Lo que tengo y me interesa. (2024)

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Junio 2024

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Lo que tengo y me interesa.



Tetsubun sasori


Lo que tengo:

A Stout Heart (Clan War Saga Foil) Foil HB 1
The Kaiu Walls (Clan War Saga Foil) Foil HB 1
Toturi is Drugged (Clan War Saga Foil) Foil HB 1
Golden Obi of the Sun Goddess (GE) (foil) Foil GE 1
New Year's Celebration (GE) (foil) Foil GE 1
The Soul of Shiba (GE) (foil) Foil GE 1
Twenty Goblin Winter (foil) Foil APC 1
Unavoidable Destiny (foil) Foil APC 1
City of Night (foil) Foil AOF 1
Kaiu Namboku (foil) Foil DA 1
Make Them Pay (foil) Foil DA 1
Toturi's Shrine (foil) Foil BB 2
Yasuki Palaces (BB) (foil) Foil BB 1
Consuming Darkness (foil) Foil FOU 1
Tsuno House Guard (foil) Foil FOU 1
Akodo's No-Dachi (foil) Foil H&E 1
Doji Okakura - exp (foil) Foil H&E 1
Kakita Soichi (foil) Foil H&E 1
Obsidian Mempo of Fu Leng (foil) Foil H&E 1
Tax Collection (foil) Foil H&E 1
Dark Soul Mask (foil) Foil WoC 1
Bayushi Kaukatsu (DE) (foil) Foil DE 1
Chrysanthemum Festival (DE) (foil) Foil DE 1
Doji Tanitsu - exp2 (foil) Foil DE 1
Gunsen of Water (DE) (foil) Foil DE 1
Jama Suru - exp (DE) (foil) Foil DE 1
Kisada's Shrine (DE) (foil) Foil DE 1
Mempo of the Void (DE) (foil) Foil DE 1
New Emerald Champion (DE) (foil) Foil DE 1
Purity of the Seven Thunders (DE) (foil) Foil DE 2
Shinjo Nakaga (foil) Foil DE 1
The Path of Wisdom (DE) (foil) Foil DE 1
Tribute to Your House (DE) (foil) Foil DE 1
Yogo Tjeki (DE) (foil) Foil DE 1
Yoritomo Masasue - exp (DE) (foil) Foil DE 1
Zin'tch (DE) (foil) Foil DE 1
Feared Duelist Promo APC 3
Hida's Shrine Promo DA 1
Dragon Puzzle Box Promo BB 2
Porcelain Mask of Fu Leng - exp Promo FOU 1
Barbican (foil) Promo CR 4
Cascading Fire (foil) Promo CR 1
Hida Shadaharu (foil) Promo CR 8
Isawa Mino (foil) Promo CR 2
Ono (foil) Promo CR 4
Recruiting Drive (foil) Promo CR 4
Shiba Technique (foil) Promo CR 1
The Damned (foil) Promo CR 4
Tsuruchi Technique (foil) Promo CR 1
Untested Troops (foil) Promo CR 1
Yoritomo Rui (foil) Promo CR 8
10 Koku card (Dynasty back) Promo SO 1
Bayushi Ryo Promo SO 2
Dark Oracle of Earth - exp Promo SO 1
Hida Utaemon Promo SO 1
Mirumoto Shiryu Promo SO 2
Moshi Mineko Promo SO 2
Kachiko's Kiss Promo PM 1
Kihei Promo PM 1
Warrens of the Nezumi (IH reprint) Promo PM 1
Wise Investment Promo PM 2
Wise Investment (foil) Promo PM 1
Ancestral Guidance (JE) Rare JE 1
Kuni Yori - exp (JE) Rare JE 1
Moshi Wakiza - exp (JE) Rare JE 1
Resist Magic (JE) Rare JE 1
Retreat (JE) Rare JE 1
Rise, Brother (JE) Rare JE 1
Samurai Warriors (JE) Rare JE 1
Yodin - exp (JE) Rare JE 1
Shiryo no Tsuko Rare HE1 1
Doubt Rare HE2 2
The Naga Akasha Rare HE4 1
Kuni Mokuna's Guide Rare HE5 1
One Life, One Destiny Rare HE5 1
Shrine of Osano-Wo Rare HE5 1
Retired Advisor Rare DJH 1
Toku - exp2 Rare DJH 1
Ancestral Guidance (PE) Rare PE 1
Architects of the Wall (PE) Rare PE 1
Led From the True Path (PE) Rare PE 1
Naka Kuro (PE) Rare PE 1
Night Medallion (PE) Rare PE 1
Retreat (PE) Rare PE 1
Rise of the Phoenix (PE) Rare PE 1
Samurai Cavalry (PE) Rare PE 1
Shinjo Yokatsu (PE) Rare PE 1
The Tao of the Naga (PE) Rare PE 1
The Touch of Amaterasu (PE) Rare PE 1
A New Teacher Rare HB 2
Bayushi Hisa - exp2 Rare HB 1
Dashmar - exp2 Rare HB 2
Firestorm Legion (HB) Rare HB 2
Forgotten Lesson Rare HB 1
Hoshi Wayan - exp Rare HB 2
Ninja Mystic - exp2 Rare HB 1
Palace of the Emerald Champion Rare HB 1
The False Tao Rare HB 1
The Head of My Enemy Rare HB 1
Thy Master's Will Rare HB 1
Toturi Sensei Rare HB 1
Ashlim - exp Rare AD 1
Bitter Destiny Rare AD 1
Ikudaiu - exp Rare AD 1
Mantis Marine Troops Rare AD 1
Shakoki Dogu Rare AD 1
Shiryo no Yasuki Rare AD 1
The Prophecies Rare AD 1
Gift of the Emperor Rare FS 1
Brothers in Blood Rare SE 1
Defenders of the Wall Rare SE 1
Hida Tsuru - exp Rare SE 1
Hoshi Wayan - exp2 (SE) Rare SE 1
Mukami - exp2 Rare SE 1
Question Without an Answer Rare SE 1
Seppun Toshiken - exp2 Rare SE 1
Tetsuya Sensei Rare SE 1
Tsunami Legion Rare SE 1
Where the Sun Walked Rare SE 1
Devastation of Beiden Pass Rare SW 2
Fields of the Sun Rare SW 1
A Samurai's Fury (GE) Rare GE 1
Kaede's Tears (GE) Rare GE 1
Kakita Kaiten - exp (GE) Rare GE 1
Kolat Master (GE) Rare GE 1
Proposal of Peace (GE) Rare GE 1
Retirement (GE) Rare GE 1
The Endless Well (GE) Rare GE 1
Isawa Hochiu - exp Rare APC 1
Unexpected Assault Rare APC 1
A New Legacy Rare AOF 1
An Error in Orders Rare AOF 1
Dirty Scum! Rare AOF 1
Doji Yasuyo - exp Rare AOF 1
Ki-Rin's Shrine - exp Rare AOF 1
Know the Truth Rare AOF 1
Miya Hatori Rare AOF 1
Moment in the Sun Rare AOF 1
Poetry Contest Rare AOF 1
Ruins of the Kappa Rare AOF 1
Seeking the Master Rare AOF 1
Sun-Tao's Tessen Rare AOF 1
Tsukune Ascends Rare AOF 1
Usagi Ozaki Rare AOF 1
Word of the Anvil Rare AOF 1
Word of the Bastard Rare AOF 1
Construction Crew Rare DA 1
Deep Earth Sanctum Rare DA 1
Gale Force Winds Rare DA 1
Kanbe no Shiryo Rare DA 1
Living Death Rare DA 1
Miya Gensaiken - exp Oni no Pekkle Rare DA 2
Pillaged Rare DA 1
Shiba's Shrine Rare DA 1
Asahina Sekawa - exp Rare BB 1
Perfect Silence Rare BB 3
Quest for Guidance Rare BB 2
The Dark Daughter's Caress Rare BB 2
The Steel Throne Rare BB 1
Toturi's Shrine Rare BB 2
Will of Air Rare BB 2
Consuming Darkness Rare FOU 1
Favor for a Favor Rare FOU 2
Fires of the Phoenix Rare FOU 2
Forgery Rare FOU 1
Hunting Cabin Rare FOU 1
Mystic Rare FOU 2
Precise Orders Rare FOU 1
Soshi Kyo - exp Rare FOU 2
Storm Legion Rare FOU 2
Tsutomu no Shiryo Rare FOU 3
Unquiet Spirits Rare FOU 1
Akodo's No-Dachi Rare H&E 1
Bayushi Tai - exp Rare H&E 1
Dark Oracle of the Void Rare H&E 1
Embrace the Elements Rare H&E 1
For the Clan Rare H&E 1
Goshiu no Shiryo Rare H&E 1
Hida Hitoshi - exp Rare H&E 1
Kokujin's Daisho Rare H&E 1
Lessons From Earth Rare H&E 1
Obsidian Mempo of Fu Leng Rare H&E 1
Shiba Mirabu - exp Rare H&E 1
Strange Travelers Rare H&E 1
Superior Stance Rare H&E 1
Tax Collection Rare H&E 1
Toshimoko no Shiryo Rare H&E 1
Tsuruchi Ichiro Rare H&E 1
Unexpected Strike Rare H&E 1
Wikk'thich-hie G'ni'ch Rare H&E 1
Akodo Tadenori - exp Rare WoC 1
Banner of Heroes Rare WoC 1
Damning Evidence Rare WoC 1
Dark Soul Mask Rare WoC 1
Doji Tanitsu - exp Rare WoC 2
Ichido no Shiryo Rare WoC 2
Isawa Fosuta Rare WoC 2
Kitsuki Kiyushichi Rare WoC 1
Kitsuki Mizuochi - exp Rare WoC 1
Kyuden Tonbo Rare WoC 1
Miya Shoin Rare WoC 2
Oblivion's Gate Rare WoC 1
Omoni - exp Rare WoC 1
Ox House Guard Rare WoC 1
The New Order Rare WoC 1
The Outer Darkness Rare WoC 1
Wait and See Rare WoC 1
Yasu no Shiryo Rare WoC 2
Air Dragon (DE) Rare DE 1
Ambush (DE) Rare DE 1
Assuming the Championship (DE) Rare DE 1
Bayushi Kaukatsu (DE) Rare DE 1
Bayushi Tsimaru Rare DE 1
Be Prepared to Dig Two Graves (DE) Rare DE 1
Blade of Secrets (DE) Rare DE 1
Blade of Truths (DE) Rare DE 1
Boundless Sight (DE) Rare DE 1
Chiang-Tsu (DE) Rare DE 1
Chukandomo (DE) Rare DE 1
Earth Dragon (DE) Rare DE 1
Empress's Guard (DE) Rare DE 2
Faith In My Clan (DE) Rare DE 1
Hida Reiha - exp (DE) Rare DE 1
Hoshi Wayan - exp2 (DE) Rare DE 1
Kakita Korihime Rare DE 1
Kakita Mai - exp Rare DE 1
Ki-Rin (DE) Rare DE 2
Kisada's Shrine (DE) Rare DE 2
Matsu Kenji (DE) Rare DE 2
My Enemy's Weakness (DE) Rare DE 1
New Emerald Champion (DE) Rare DE 2
Phoenix Library (DE) Rare DE 1
Purity of the Seven Thunders (DE) Rare DE 1
Scroll Cache (DE) Rare DE 1
Seppun Jin Rare DE 1
Shadowlands Bastion (DE) Rare DE 1
Shiba Ningen - exp (DE) Rare DE 1
Te'tik'kir - exp (DE) Rare DE 1
The Imperial Standard (DE) Rare DE 1
The Legion of Two Thousand (DE) Rare DE 1
The Mad Ronin Rare DE 1
Thuk-Kigi's War Machine (DE) Rare DE 1
Thunder Dragon (DE) Rare DE 1
Tribute to Your House (DE) Rare DE 1
Tsuruchi Hiro - exp Rare DE 1
Unicorn Marketeer (DE) Rare DE 2
Utaku Etsumi Rare DE 1
Void Dragon (DE) Rare DE 2
Water Dragon (DE) Rare DE 1
Yogo Tjeki (DE) Rare DE 1
Yoritomo's Kama (DE) Rare DE 2
Zin'tch (DE) Rare DE 1

Bueno, si ya habeis chiflado despues de mirar todo eso va lo que me interesa (esta vez es menos):

Tsi Smith (foil) Promo H&E 3
Shosuro Omezo (foil) Promo CR 3
Bayushi Ryo (foil) Promo SO 1
Celestial Sword of the Scorpion (foil) Promo SO 1
Scorpion Season Card Box Promo SO 1
Bayushi Goshiu (Pearl border) Promo PM 1
Crippling Blow Promo PM 3
Imperial Ambassador Promo PM 3
Bayushi Togai Rare IE 3
Bayushi Togai (OE) Rare OE 1
Poisoned Weapon (PE) Rare PE 1
Darkness Rising Rare H&E 2
Shrine to Daikoku Rare H&E 1
Storm Heart Rare WoC 2
The Four Winds March Rare WoC 2
Feign Death (DE) Rare DE 2
Ruby of Iuchiban (DE) Rare DE 1
Today We Die (DE) Rare DE 2
Yogo Ichiba Uncommon AOD 3
Bayushi Tasu Uncommon CJ 2
Shosuro Sadato Common CJ 3
Atarasi's Armor Fixed HR 1
Judgment Fixed HR 1

Bayushi Nobane

Scorpion Clan Ambassador of Gijon Shiro * Mamba Negra Clan Samurai * Tetsubun Sasori * Emerald Magistrate * Shosuro Keysha´s Wind * Loyal * Soul of Fernando Alonso

"El higado de mi enemigo es la mejor vaina para mi espada"

Dibujo de Bayushi Shizu.


Tetsubun sasori


Tetsubun sasori


Y tambien me interesan un par de written in blood.

Y bueno, tengo comunes e infrecuentes como para empapelar una casa.

Bayushi Nobane

Scorpion Clan Ambassador of Gijon Shiro * Mamba Negra Clan Samurai * Tetsubun Sasori * Emerald Magistrate * Shosuro Keysha´s Wind * Loyal * Soul of Fernando Alonso

"El higado de mi enemigo es la mejor vaina para mi espada"

Dibujo de Bayushi Shizu.


Tetsubun sasori


L5R España


Tengo un Kolat Recruiter y me interesa el Tribute to Your House.

Ya me dirás.

Oni no Pikachu. Phoenix Clan Shugenja. Experienced. Shadowlands. Pendelhaven Alliance. Acolyte of the Thunder. Master of the Void.


L5R España




Tengo algunas de las que necesitas, como los test of honor o los Togai. Ponte en contacto conmigo si te interesa comprar.

Aqui esta el listado de los más interesante que tengo:

Imperial Levying 8 EUR
Test of Honor 6 EUR
Crushing attack 3 EUR
Desperate Measures 10 EUR
Akodo Ginawa (sw) 6 EUR
Rise from the Ashes 5 EUR
Evil Portents 18 EUR
Arrival of the Emerald Champion 8 EUR
Void Dragon Exp 4 EUR
Water Dragon Exp 4 EUR
Thunder Dragon Exp 4 EUR
Dragon of Fire Exp 4 EUR
Earth Dragon Exp 4 EUR
Air Dragon Exp 4 EUR
Inheritance 10 EUR
Imperial: Ancestral sword of the Crane 10 EUR
Avoid Fate 5 EUR
Hidden Emperor 2 EUR
Imperial gift 8 EUR
Time of the void 12 EUR
Kolat Master 8 EUR
His Most Favored 10 EUR
Kolat Duplicate 10 EUR




Tetsubun sasori


Lo siento, pero por ahora no me interesa comprarlas.

Bayushi Nobane

Scorpion Clan Ambassador of Gijon Shiro * Mamba Negra Clan Samurai * Tetsubun Sasori * Emerald Magistrate * Shosuro Keysha´s Wind * Loyal * Soul of Fernando Alonso

"El higado de mi enemigo es la mejor vaina para mi espada"

Dibujo de Bayushi Shizu.


Tetsubun sasori




Nobane, estoy interesado en tu tribute tu your house, ambush, yoritomos kama y the legion of two thousand.

Tengo una judment y una atarasis armor de venta cambio.

Twenty goblin winter is near.





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Lo que tengo y me interesa. (2024)


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Author: Aron Pacocha

Last Updated:

Views: 6314

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (48 voted)

Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

Phone: +393457723392

Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.