrave, I should make my way to the Loom of the Untraveled Road.

Objective: Return to the Loom of the Untraveled Road

I reached the Loom. Now to use the Echonir and see if there are any lingering memories to reveal.

Objective: Use the Echonir

The Echonir revealed a recent memory of Ithelia. I should observe it.

Objective: Witness the Memory

We witnessed the memory of an event that occurred after we destroyed the Loom. I should talk to Leramil about what we just saw.

Objective: Talk to Leramil the Wise

Ithelia, now full of rage and power, plans to take control of Apocrypha and make it her own realm. We must somehow change her from this destructive course, so we need to return to Beragon's townhouse and consult with Scruut.

Objective: Return to Beragon's Townhouse

We returned to Beragon's townhouse. I should talk to Scruut and tell her about the memory and the idea Leramil and I discussed.

Objective: Talk to Scruut

Scruut has an idea to create a relic that might help Ithelia change. To create it we need something tied to Ithelia. Scruut suggested I go to the ruins at Ceyond and find the Primordial Shattered Titan.

Objective: Go to Ceyond

I need to search the ruins of Ceyond to locate the Primordial Shattered Titan.

Objective: Find the Primordial Shattered Titan

I need to defeat the Primordial Shattered Titan in order to acquire one its fragments to use to create the relic Scruut told me about.

Objective: Defeat the Primordial Shattered Titan

With the Primordial Shattered TItan destroyed, I need to gather a fragment of the creature to take back to Leramil and Scruut.

Objective: Gather the Shattered Fragment

We recovered a fragment of the titan, but Trovesard appeared and used a reality tear to attack me. Curate Gadayn saved me, but was consumed by the tear. I need to take the fragment back to Beragon's townhouse and let Leramil know what happened.

Objective: Return to Beragon's Townhouse

I should let Leramil know what happened to Curate Gadayn.

Objective: Talk to Leramil the Wise

Leramil needs a moment to process what happened to Curate Gadayn. Meanwhile, I should give the fragment to Scruut and discuss our next steps.

Objective: Talk to Scruut

Leramil and Scruut prepared a ritual circle. I should place the Shattered Titan fragment in the center.

Objective: Place the Shattered Titan Fragment

I need to place the Daedric relics around the fragment to begin the ritual.

Objective: Place the Daedric Relics

Everything has been placed in the ritual circle. The next step is to assist Leramil with the ritual.

Objective: Assist Leramil with the Ritual

We completed the ritual and created a new relic, the Mirror of Truth. I should talk to Leramil and see how she's doing.


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  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.

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Online:Ithelia's Fury - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP) (2025)


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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Views: 6310

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Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.