Crispy Chicken Karaage Air Fryer Recipe in Less Than 15 Minutes (2024)

Crispy Chicken Karaage Air Fryer Recipe in Less Than 15 Minutes (1)

Written by Me on in Chicken, Recipes

Learn how to make crispy air fried karaage with the Ninja air fryer in under 15 minutes. Karaage (pronounced kah-rah-ah-geh) is a Japanese style deep fried marinated chicken dish that is crispy on the outside but juicy and bursting with flavor on the inside. It is a favorite at Izakayas and can be eaten as a main or side dish. Karaage is also served in obentos with shredded cabbage and a squeeze of lemon juice.

It is much healthier and easier to prepare Karaage in the air fryer compared to the traditional method of deep frying. The outer crust is still crispy and the chicken meat is tender and savory with sweetened soy, ginger, and garlic. To get the best taste, use fresh chicken thighs that are meatier and fattier. You can also use leaner cuts and a lighter spray of oil for a healthier option.

Pre-made Karaage Mix

I actually prefer preparing karaage with pre-made mix as it cuts the prep time down to 5 minutes. It is a fool proof alternative that tastes just as good as making it from scratch. When making it from scratch, your results can vary a bit depending on the brand of the raw ingredients. The pre-made mix cuts out the guess work. All you have to do is cut the chicken into bite size chunks, evenly coat the chicken meat with the mix, and spray a light coat of oil. The cooking time is the exactly same.

Below are two of my favorite mixes. I personally prefer the taste of the Kikkoman brand.

Crispy Chicken Karaage Air Fryer Recipe in Less Than 15 Minutes (2)Crispy Chicken Karaage Air Fryer Recipe in Less Than 15 Minutes (3) Crispy Chicken Karaage Air Fryer Recipe in Less Than 15 Minutes (4)Crispy Chicken Karaage Air Fryer Recipe in Less Than 15 Minutes (5)

Making Karaage from scratch

When making Karaage from scratch, the chicken is marinated in a sweet soy sauce and then dredged with potato starch. Potato starch is extremely light and can hold its crispness for quite some time. Dipping sauces are not necessary since the flavor is already embedded into the chicken meat. A squeeze of lemon juice is all that it needs. Also, rather than having whole chicken parts, the thighs are cut into small chunks which makes cooking times quick and easier to manage. The circulating heat in the air fryer also helps to cook the chicken evenly.

Air fryer chicken karaage ingredients


  • 1 Pound Boneless Chicken thighs


  • 2tbspSoy sauce
  • 2tbspMirin
  • 1tspGrated ginger
  • 1tspGrated garlic
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  • 4tbspPotato starch


  • Cut the chicken up into bite size pieces
  • Put the chicken into a ziploc bag along with the marinade ingredients: soy sauce, mirin, ginger, garlic, and salt and pepper.
  • Marinade the chicken in the refrigerator for at least an hour. Overnight is preferred.
  • Remove the excess marinade from the bag.
  • In a separate bowl or ziploc toss the chicken in the potato starch to give it a nice even coating.
  • Place the chicken in the air fryer on top of the wire rack and apply a light coating of oil spray so that there aren’t any dry potato starch spots left.
  • Set the air fryer to 390F for ten minutes. Flip the chicken half way through.

Crispy Chicken Karaage Air Fryer Recipe in Less Than 15 Minutes (6)

Air Fryer Chicken Karaage (Japanese Fried Chicken)

Learn how to cook Karaage with your air fryer.

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Prep Time 10 minutes mins

Cook Time 10 minutes mins

Course Appetizer, Main Course, Side Dish

Cuisine Japanese

Servings 4


  • Ninja Air Fryer



  • 1 Pound Chicken thighs


  • 2 tbsp Soy sauce
  • 2 tbsp Mirin
  • 1 tsp Grated ginger
  • 1 tsp Grated garlic
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  • 4 tbsp Potato starch


  • Cut the chicken up into bite size pieces

  • Put the chicken into a ziploc bag along with the marinade ingredients: soy sauce, mirin, ginger, garlic, and salt and pepper.

  • Marinade the chicken in the refrigerator for at least an hour. Overnight is preferred.

  • Remove the excess marinade from the bag.

  • In a separate bowl or ziploc toss the chicken in the potato starch to give it a nice even coating.

  • Place the chicken in the air fryer on top of the wire rack and apply a light coating of light olive oil spray so that there aren't any dry potato starch spots left.

  • Set the air fryer to 390F for ten minutes. Flip the chicken half way through.

Keyword Chicken, Chicken Karaage, Fried Chicken, Karaage

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Crispy Chicken Karaage Air Fryer Recipe in Less Than 15 Minutes (2024)


Why is my chicken not crisping in the air fryer? ›

Dry the outside of the food properly before you add oil. Do not use too much oil, as this will make the food less crispy and more fattening. Meat or poultry can be lightly brushed with oil or marinated to get the crispiest results.

How to crispy air fry? ›

However, a small amount of oil is usually necessary to achieve a crispy texture. A drizzle or a quick oil spray is all you need for restaurant-quality fries and golden brown fried chicken, while other foods don't need any oil, like pizza or leftovers you might reheat.

How long to air fry frozen karaage? ›

Air fry for approximately 5-6 minutes (from frozen) or 4 minutes (defrosted) or until cooked through. Oven Bake (Fan forced): Preheat oven to 170-180°C. Oven bake for approximately 15-20 minutes (frozen) or 8-10 minutes (defrosted) or until cooked through, turning halfway through cooking.

Does air fry make it crispy? ›

The air fryer is a great appliance to use for reheating or cooking food that has been frozen, according to Stephanie Pixley, the deputy food editor of America's Test Kitchen. The air fryer does a great job of making food crispy because of the convection function, Pixley said.

How do you keep food crispy in an air fryer? ›

However, adding a small amount of oil during the cooking process can really amplify the crispiness of your food. "Spraying with oil halfway through cooking makes for deliciously crispy foods," Riley told BI. "This works on most foods unless the item doesn't need spraying, like naturally greasy meats."

Should I put oil on chicken before air frying? ›

I've also noticed that when I fry chicken in the air fryer I don't need to brine it in buttermilk like I usually do. It's soooooo juicy! ALWAYS lightly coat chicken with oil or butter. I used olive oil.

Do you put oil on chicken before air frying? ›

Place half of the pieces in the basket of your air fryer. Try to ensure the pieces don't touch. Air needs to circulate around them. Spray the chicken pieces lightly with spray oil.

What is the best temperature to air fry chicken? ›

Air-Fryer Chicken Cooking Times and Temperatures
Type of ChickenAir Fryer TempTime on Side #1
breast, boneless, 8 oz.400°F10 minutes
breast, bone-in, 10 oz.400°F15 minutes
thigh, boneless, 4-5 oz.400°F10 minutes
thigh, bone-in, 5-6 oz.400°F15 minutes
4 more rows

What cannot be cooked in an air fryer? ›

7 Foods You Should Never Cook In Your Air Fryer
  1. Wet Batters. Those beer-battered onion rings, fries, fish cutlets, plus tempura veggies and more are not well suited for a crisp in the air fryer. ...
  2. Cheesy Items. ...
  3. Large, Bone-In Meat Cuts. ...
  4. Baked Goods. ...
  5. Greens. ...
  6. Raw Rice and Other Grains. ...
  7. Too Much of Anything.
Apr 14, 2023

Why is my karaage not crispy? ›

The trick to making a beautiful, crispy Karaage Chicken is the double fry and it's that second fry that makes it super crispy (some people even triple fry it).

How to cook frozen karaage chicken? ›

*For best results cook from frozen. Deep fry frozen Karaage at 170°C to 180°C (338°F to 356°F) for about 4 minutes and 30 seconds. Cook frozen Karaage in a pre-heated oven at 220°C (428°F) for about 12 minutes. Heat oil and pan fry frozen Karaage for 8-10 minutes with continuous turning.

What to eat with karaage chicken? ›

If you're wondering what karaage "goes with," you might be surprised to find that it's eaten pretty much the same way a chicken tender or nugget meal might be served abroad. Instead of fries and a side of steamed broccoli, karaage teishoku meals usually come with rice, miso soup, and cabbage.

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Overfilling the basket

If there is too much food in the basket, the air fryer will steam the food. To add to this, “overfilling the basket causes uneven cooking and browning, as well as undercooked soggy areas,” Fiona told To overcome this, cook food in batches or purchase an air fryer with a larger basket.

Can you crisp up crackling in air fryer? ›

Preheat the air fryer to 160°C then place the pork belly in the air fryer & cook for 30 minutes. Next, increase the temperature up to 200°C & air fry for an additional 10 minutes or until the crackling is crisp. Leave to rest for 10 minutes in a warm place before carving.

How to make crispy chicken after frying? ›

Proper cooling sets the crust and ensures that the chicken will have done all its carryover cooking. I like to cool any leftover chicken completely and then store in a paper towel-lined airtight container in the fridge. The paper towel absorbs condensation and keeps that chicken crisp for midnight snacking.


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