MLB The Show 23 Controls Guide for Batting, Pitching & More (2024)

Home » MLB The Show 23 Controls Guide for Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PS4, and PS5

Get ready to dive into the action with this MLB The Show 23 controls guide detailing everything on Xbox and PlayStation.

It’s finally time for players to dive into the latest installment in this annual baseball sim, and figuring out the MLB The Show 23 controls will be the first hurdle for every player. While some things feel about the same as they have in the past, there are definitely some MLB The Show 23 controls that even veterans will have to adjust to.

From choosing your options and interface to knowing how things will change when you go online, this MLB The Show 23 controls guide is here to help your dynasty get started off on the right foot. Before you dive into Road to the Show or the new Negro Leagues storylines, be sure you’ve got a firm grasp on all the MLB The Show 23 controls.

In this guide, you will learn:

  • How interfaces and options change the MLB The Show 23 controls
  • The MLB The Show 23 controls on Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PS4, and PS5
  • Complete hitting and batting controls for each interface
  • Complete pitching controls for each interface
  • Complete fielding and throwing controls for each interface
  • Complete baserunning controls for each interface

MLB The Show 23 controls guide to choosing your interface and options

MLB The Show 23 Controls Guide for Batting, Pitching & More (1)

Before getting down to the nitty-gritty of all the MLB The Show 23 controls, it’s important to go over the various interfaces and options you may want to change as you start the game up. For veteran players, this often means checking to see if the same options you’ve used in the past are available.

The good news is that the MLB The Show 23 controls follow the same pattern as previous years by keeping most of the interfaces of old while improving on the latest ones that players who skipped a year might not be as familiar with. Fortunately, most of the interface options are available in every game mode.

However, there are a few options that cannot be used while in online play or while player-locked. Fielding, throwing, and baserunning can all be set to Auto in Gameplay Options on the Decisions tab. These can also be particularly handy if you’re trying to speed through a Road to the Show, Franchise, or March to October game, but keep in mind that automated will rarely be quite as effective as a skilled player could be.

MLB The Show 23 Controls Guide for Batting, Pitching & More (2)

That’s a philosophy that continues to extend to the pitching and hitting interfaces, as the most challenging ones to use tend to be the most potentially accurate. Pinpoint pitching and Zone interface hitting are the most effective when used well. While you might whiff less often on the simpler Directional or Timing hitting interfaces, you’ll also end up less likely to snag home runs and other big plays.

The same goes for pitching, but most of the alternate interfaces are still extremely effective if you’re skilled with them. Meter, Pure Analog, and Pulse can all be very effective options. Classic is the easiest to use, but it’s also the riskiest as relinquishing so much of your pitching control will leave far more room for error in your pitch accuracy.

If you’re unsure of which interface to use or which settings work for you, the best thing to do is check out Custom Practice and the Options Explorer at the bottom of the main menu in MLB The Show 23. The latter will give you a great view of how the various interfaces work and Custom Practice is a perfect place to try out the different batting and pitching camera views to see which works best as you master the MLB The Show 23 controls.

MLB The Show 23 batting controls on Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S

MLB The Show 23 Controls Guide for Batting, Pitching & More (3)

The complete MLB The Show 23 hitting controls on Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S are listed below with the applicable interface or input type in parentheses. Any controls without an input type or interface listed apply to all interfaces.

  • Move Left Stick (Zone) – Aim the Plate Coverage Indicator / PCI
  • Press and Hold Right Stick (Zone) – Place the PCI Anchor in its current location when you release the stick
  • Move Left Stick (Directional) – Influence direction of fly or ground ball
  • Press B (Buttons Input) – Contact Swing
  • Press X (Buttons Input) – Power Swing
  • Press A (Buttons Input) – Normal Swing
  • Press Y (Buttons Input) – Press early and hold for Sacrifice Bunt, press late for Drag Bunt
  • Tap and Release Button (Buttons Input) – Check Swing based on timing of swing attempt
  • Move Right Stick Left or Right (Analog Input) – Contact Swing
  • Move Right Stick Down Then Up (Analog Input) – Power Swing / Stride and Swing
  • Move Right Stick Up (Analog Input) – Normal Swing
  • Release Right Stick Early (Analog Input) – Check Swing based on timing of swing attempt
  • Move Right Stick Left – Influence a Drag Bunt
  • Move Right Stick Right – Influence a Push Bunt
  • Move Right Stick Up – Cancel current bunt influence
  • Press RT + A, B, X, or Y – Guess Pitch Type
  • Move Left Stick and Press RT – Guess Pitch Location
  • Press D-Pad Up – Open Quick Menu
  • Press D-Pad Left – View Pitcher Attributes and Player Quirks
  • Press D-Pad Down – Call timeout, only available before pitcher windup begins
  • Press Right Stick – View Defensive Positioning and Ratings, only available before pitcher windup begins
  • Move Right Stick – Control the camera when viewing Defensive Positioning and Ratings

MLB The Show 23 pitching controls on Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S

MLB The Show 23 Controls Guide for Batting, Pitching & More (4)

The complete MLB The Show 23 pitching controls on Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S are listed below with the applicable interface in parentheses. Any controls without an interface listed apply to all interfaces.

  • Press A, B, Y, X, or RB – Select Pitch
  • Move Left Stick – Select Pitch Location
  • Press A (Classic and Pulse) – Release Pitch
  • Press A (Meter) – First press begins the pitch, press again to stop cursor and release the pitch, yellow area of the meter provides higher accuracy and red part of the meter provides higher velocity
  • Move Right Stick (Pinpoint) – Trace the given design, better tracing makes more accurate and higher velocity pitches
  • Right Stick Down (Pure Analog) – Begin pitch and wait for cursor to reach the yellow line
  • Right Stick Up (Pure Analog) – Release pitch, timing with yellow line influences velocity and accuracy, direction stick is pointing left or right of targeted location when pushed up will influence lateral pitch placement as well
  • Press LB + B – Intentional Walk
  • Press LB + A – Pitch Out
  • Press RT – Display Catcher’s Pitch Call / Pitch History
  • Hold LT – Look at runner
  • Press LT + A – Slide Step with runners on base
  • Press LT + B – Pickoff to 1st Base
  • Press LT + Y – Pickoff to 2nd Base
  • Press LT + X – Pickoff to 3rd Base
  • Hold LT + B, X, or Y – Deceptive Pickoff, same base buttons as standard pickoff
  • Press LB – Step Off Mound
  • Press D-Pad Up – Open Quick Menu
  • Press D-Pad Down – Open Quick Shifts to adjust defensive positioning
  • Press D-Pad Left – Open Statcast to view pitching and batting breakdowns
  • Press D-Pad Right – View Player Card, attributes, and quirks for pitcher and hitter
  • Press Right Stick – View Defensive Positioning and Ratings, only available before selecting pitch type
  • Move Right Stick – Control the camera when viewing Defensive Positioning and Ratings

MLB The Show 23 throwing and fielding controls on Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S

MLB The Show 23 Controls Guide for Batting, Pitching & More (5)

The complete MLB The Show 23 fielding and throwing controls on Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S are listed below with the applicable interface in parentheses. Any controls without an interface listed apply to all interfaces.

  • Move Left Stick – Move Player
  • Press LT – Switch to player closest to the ball
  • Press B (Button & Button Accuracy) – Throw to 1st Base
  • Press Y (Button & Button Accuracy) – Throw to 2nd Base
  • Press X (Button & Button Accuracy) – Throw to 3rd Base
  • Press A (Button & Button Accuracy) – Throw to Home Base
  • Press LB (Button & Button Accuracy) – Throw to Cutoff
  • Release A, Y, X, B, or LB (Button & Button Accuracy) – Release throw button at blue marker in the green area of the meter for a perfect throw
  • Move Right Stick Right (Analog) – Throw to 1st Base
  • Move Right Stick Up (Analog) – Throw to 2nd Base
  • Move Right Stick Left (Analog) – Throw to 3rd Base
  • Move Right Stick Down (Analog) – Throw to Home Base
  • Press Base Button Again – If you have throw cancelling turned on in settings and the throwing motion is still in progress, press the initial base button a second time to cancel the throw or press a new base button to cancel and start a throw to a different base
  • Press RB – Jump
  • Press RT – Dive
  • Press RB (One Button Interface Enabled) – Jump or dive based on CPU decision-making for what is best in that situation

MLB The Show 23 baserunning controls on Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S

MLB The Show 23 Controls Guide for Batting, Pitching & More (6)

The complete MLB The Show 23 baserunning controls on Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S are listed below with the applicable interface in parentheses. Any controls without an interface listed apply to all interfaces.

  • Point Left Stick (Analog Select) – Move stick towards the runner you want to select
  • Press B, Y, X, or A (Analog Select) – After selecting runner , press the base button you want them to advance towards
  • Tap B, Y, X, or A (Button Select) – Press the button of the runner you want to select
  • Press D-Pad (Button Select) – After selecting runner, press the D-Pad in the direction of the base you want them to move towards
  • Press and Hold LB – Advance all runners
  • Press and Hold RB – Return all runners
  • Press RT – Stop runner
  • Press and Hold LT – Steal all runners
  • Select Runner then Press and Hold LT – Steal with selected runner
  • Tap LB – Lead off with all runners
  • Select Runner then Tap LB – Lead off with selected runner
  • Hold and Release LT – Steal early if released just before the pitcher begins windup
  • Hold LB (RTTS / Player Lock Only) – Hold to initiate a slide while baserunning in RTTS or if player-locked
    • Move Right Stick Down (Slides at Bases) – Slide Straight in Feet First
    • Move Right Stick Up (Slides at Bases) – Slide Straight in Head First
    • Move Right Stick Left (Slides at Bases) – Slide with Hook to the Left
    • Move Right Stick Right (Slides at Bases) – Slide with Hook to the Right
    • Move Right Stick Down (Slides at Home) – Slide Straight in Feet First
    • Move Right Stick Up (Slides at Home) – Slide Straight in Head First
    • Move Right Stick Diagonally Down and Right (Slides at Home) – Slide Wide Right Feet First
    • Move Right Stick Diagonally Up and Right (Slides at Home) – Slide Wide Right Head First

MLB The Show 23 hitting controls on PS4 and PS5

MLB The Show 23 Controls Guide for Batting, Pitching & More (7)

The complete MLB The Show 23 batting controls on PS4 and PS5 are listed below with the applicable interface or input type in parentheses. Any controls without an input type or interface listed apply to all interfaces.

  • Move Left Stick (Zone) – Aim the Plate Coverage Indicator / PCI
  • Press and Hold R3 (Zone) – Place the PCI Anchor in its current location when you release the stick
  • Move Left Stick (Directional) – Influence direction of fly or ground ball
  • Press Circle (Buttons Input) – Contact Swing
  • Press Square (Buttons Input) – Power Swing
  • Press X (Buttons Input) – Normal Swing
  • Press Triangle (Buttons Input) – Press early and hold for Sacrifice Bunt, press late for Drag Bunt
  • Tap and Release Button (Buttons Input) – Check Swing based on timing of swing attempt
  • Move Right Stick Left or Right (Analog Input) – Contact Swing
  • Move Right Stick Down Then Up (Analog Input) – Power Swing / Stride and Swing
  • Move Right Stick Up (Analog Input) – Normal Swing
  • Release Right Stick Early (Analog Input) – Check Swing based on timing of swing attempt
  • Move Right Stick Left – Influence a Drag Bunt
  • Move Right Stick Right – Influence a Push Bunt
  • Move Right Stick Up – Cancel current bunt influence
  • Press R2 + X, Circle, Square, or Triangle – Guess Pitch Type
  • Move Left Stick and Press R2 – Guess Pitch Location
  • Press D-Pad Up – Open Quick Menu
  • Press D-Pad Left – View Pitcher Attributes and Player Quirks
  • Press D-Pad Down – Call timeout, only available before pitcher windup begins
  • Press R3 – View Defensive Positioning and Ratings, only available before pitcher windup begins
  • Move Right Stick – Control the camera when viewing Defensive Positioning and Ratings

MLB The Show 23 pitching controls on PS4 and PS5

MLB The Show 23 Controls Guide for Batting, Pitching & More (8)

The complete MLB The Show 23 pitching controls on PS4 and PS5 are listed below with the applicable interface in parentheses. Any controls without an interface listed apply to all interfaces.

  • Press X, Circle, Triangle, Square, or R1 – Select Pitch
  • Move Left Stick – Select Pitch Location
  • Press X (Classic and Pulse) – Release Pitch
  • Press X (Meter) – First press begins the pitch, press again to stop cursor and release the pitch, yellow area of the meter provides higher accuracy and red part of the meter provides higher velocity
  • Move Right Stick (Pinpoint) – Trace the given design, better tracing makes more accurate and higher velocity pitches
  • Right Stick Down (Pure Analog) – Begin pitch and wait for cursor to reach the yellow line
  • Right Stick Up (Pure Analog) – Release pitch, timing with yellow line influences velocity and accuracy, direction stick is pointing left or right of targeted location when pushed up will influence lateral pitch placement as well
  • Press L1 + Circle – Intentional Walk
  • Press L1 + X – Pitch Out
  • Press R2 – Display Catcher’s Pitch Call / Pitch History
  • Hold L2 – Look at runner
  • Press L2 + X – Slide Step with runners on base
  • Press L2 + Circle – Pickoff to 1st Base
  • Press L2 + Triangle – Pickoff to 2nd Base
  • Press L2 + Square – Pickoff to 3rd Base
  • Hold L2 + Circle, Square, or Triangle – Deceptive Pickoff, same base buttons as standard pickoff
  • Press L1 – Step Off Mound
  • Press D-Pad Up – Open Quick Menu
  • Press D-Pad Down – Open Quick Shifts to adjust defensive positioning
  • Press D-Pad Left – Open Statcast to view pitching and batting breakdowns
  • Press D-Pad Right – View Player Card, attributes, and quirks for pitcher and hitter
  • Press R3 – View Defensive Positioning and Ratings, only available before selecting pitch type
  • Move Right Stick – Control the camera when viewing Defensive Positioning and Ratings

MLB The Show 23 fielding and throwing controls on PS4 and PS5

MLB The Show 23 Controls Guide for Batting, Pitching & More (9)

The complete MLB The Show 23 throwing and fielding controls on PS4 and PS5 are listed below with the applicable interface in parentheses. Any controls without an interface listed apply to all interfaces.

  • Move Left Stick – Move Player
  • Press L2 – Switch to player closest to the ball
  • Press Circle (Button & Button Accuracy) – Throw to 1st Base
  • Press Triangle (Button & Button Accuracy) – Throw to 2nd Base
  • Press Square (Button & Button Accuracy) – Throw to 3rd Base
  • Press X (Button & Button Accuracy) – Throw to Home Base
  • Press L1 (Button & Button Accuracy) – Throw to Cutoff
  • Release X, Circle, Triangle, Square, or L1 (Button & Button Accuracy) – Release throw button at blue marker in the green area of the meter for a perfect throw
  • Move Right Stick Right (Analog) – Throw to 1st Base
  • Move Right Stick Up (Analog) – Throw to 2nd Base
  • Move Right Stick Left (Analog) – Throw to 3rd Base
  • Move Right Stick Down (Analog) – Throw to Home Base
  • Press Base Button Again – If you have throw cancelling turned on in settings and the throwing motion is still in progress, press the initial base button a second time to cancel the throw or press a new base button to cancel and start a throw to a different base
  • Press R1 – Jump
  • Press R2 – Dive
  • Press R1 (One Button Interface Enabled) – Jump or dive based on CPU decision-making for what is best in that situation

MLB The Show 23 baserunning controls on PS4 and PS5

MLB The Show 23 Controls Guide for Batting, Pitching & More (10)

The complete MLB The Show 23 baserunning controls on PS4 and PS5 are listed below with the applicable interface in parentheses. Any controls without an interface listed apply to all interfaces.

  • Point Left Stick (Analog Select) – Move stick towards the runner you want to select
  • Press Circle, Triangle, Square, or X (Analog Select) – After selecting runner , press the base button you want them to advance towards
  • Tap Circle, Triangle, Square, or X (Button Select) – Press the button of the runner you want to select
  • Press D-Pad (Button Select) – After selecting runner, press the D-Pad in the direction of the base you want them to move towards
  • Press and Hold L1 – Advance all runners
  • Press and Hold R1 – Return all runners
  • Press R2 – Stop runner
  • Press and Hold L2 – Steal all runners
  • Select Runner then Press and Hold L2 – Steal with selected runner
  • Tap L1 – Lead off with all runners
  • Select Runner then Tap L1 – Lead off with selected runner
  • Hold and Release L2 – Steal early if released just before the pitcher begins windup
  • Hold L1 (RTTS / Player Lock Only) – Hold to initiate a slide while baserunning in RTTS or if player-locked
    • Move Right Stick Down (Slides at Bases) – Slide Straight in Feet First
    • Move Right Stick Up (Slides at Bases) – Slide Straight in Head First
    • Move Right Stick Left (Slides at Bases) – Slide with Hook to the Left
    • Move Right Stick Right (Slides at Bases) – Slide with Hook to the Right
    • Move Right Stick Down (Slides at Home) – Slide Straight in Feet First
    • Move Right Stick Up (Slides at Home) – Slide Straight in Head First
    • Move Right Stick Diagonally Down and Right (Slides at Home) – Slide Wide Right Feet First
    • Move Right Stick Diagonally Up and Right (Slides at Home) – Slide Wide Right Head First

That wraps up everything on Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PS4, and PS5 for players new and old. With the details in this MLB The Show 23 controls guide, you’ll have a proper foundation and something to reference at any time you need while working through this year’s game.

This post is also available in:

MLB The Show 23 Controls Guide for Batting, Pitching & More (2024)


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